"Xie family, disappear!"

Cai Hui waved his sleeves, and the ghosts and spirits devoured Xie Ye and Xie Hualing.

Xie Ye took Xie Hualing by the hand, and the brother and sister looked calm, ready to die bravely.

He knew that the Cai family's ambition would not succeed in the end!

The only regret in his heart was that he could not see the moment when the Cai family was destroyed.

At this moment, a beautiful figure quietly descended in front of him, waved her jade arm, and the claws tore the souls, and the ghosts and spirits were instantly torn to pieces!

"Madam Xia!"

Xie Ye was delighted when he saw the person coming and exclaimed.

Su Yueli's pretty face turned cold when she heard the words. She turned sideways and asked Xie Ye with a murderous look:

"What did you call me just now?"

""Uh... Lady Empress..."

Feeling the invisible killing intent from Su Yueli, Xie Ye changed his words weakly. He couldn't help but say in fear:

This demon empress is really scary...

He didn't say anything, why is she suddenly unhappy...

Is it offensive to call her Madam Xia?

Cai Hui was shocked when he saw Su Yueli coming.

It is rumored that the strength and talent of this new demon empress are also extremely terrifying. According to the news, she is probably also a Tianzun realm strongman!

The ancestor said that Xia Changming and Su Yueli would be handed over to him personally.

Before the ancestor arrives, stay away from his edge for the time being!

""Hello, Lady Empress. I wonder why the Lady Empress of the demon race wants to interfere in the affairs of our human race?"

Cai Hui respectfully bowed to Su Yueli and greeted her.

Su Yueli looked at him coldly and gave a very simple and reasonable reason.

"The Cai family once provoked this emperor"

"And this emperor doesn't like you."

"So, you have to die!"

Su Yueli originally planned to leave directly, but she thought of the Cai family who had provoked her before, so she turned back.

It was not because of the alliance between the Xia family and the Xie family that she rescued Xia Changming for his sake.

Cai Hui was shocked when he heard this, and cold sweat ran down his forehead. He had already cursed Cai Kun a hundred or eighty times in his heart, and hurriedly apologized:

"The Cai family has offended us many times before, and we hope that Her Majesty the Empress will forgive us. I am willing to apologize to Her Majesty the Empress on behalf of the Cai family!"

"Make amends? Sure!"

"Pay with your life!"

Su Yueli's cold eyes were horizontal, and without saying a word, the fox tail behind her slapped down!

As the queen of the demon clan, it was reasonable for her to kill someone!

Cai Hui's eyes widened. He didn't expect Su Yueli to be so unreasonable. He quickly raised his crutches to block this mountain-like blow!

The ground under his feet instantly sank and cracked, and his feet were almost deeply embedded in the deep pit!

There were cracks on the crutches in his hand!

"Empress! If you kill me, the ancestor of the Cai family will definitely not let you go!"

Cai Hui hurriedly brought up the name of the ancestor of the Cai family, hoping to shock Su Yueli.

Just now, Su Yueli's seemingly random attack almost took his life.

If he hit him again, he would definitely be shattered to pieces!

However, Cai Hui's words not only did not make Su Yueli let go, but made Su Yueli frown and her face became colder.

She hated being threatened the most!

"A mere ant dares to threaten me. Get out of my sight!

Su Yueli announced Cai Hui's death sentence in a cold tone.

""Wait, wait a minute!"

Cai Hui shouted in fear.

However, Su Yueli ignored him, and the second tail swept across and whistled.

Cai Hui was hit in the waist and flew away, his body was shattered!

He fell to the ground with only one breath left, and when he looked up, the fox tail hit him hard!

When Su Yueli retracted the tail, there was only a pool of blurred flesh and blood in the deep pit.

Su Yueli swung her tail, and all the flesh and blood stained on it splashed on the ground, and the tail returned to its white, dust-free state.

From beginning to end, Su Yueli stood there elegantly, with her arm on her cheek, and her body did not move at all. It was not until Cai Hui died that Su Yueli stretched out her slender hand and threw out a ball of dark green flame.


Cai Hui's soul wailed in shock, and was burned up bit by bit by the ghost fire.

The other disciples of the Cai family did not recover until Cai Hui died. They looked at Su Yueli with fear, and then turned around and fled without hesitation.

Su Yueli looked indifferent, and slashed with her slender hand. Five claw blades that cut through the sky instantly killed all the fleeing people!

In an instant, bright red blood flowers bloomed in the air!

Xie Ye and Xie Hualing were watching from behind, their hearts trembling.

The elite of the Cai family, including the great elder Cai Hui who was in the middle stage of the Heavenly Man Realm, were killed so casually.!

When Su Yueli turned around and looked at Xie Ye and Xie Hualing, and her cold and charming eyes met their gaze, Xie Ye almost thought he was dead.

Su Yueli wouldn't kill them as well, would she?

Without Xia Changming by Su Yueli's side, she always felt that Su Yueli was far more dangerous and cold than the previous times they met.

At this moment, she was more like the bloody and murderous demon queen in the rumors!

Fortunately, Xie Ye's worries were unfounded. Su Yueli did not intend to attack them and walked straight towards them.

Xie Ye breathed a sigh of relief and turned around to thank Su Yueli:

"Thank you, Lady Empress, for saving my life!"

This time he didn't dare to call Madam Xia again...

Su Yueli glanced coldly, and when she was about to leave, a figure slowly walked out from behind the tree.

The person who came was very young, with a very gloomy and evil face, and a very uncomfortable temperament.

Su Yueli had seen this person once in the palace.

Cai Jie, the eldest son of the Cai family.

At that time, she didn't care, and didn't look at him straight in the eye. Now that she saw him, she realized that this person was not simple at all!

The aura and spiritual power on his body were extremely concealed, and at this distance she didn't even notice that he was hiding here!

Cai Bi looked at Su Yueli with a strange smile on his face, his eyes greedy and hot.

What he coveted was not Su Yueli's body, but her soul!

"The Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit in the early stage of the Heavenly Venerable Realm is rare in the world."

"If I can absorb and refine your soul, transcending the shackles of the Heavenly Venerate Realm will no longer be a fantasy!"

"Maybe I can refine an excellent nine-tailed demon soul for me to use!"

After entering the secret realm, Cai Bi did not rush to find Xia Changming, but sensed the breath of Su Yueli's attack.

He followed secretly all the way.

Seeing that Su Yueli and Xia Changming did not act together, it was a godsend!

If he could refine Su Yueli's soul first, he would not be afraid even if he faced Xia Changming alone!

Su Yueli stared at Cai Bi with a serious expression.

If he could make her unable to detect it, then this person must be at least a strong man in the same Tianzun realm as her!

"You two, if you don't want to die, leave quickly."

Su Yueli said to Xie Ye and Xie Hualing without turning back.

Xie Ye also knew that the next battle was definitely not something they could get involved in. If they were slightly affected, they might die here, so he quickly bowed and retreated.

"Thank you, Her Majesty!"

"I'll go inform Brother Xia right away!"

After saying that, Xie Ye took Xie Hualing and fled into the jungle.

Su Yueli's eyebrows trembled slightly.

Why did she tell Xia Changming about her situation?

Did she think she was still no match for him?

She wasn't weak enough to need Xia Changming's protection!

At this moment, Su Yueli's pretty face was cold and murderous!

She vowed to vent all her anger on Cai Bi!

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