Chapter 1358 Anger

  Qin Zhao took a while to say: "No, it's not necessary, right?"

  He is so busy, he doesn't usually walk around in the harem, and wants to accompany her every day? How can he find time in the busiest time?

   "I can only strive to do it." Xiao Ce added: "Tomorrow I will take you to ride a horse in the Imperial Garden."

   "Huh?" Qin Zhao was a little confused when he heard the horse riding.

  She doesn't know how to ride, and Xiao Ce never took her to ride a horse in his previous life.

   "You don't like it?" Xiao Ce slowed down.

   "No, I don't know how to ride a horse." Qin Zhao blushed.

  Anyway, in her opinion, Xiao Ce is a typical workaholic, never having any free time. Even if there is a little time, it will be used to rest instead of wasting on such trivial things.

   "I can teach you, but on the first day of riding a horse, you must be fully prepared, and you are so delicate." Xiao Ce said, looking Qin Zhao up and down.

  She is so squeamish, to be honest, he is a bit reluctant to take her to suffer.

   "How can I be so delicate? Then it's settled, take me to ride a horse tomorrow." Qin Zhao said enthusiastically, from ear to ear.

  Her happiness is written all over her face, she looks beaming.

  Xiao Ce's heart became hot, and he felt that he should have taken her to do something she was interested in. She is not like an ordinary boudoir woman, she likes to be trapped.

   Fortunately, they are young, and there is still time to make up for many regrets from their previous lives.

  That night, because Qin Zhao was in a good mood, he took the initiative to please Xiao Ce and served Xiao Ce happily.

  Because they were going to ride a horse in Yuyuan the next day, the two didn't argue for too long.

  The next morning Qin Zhao made preparations early in the morning, and Xiao Ce came straight to Kunning Palace after he came down to court.

  Qin Zhao also heard Xiao Ce's footsteps early on, and ran out cheerfully to greet him.

  When Xiao Ce saw the person running towards him, he slowed down for a moment and stared blankly.

   This is the first time he saw Qin Zhao wearing a Hu suit.

  The Hu suit is light yellow, with bronzing cloud patterns embroidered on the chest and lapel. It was originally a very simple Hu suit, but it looks heroic when worn by Qin Zhao.

  She wears a jade belt around her waist and wears leather boots, making her waist appear slender and her legs slender.

  Today, for convenience, she tied her long hair into a simple long braid, which is simple and neat, but also dignified.

  Xiao Ce has seen all kinds of faces of Qin Zhao, but he has never seen such a heroic side of her. It was like a handsome young man standing in front of him, and she was obviously his little girl.

  Xiao Ce's eyes were hot, and his heart was hot. He couldn't move his eyes away from Qin Zhao's body, and finally fixed firmly on her bulging chest.

  Qin Zhao looked down following Xiao Ce's fiery gaze, and blushed suddenly: "Where is the emperor looking?"

  A fool who has never seen a woman before, how can he still be a wise and powerful, unfeminine king of Daqi?

   "It looks good." Xiao Ce held Qin Zhao's hand, and couldn't help but glance at her chest again.

  Suddenly itchy hands, what is going on when you want to do something about that position?

  Qin Zhao turned his eyes and glared at him, charmingly: "Don't look, Your Majesty!"

  He is not shy, but she is still embarrassed.

  The corners of Xiao Ce's lips raised, and he suddenly whispered in her ear, "I'll wear this tonight when I go to bed..."

  Qin Zhao thought she was a thick-skinned person, but she was willing to bow down to his teasing. She pretended that she didn't hear anything, and strode forward without his hand.

   "Qin Zhao, you heard me!" Xiao Ce followed closely behind.

  Qin Zhao touched his feverish earlobe, wondering how could Xiao Ce become like this?

  Xiao Ce chased after him again, whispering charmingly: "This is the imperial decree, Zhao Zhao has no choice but to obey it!"

  Qin Zhaobai glanced at him: "Didn't the emperor say that riding a horse on the first day would be very hard? I haven't started riding a horse yet, and I just want to exploit my concubines at night, and I don't know how to be sympathetic."

  Xiao Ce laughed softly, like jade beads falling on a plate, very nice to hear.

  Qin Zhao felt a little hot again for a while, and always felt that Xiao Ce's smile was so irritating.

  She deliberately quickened her pace, keeping her distance from Xiao Ce, so as not to be led astray by Xiao Ce again.

   When they reached the imperial forest garden, a groom brought Xiao Ce's imperial steed over. This horse is not ordinary at first glance, its coat color is pitch black, smooth and shiny, tall and big, when it sees Xiao Ce, it rubs against Xiao Ce's palm, it looks very cute.

  Qin Zhao's eyes were hot, and he wanted to touch it, but he was not too daring.

   Seeing this, Xiao Ce took her hand and touched it. The horse didn't recognize her, but just breathed on Qin Zhao with his nose, with an inexplicable sense of joy in his arrogant look.

   "Can I ride it?" Qin Zhao thought this horse was very beautiful.

   "Try." Xiao Ce did not stop.

  Qin Zhao had never ridden a horse before, and stood helpless in front of the horse.

   "Come on, step on the stirrups first. Don't put your feet into the stirrups too much, only use the front half of your feet to avoid slipping on the stirrups. Take your time, don't rush." ​​Xiao Ce said gently and patiently.

  Qin Zhao was nervous at first, but with Xiao Ce's help, he sat on the horse smoothly.

   "Yes, keep your back straight and don't hunch your back. As long as you get on the horse, you must hold on to the rein at all times." Xiao Ce explained the essentials of riding a horse while keeping a close eye on Qin Zhao, and still holding on to the rope.

  Qin Zhao used to think that riding a horse was a difficult task, but this time Xiao Ce personally taught her, so she thought it was a trivial matter.

  But she dared not run the horse, only dared to ride forward slowly.

   After staying for a long time, she felt that it was not exciting enough, not like riding a horse.

   "Can I run a horse?" Qin Zhao said enthusiastically.

  How dare Xiao Ce rest assured? This is his imperial horse. It looks docile on the surface, but it is a good horse for thousands of miles. Qin Zhao, a beginner, uses this horse to run a horse. It is not life-threatening.

   "I will accompany you." Xiao Ce jumped up and sat behind Qin Zhao.

  Qin Zhao was hugged upright by Xiao Ce, completely leaning in Xiao Ce's arms.

  She was excited when she heard Xiao Ce say: "I will accompany you to pick a pony to ride later."

  As soon as Xiao Ce finished speaking, he clamped the horse's belly, and the imperial horse galloped forward.

  Qin Zhao felt particularly exciting and laughed excitedly.

  Xiao Ce glanced at the laughing woman in his arms, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

  Xiao Ce took Qin Zhao for a few laps before slowing down.

  I didn’t feel it when I was riding the horse, but after running the horse, Qin Zhao got off the horse and found that the pain on both sides of his thigh was tight, and this was on the premise of taking preventive measures.

   "Are you okay?" Seeing Qin Zhao's strange walking posture, Xiao Ce asked with concern.

   "Very well, let's pick a horse, I want to ride it myself." Qin Zhao said enthusiastically.

  Xiao Ce was worried about her legs: "Why not next time, it's your first time riding a horse today, don't go too far."

   "Then choose the horse assembly first?" Qin Zhao didn't want to go back like this.

  Xiao Ce couldn't resist her, so he took her to the stable. After careful selection, Qin Zhao finally fell in love with a black horse with a tuft of red hair on its head.

  This horse is not as tall as Xiao Ce's royal horse, and its temperament is more docile. It is just suitable for beginners like Qin Zhao.

  (end of this chapter)

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