Seeing Chu Hao walk in surrounded by everyone, Hayakawa Ichiro's face was even more ugly than eating.

Just now he was still mocking Chu Hao for not coming back, who knows, Chu Hao is coming back!

This face, it hurts so much!

The most uncomfortable thing is that he can't ask Hatano Sanji how he is!

Otherwise, it will be confirmed that he and Hatano Sanji are guilty of collusion.

When the time comes, under the lawsuit of lawyer Qi, he will be finished!

This is something he doesn't want to see.

Hatano Mountain will die if he is killed, keep himself here, and he is not afraid of no firewood!

Liu Qin looked at the live broadcast room and said excitedly.

"Did you see it, Master Chu is back!"

"Ichiro Hayakawa's lies are self-defeating!"

As soon as these words came out, the live broadcast room instantly boiled.

"Hahaha! I'll just say, Master Chu is out of the horse, what else can't be done?"

"Master Chu is awesome! Look at Ichiro Hayakawa's expression, hahaha, it's like eating!"

"Let him be arrogant! He deserves it! Now, Hayakawa Ichiro's Star Academy can't be saved! Hahaha!"

"I don't know what Master Chu will do if he asks for that Star Academy! I always feel that Master Chu has bad intentions!

"That's for sure! Don't forget, Master Chu is a feng shui physiognomy master! If Master Chu arranges something in the Star Academy, then he can't kill the Saber Tower? Jiuju has no place to cry!"

"Master Chu is so bad, but I like it!


Walking up to Ichiro Hayakawa, Ryukoto asked.

"Hayakawa Ichiro, this third round of the duel, Master Chu won!

"Just now, you kept saying that you were ready to transfer control of the Star Academy!"

"Millions of netizens can testify!"

"I ......"

Hayakawa Ichiro was about to refute, but when he saw Chu Hao coming over, he was stunned.

"I ...... I'm okay with that!"

"That's okay!" Liu Qin changed his words and said, "Congratulations to Master Chu, you won all three rounds of duels!"

"Lawyer Qi, I'll leave it to you next!"

Lawyer Kai took the contract and walked over with the staff of the notary office.

"According to the content of the contract, Hayakawa Ichiro must transfer the Star Academy to Mr. Chu before 24 o'clock today!"

"Otherwise, you will be fined 20% more for every hour of delay!"

At this moment, Hayakawa Ichiro couldn't sit still.

He also thought that if he could delay it for a day, it would be a day, and it would be impossible to drag it out until the end.

Who knows, Lawyer Qi is so amazing.

One hour, 20%!

At the end of this day, how many times must it not be multiplied?

"Lawyer Qi, you're not right, this is too much! When is this happening, are the relevant departments still working?"

"Besides, there are hundreds of people in my Star Academy! and equipment worth millions ......."

"Even if I move, it will take time!"

Lawyer Qi glanced at him and said in a cold tone.

"That's what it says on the contract! You sign it, and someone from the notary office can testify!"

Hayakawa Ichiro said urgently: "But ......"

"I'm sorry Ichiro Hayakawa, no, you don't need to worry, they'll be working!"

Lawyer Qi interrupted him without hesitation.

"Hayakawa Ichiro, don't worry about carrying something!" Chu Hao smiled and said, "A small matter of a few hundred yuan, I will give it to you!"

"Hire a special moving company, and get it done in an hour!"

"You...... Ahem!"

Hayakawa Ichiro was so angry that he choked on himself.

Chu Hao leaned down and whispered in Hayakawa Ichiro's ear.

"Hayakawa Ichiro, I didn't kill Hatano Sanji! I told him that you betrayed him!"

"He said he would go find you himself!"

As soon as he heard this, Hayakawa Ichiro's face changed abruptly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

He knew how vicious Hatano Sanji was.

If the other party really believes Chu Hao's words, then he ......

Thinking of this, he shuddered.

"Master Chu, you're joking, when did I betray him?"

"Oh, that means you're in a relationship with him?"

"I ...... I have nothing to do with him! I swear!"

Seeing that Hayakawa Ichiro's face turned pale with fright, Chu Hao smiled.

"Hahaha! Hayakawa Ichiro, don't be afraid! I'll tease you!"

Smiling, Chu Hao changed his words.

"At that time, Hatano Sanji was sucked by yin qi and died a very miserable death! He said, will you avenge him?"

Facing Chu Hao's inquiry, the corners of Hayakawa Ichiro's eyes twitched fiercely, and then he sneered.

"Master Chu, don't tease me! I have nothing to do with Hatano Sanji!"

Looking at Hayakawa Ichiro, Chu Hao smiled and said, "Really?"

Ichiro Hayakawa had a resolute expression.

"That must be true! He can't die, he has nothing to do with me! This kind of scumbag, I wish he died!"

"Hahaha! That's good! You're tied up here. "

Patting him on the shoulder, Chu Hao left.

In just one minute, Hayakawa Ichiro was so frightened by Chu Hao that his back was soaked.

At this moment, he regretted it.

I knew that Chu Hao was so terrible, and I didn't dare to kill Chu Hao!

Now, it's too late to regret it.

Seeing that the dust had settled, Liu Qin said to the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Friends and viewers, this is the end of this live broadcast!"

"Let's cheer for Master Chu together!"

After saying that, she cut off the live broadcast.

"Master Chu, congratulations!"

"Master Chu, congratulations on winning a Star Academy!"

Relevant staff came over one after another and said hello to Chu Hao.

Chu Hao also responded to them politely.

At this time, Chen Yuewan walked over and said with a smile.

"Master Chu, it's time to eat!"

"Let's go to dinner!"

As soon as they heard that they could eat with Chu Hao at the same table, everyone was excited.

Smelling the wafting fragrance, Ichiro Hayakawa was so hungry that his stomach "gurgled".

Swallowing a big gulp of saliva, Ichiro Hayakawa shouted cheekily.

"Hey, I've been hungry all day, can you give me a bite to eat!"

But as if they had not heard, they ate with great joy.

"You're abusing me like this! If you don't give me food, forget it, so you can untie me up!"

Lawyer Qi turned his head and said in a solemn tone.

"Hayakawa Ichiro, I have evidence to suspect that you have violent tendencies! I tied you up for your own good! lest you hurt other people!"

"Why do you turn a blind eye to such good intentions?"

Hayakawa Ichiro was so angry that his face turned green: "I'll circle you and plug it!"

Lawyer Qi sighed lightly and ignored him.


An hour and a half later, this sumptuous meal from a five-star hotel finally came to an end.

Everyone chatted in the living room first, Chen Yuewan took Chu Hao to the side, and then handed over a card with a solemn expression.

"Master Chu, there are 10 million here!"

Chu Hao was about to refuse, but Chen Yuewan hurriedly persuaded him.

"Luoxue is my only relative, you have saved Luoxue in danger many times, this kindness, I can't repay it in my life!"

"Please be sure to do it! Otherwise, my daughter and I will not be at ease!"

Seeing Chen Yuewan so pleading, Chu Hao showed a hint of embarrassment, and then put the card in his pocket.

"Master Chu, I still have 10 million ...... here"

Chu Hao was stunned for a moment, and he was going to give himself money again? He was a little embarrassed.

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