"Faster! Faster!"

"Xia Ming, hurry up and catch up!"

In the woods, Xia Ruobing led Xia Ming and three other elders and disciples to shuttle quickly, with a look of anxiety and panic, turning his head from time to time to look behind him.

"Sister Ruobing, I, I can't do it anymore…"

""Don't worry about me, just run away!"

Xia Ming stopped panting and said to Xia Ruobing.

After running at full speed day and night for two consecutive days, his spiritual power was exhausted and his body was tired.

"No! How can I leave you here!"

"I'll carry you on my back!"

Xia Ruobing frowned and turned around to signal Xia Ming to come up.

Xia Ming shook his head firmly.

"Sister Ruobing, you can’t run away if you carry me on your back!"

"You go first! I'll stay and buy you some time!"

"Let’s go together!"

"The Xia family will not give up on anyone!"

Another handsome man turned around and said with a firm gaze.

The resolute man next to him echoed:

"Haoran is right! At worst, I can fight to the death with that bastard Wang Teng!"

"I don't believe that I can't skin him off before he dies!"

"But...but I'm so scared..."

The last petite woman said timidly

"Don't be afraid, Jiao'er, we will be fine."

Xia Ruobing comforted the petite girl.

But she didn't look as relaxed as she said it, her brows were furrowed.

At first, the five-member team entered the secret realm very smoothly, and they killed several extraordinary beasts together, and even killed a celestial beast together. They benefited a lot from practicing in the secret realm, and they had the experience of life and death together.

However, two days ago, they happened to meet the Wang family, and the leader was the murderous pervert, Wang Teng!

In order to save their lives, the five people have been desperately running for two days and two nights.

Everyone was already exhausted.

"Ruobing, listen to me, let's fight Wang Teng together!"

Xia Zhengqing said angrily again.

Xia Ruobing rejected Xia Zhengqing's proposal without even thinking about it.

The five of them could never be Wang Teng's opponent!

If they all stayed, it would only increase the casualties.

"You go! I stay!"

"My cultivation is the highest, so I should be able to hold Wang Teng back for a while."

After some thought, Xia Ruobing said to everyone with a firm look in his eyes

"No way!"

Everyone immediately rejected it in unison.

Xia Ruobing was still trying to persuade them, but suddenly she felt a chill on her back, and Wang Teng's voice suddenly rang out from behind her.

"If you ask me, you don't have to argue anymore, because you all have to stay!"

Wang Teng stood on the tree branch, looking down at everyone.

The tiger-headed golden knife on his waist was particularly eye-catching.

Behind him, there were dozens of Wang family disciples, who had surrounded Xia Ruobing and others.

"I'm looking for Xia Changming. Do you know where he is?"

"Whoever tells it first, I can make him die more painlessly!"

Wang Teng said coldly to everyone.

Since entering the secret realm, he has been looking for Xia Changming's figure. For this reason, he has accumulated murderous intent for a long time and has never released it.

It's not easy to meet a few people from the Xia family. Of course, he has to have fun with them and enjoy the fun of hunting!

Xia Ruobing raised his eyebrows and said coldly:

"We don't know where the owner went."

"Even if I knew, I would never tell you!"

Wang Teng frowned and looked at Xia Ruobing, his murderous intent was revealed, and suddenly he grinned.

It was confusing and impossible to guess what he was thinking.

"Very good, very few people dare to talk to me like this"

"Are all the people in your Xia family so interesting?"

"What's your name?"

Wang Teng asked Xia Ruobing

"Xia Ruobing!"

Xia Ruobing replied without fear

"Okay, I like you."

"Before I get Xie Hualing, let me play with you first!"

"You have to be able to stand the teasing, otherwise I will be very disappointed!"

Wang Teng showed a cruel smile, his spiritual power was violent, and a black dragon demon shadow appeared behind him!

He closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his eyes had turned into a pair of gray vertical pupils!

The rumors are true!

The Wang family actually has the blood power of the dragon and tiger monsters!

Xia Ruobing's eyes were solemn, and he called everyone to prepare for resistance.

Wang Teng grinned, revealing two fangs in his mouth, and sneered at Xia Ruobing and the others.

"They are all mine"

"No one of you is allowed to take action!"

"I will kill anyone who dares to attack without permission!"

Wang Teng turned around and threatened the Wang family disciples.


The Wang family disciples dared not refute and retreated to the periphery.

"So... who should start first?"

Wang Teng's eyes swept over Xia Ruobing and his group, and finally stopped at Xia Ming.

"Grandmaster Peak…"

"What I hate most is seeing weak bugs in front of me"

"The weak do not deserve to live in this world!"

After saying that, Wang Teng disappeared from the branch in an instant!

Before Xia Ming could react, a claw attacked him in the face!

"Xia Ming!"

At the critical moment, Xia Ruobing pushed Xia Ming away in time, but her shoulder was deeply embedded by Wang Teng's claws, and her shoulder bone was crushed!


""Sister Ruobing!"

Everyone shouted hurriedly, and used their strongest skills to attack Wang Teng!

A flying sword as fast as a meteor rushed to Wang Teng's eyebrows. Xia Zhengqing rushed to Wang Teng like a giant bull, and hit him in the chest with a powerful blow! The flowers in the sky were shining silver, and each petal was as sharp as a blade and swept quickly in the air!

Dozens of tough fairy vines sprang out from under Wang Teng's feet, locking his whole body tightly!

Xia Ruobing took the opportunity to withdraw, condensed her hands, and the sword was in the air. In a moment, an ice sword attached by ice was suspended in the air.

The air around them suddenly dropped dozens of degrees, and the ground was quietly frost!

The tacit understanding between the five people was already very good.

Wang Teng's mouth corners slightly raised, and he sneered.

He opened his mouth and roared with a dragon's roar, and the momentum shocked all directions. He actually directly shook the flying sword away, the silver flowers were shaken away, and the fairy vines under his feet were shattered! Xia

Zhengqing, who was closest, had blood in his ears. He was shaken away dozens of meters away, spitting blood and falling to the ground

""Ice Sword!"

Xia Ruobing's eyes condensed, and she manipulated the Ice Sword to fly out in a high spin!

Wang Teng stood still, and when the Ice Sword approached him, he grabbed it with both hands, and grabbed the bone-chilling Ice Sword in his palms.

He crushed the Ice Sword with all his strength!

Xia Ruobing was shocked.

Wang Teng took the opportunity to rush in front of her and punched her in the chest!


Xia Ruobing spat out blood and fell to the ground on his back.

"Sister Ruobing!

Xia Ming hurried to Xia Ruobing's side and helped her up.

""Let's go..."

Xia Ruobing said vaguely.

Feeling Xia Ruobing's body weakening, Xia Ming was filled with grief and indignation.

""Brother Haoran, Brother Zhengqing, Sister Jiaoer, come here quickly!"

Xia Ming hurriedly shouted to the others.

When everyone gathered, Xia Ming quickly took out a talisman from his spiritual ring, injected spiritual power into it, and pressed it on the ground.

In an instant, a blue spiritual power barrier rose up, wrapping everyone in it.

"Humph! You don’t think this thing can protect you, do you?"

Wang Teng smiled contemptuously, clenched his dragon claws, and grabbed the spiritual barrier heavily!

After a fierce spiritual collision between the spiritual barrier and Wang Teng’s claws, Wang Teng was actually shaken back.

Everyone in the Wang family was stunned.

Wang Teng didn’t even break the spiritual barrier with one blow?

Even Wang Teng himself was slightly stunned, and instead of being angry, he laughed:

"Hahahaha, it was me who underestimated this broken cover!"

"This is interesting, let me have a little more fun!"

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