While Xia Changming's consciousness was immersed in another world, Zhou An Ning and Lang Ya, who were protecting him outside, had already welcomed the uninvited guests.

Wang Tian led a group of Wang family disciples and entered the cave late.

He was attracted by Xia Changming's sword from a distance, and happened to see Xia Changming in a state of trance.

He guessed that he should be receiving the inheritance of the Immortal Lord.

Xia Changming already has such abnormal strength. If he is allowed to obtain the inheritance of the Immortal Lord, that would be disastrous!

The plans of the Cai and Wang families are at the most critical moment now, and there is no room for any mistakes.

While Xia Changming is unable to resist, he must be stopped!

Wang Tian's face was solemn, and he said to Zhou An Ning who was standing in front of him:

"I recognize you. You are the son of the third prince of Tianzhou, His Highness Zhou Anning"

"Your Highness, you'd better get out of the way. I don't want to kill you."

"Humph! Stop being so hypocritical!"

"I have known for a long time that the Cai family conspired with the Wang family to harm other sects with evil intentions!"

"When I come out, I will report to Grandpa and punish you and the Cai and Wang families for treason!"

Zhou An Ning pointed the Fengyan Fire Feather Sword at Wang Tian and said coldly.

Wang Tian looked at the fairy sword in Zhou An Ning's hand in surprise, and recognized the extraordinary sword at a glance!

After carefully looking at Zhou An Ning's body, he found that she had an unworldly temperament and a hidden fairy spirit, and even her realm had improved a lot!

She has obtained the inheritance of fairy fate in this secret realm!

Wang Tian showed some envy in his eyes, and then sighed deeply.

He didn't intend to kill Zhou An Ning, because he didn't like to kill innocent people.

He was strongly opposed to the conspiracy between the Wang family and the Cai family to let him marry Cai Ji.

But his father had made up his mind, and for the future of the Wang family, he had to obey.

After entering the secret realm, he was also committed to finding opportunities for fairy fate.

But now Zhou An Ning has obtained the inheritance of fairy fate. If she leaves the secret realm alive and discovers the changes in Tiandu, it will definitely be a huge threat to the Wang family in the future.

He can only kill Zhou An Ning before she is fully grown!

"Sorry, I'm sorry for offending you so much!"

Wang Tian's eyes condensed, his hands formed into tiger claws, and his figure flashed, attacking Zhou An Ning's throat!

With his strength at the peak of the Heavenly Man Realm, it was more than enough to deal with Zhou An Ning at the Grandmaster Realm!

Zhou An Ning frowned and held the sword in front of her.

Even if she died, she would wait until Xia Changming came back!

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed past Wang Tian at a high speed, leaving a dark shadow.

Wang Tian immediately felt the crisis, decisively retracted his claws, and retreated violently.

But despite this, Wang Tian's throat was still scratched with a shallow blood mark!

""Young Master!"

A group of Wang family disciples behind Wang Tian hurriedly greeted him.

Wang Tian raised his hand to signal them that it was all right, and frowned at the black shadow that attacked him.

"The Shadow Wolf at the peak of the Heaven Realm…"

"It's rare"

"You can recognize my true self, you are quite knowledgeable"

"I'm giving you a chance, get out of here quickly, or you won't be able to leave!"

Langya stood on the stone pillar like a puppy, licking his claws with his mouth, staring at Wang Tian and the others with sharp eyes.

Wang Tian no longer hesitated, and a dark golden spiritual power surged all over his body. His body suddenly increased several times, his limbs were strong and strong, and his body was burly and majestic!

In an instant, he changed from a handsome boy to a burly man!

Wang Tian, who stimulated the power of the golden tiger monster bloodline, had brown eyes and brown hair, and his body was covered with animal hair, like an upright tiger with hanging eyes!

This stunned Langya, who was still licking his claws, and his claws froze in mid-air

"No, are you also a monster?"

"Same kind?"

Langya couldn't help but ask curiously. No matter how you look at Wang Tian, he looks like a demon beast that has revealed its true form. No, he looks more like a demon beast than he does!

Wang Tian stared at Langya, and pointed his clawed finger at Zhou An Ning, and said to the others behind him:

"Leave this Shadow Wolf to me."

"You are responsible for getting rid of Zhou Anning!"


All the Wang family members immediately drew their weapons and rushed towards Zhou An Ning.

Langya wanted to stop him, but the next second, Wang Tian suddenly appeared in front of him!

He grabbed his neck and crashed into the rock wall behind him!

The rock wall collapsed in an instant, and dust and gravel flew all over the sky. Through the dust, two burly figures could be vaguely seen with their fingers intertwined, tightly entangled.

At this time, Langya had also returned to the werewolf posture, a wolf and a tiger, their foreheads collided, their eyes were bloodshot, and they stared at each other with bared teeth.

A deep pit was stepped on!

The two were evenly matched, and it was difficult to tell who was better!

"Come on! Let's have a real manly passionate collision with me! Hahaha!"

Langya yelled excitedly, and even though veins on his hands were bulging, he still taunted Wang Tian:

"What’s wrong, little kitty? Is this all the strength you have?"

"I have only used less than 30% of my strength!"

Wang Tian frowned.

He had wanted to fight quickly, but he didn't expect that the shadow wolf in front of him was not only extremely fast, but also as strong as him!

Moreover, this shadow wolf was a big talker!

He was also very rude!

Wang Tian roared, urging his spiritual power to burst out the power of his blood again, and began to push Langya back little by little!

Langya saw that things were not going to go well, his face flushed, he gritted his fangs tightly, and tried his best to stop it.

On the other side, Zhou An Ning was protecting Xia Changming while killing two people in a row. The fairy sword in her hand was waving as gorgeously as a phoenix dancing, and several masters couldn't do anything to her.

Zhou An Ning took the time to look at Langya, and seeing that he was in a slump, she shouted at him:

"Little black dog, hold on for a while. Once I have dealt with them, I will come to help you!"


"I need your help?!"

"How many times have I told you, I am a wolf!"

"I'll beat this little cat to death and then I'll help you!"

""I am your bodyguard, you little brat, just wait obediently!"

Langya immediately retorted angrily.

In addition to Xia Changming, he would not allow anyone else to look down on him!

Langya grinned, and the power in his hand suddenly contracted. Wang Tian couldn't help leaning forward because of excessive force.

Suddenly, two black shadows appeared on both sides of Langya's body. The two black shadows turned into Langya's appearance, and smiled and punched him twice in the chest!

Wang Tian's hands were still held in Langya's hands. Unexpectedly, he hit the rock wall behind him heavily.

Langya instantly took back the clone he had transformed, rushed into the rock wall with a shout, and swung his heavy punches at Wang Tian frantically! The two fought particularly fiercely, basically hugging each other all the time, punching each other in the face, and then punching into another place on the ground, and then switching offense and defense, embedding the other party into another rock wall.

The whole mountain trembled with it!

""Hahaha, cool!"

Langya, with a bruised face, shouted excitedly after punching Wang Tian in the face again.

Fighting with Xia Changming was just a one-sided beating, which was meaningless.

This was the battle between men he was looking forward to!

"Phoenix Flame Feathers!"

Zhou An Ning's immortal sword slashed across, and hundreds of fire feather swords attacked. The few remaining Wang family disciples were also pierced with fire feathers and fell to the ground in disbelief!

After fighting dozens of strong men of the same realm, Zhou An Ning was exhausted. She stuck the immortal sword into the ground panting to support her body.

If she hadn't had the immortal sword in her hand, she really couldn't win.

After resting for a while, when Zhou An Ning was about to step forward to help Langya, a palm suddenly rested on her shoulder.

Xia Changming had woken up at some point and stood behind her.

"Uncle Xia!"

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