Xia Changming stood proudly in the sky, his hands behind his back, his robe fluttering in the wind, his face calm and composed, he muttered softly:

"Unparalleled Sword Decision: Ten Thousand Swords!"

Instantly, the Emperor Sword suspended beside Xia Changming exuded an astonishing and sharp sword power! The overflowing sword energy did not dissipate, but gathered into shape, and the sword energy turned into a transparent and sharp sword!

In a moment, tens of thousands of sword energy blades floated behind Xia Changming, each sword energy blade was wrapped in a layer of spiritual power, faintly emitting a faint fluorescence, the sword light was sharp, and the sword power was unparalleled.

Xia Changming stood in front of the ten thousand swords, looking down on the world and towering in the sky like a sword immortal!

Su Yueli looked at the beautiful eyes below, and inadvertently opened her red lips slightly.

This sword move was the first time she saw Xia Changming perform it.

Looking at the sharp sword energy blades covering the sky, she couldn't help but be shocked.

Did he hold back when he attacked her before...

If it was her, could she take the ten thousand sword blades?

Cai Bi stood in front of the ten thousand swords, his heart was horrified.

He could even... He clearly felt the pressure of tens of thousands of swords pointing directly at him, as if every blade of sword energy was hanging in his heart, which made him tremble in his heart and cold sweat flow down his forehead. Is the inheritance of the sword immortal in the ancient world really so terrifying?!

This kid must not stay for long!

Cai Bi was determined to kill Xia Changming.

He had already spent his blood and energy to perform the ghost curtain, and the fierce souls refined on his body were basically burned by Su Yueli.

If he chose to retreat at this time, he would not only get nothing, but also be seriously injured. It would be difficult to take the opportunity to kill Xia Changming and Su Yueli in the future!

Now the arrow is on the string and it has to be shot.

Moreover, his ghost curtain borrowed countless powerful residual souls in the secret realm, and the fierce souls are countless!

His ten thousand souls may not lose to Xia Changming's ten thousand swords!

Seeing that the number of ten thousand swords behind Xia Changming was increasing, Cai Bi no longer hesitated, waved his arm, and endless fierce souls pounced on Xia Changming with fangs and claws.

""Ghost Curtain·Rakshasa Ghost Hand!"

Cai Bi reached into the clouds, and a huge ghost hand made up of countless evil spirits suddenly emerged from the black vortex covering the sky, and grabbed Xia Changming along with the thousands of souls.

Xia Changming did not move his hands at all, looking at the Rakshasa Ghost Hand and the surging thousands of souls, and said coldly:

"Ten thousand swords, fast!"

""Swish! Swish! Swish!"

The thousands of sword blades behind Xia Changming flew out at high speed, turning into rainbow lights!

Tens of thousands of red lights streaked across the sky, like bright meteors under the night sky. The scene was extremely magnificent and dazzling, illuminating the dark sky.

The fluorescent sword blades and the dark and ferocious evil spirits invaded each other. For a while, the evil spirits in the sky wailed and screamed continuously.

Each sword blade was rampant in the evil spirit tide like chopping melons and vegetables. Wherever the sword light passed, the evil spirits were pierced and killed!

Dozens of evil spirits barely consumed a sword blade. Cai Bi was terrified by the sword's might, and the number of fierce souls was quickly devoured by the sword energy.

The sword blade condensed by the sword energy was so powerful!

Fortunately, he had enough fierce souls, and the advantage was on him! If he continued to consume them like this, I would win!

Cai Bi originally thought so.

But when he glanced at Xia Changming triumphantly, he widened his eyes in shock.

He saw that the spiritual power of heaven and earth continued to gather towards Xia Changming's body and mind. Xia Changming's body was like an endless black paulownia, greedily absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth.

And behind him, the endless sword energy The blades condensed again!

Each condensed sword blade quickly joined in the killing of the fierce soul!

What kind of secret technique is this?

He had never seen a secret technique that could absorb the spirit of heaven and earth so domineeringly.

As long as the spiritual power of heaven and earth is not exhausted, Xia Changming will have endless spiritual power for him to use!

Could this secret be obtained in this secret realm of immortal fate?

Cai Bi's eyes were filled with shock, and he was both frightened and salivating over this peerless secret technique. If he had this secret technique to absorb the spirit of heaven and earth, combined with his soul-changing technique... , why worry about not being able to break through the Tianzun realm and step into the supernatural realm!

No! Given time, the supernatural realm will not be able to limit him!

Cai Bi manipulated the huge ghost hand to grab Xia Changming, his eyes fanatical.

Xia Changming sneered, raised the Emperor Immortal Sword, and the giant sword instantly condensed into shape, and the sky-shaking sword fell instantly!

Now he is more and more comfortable with the use of the sky-shaking sword, and can use it at will.

The Rakshasa ghost hand tried to catch the falling sky-shaking power, but unexpectedly the giant sword went straight into the arm along the palm, splitting the entire arm vertically in two!

"Ah, ah, ah!"

Cai Bi felt a sharp pain in his arm, and he quickly pulled his arm back from the clouds.

The Rakshasa ghost hand was connected to his arm, and this sword of the sky was firmly cut on his arm! His arm was already spasming and shaking, and bleeding!

Xia Changming tightly grasped the Emperor Immortal Sword, and threw it with all his strength, throwing the Emperor Immortal Sword into the center of the black vortex in the sky.

The Emperor Immortal Sword cut through the sky and sank directly into it, cutting through the black curtain covering the sky all the way, like clearing the clouds to see the sun, and the sky became bright again. The soul-calling flag hidden between the clouds as the core of the formation was also cut off by a sword as the formation was broken!

"How can it be!"

"My soul-calling banner…!"

Cai Bi was horrified.

That was a magical weapon!

It was cut off by a sword!

How powerful is this sword!

Without the ghost curtain, all the evil spirits dissipated back into the dust, and the only magical weapon in his hand was also shattered. Cai Bi knew he was no match for the enemy, so he dodged behind him decisively.

Want to escape?

Xia Changming's eyes condensed, and the thousands of swords in the sky instantly turned into streams of light and flew away.

Cai Bi turned around and hurriedly opened the soul barrier to block.

Several sword blades were inserted into the barrier. As the number of sword blades inserted into the barrier increased, it was no longer able to support it and shattered! The remaining sword blades pierced through Cai Bi's body one by one, piercing his body with holes!

"Xia Changming! I will never give up!"

After his body was destroyed, Cai Bi's soul quickly left his body and fled into the distance.

Generally speaking, after death, the soul will either dissipate into the world or remain where it is. Only those who have reached a certain level and practiced the method of soul can make the soul leave the body and escape on their own.

Xia Changming frowned, holding the Emperor Immortal Sword and turned into a divine rainbow to chase after him.

If Cai Bi's soul escapes this time, who will it be transferred to?

If he chooses to hide, it may be difficult to find him again.

Before leaving, he left a message to Su Yueli:

"Madam, I'll leave An Ning in your care for now."

As soon as Su Yueli opened her red lips, Xia Changming disappeared into the sky, making Su Yueli frown.

This guy is getting more and more like ordering her around!

At this time, Zhou An Ning, who had arrived late, saw Xia Changming's figure going away, and heard what Xia Changming said. She timidly called out to Su Yueli:

"Sister Su..."

For some reason, Zhou An Ning always felt a lot of pressure when facing Su Yueli.

Even though she had obtained the Immortal Lord's inheritance, she still felt this way...

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