"Little brat!"

Langya shouted hastily, opening his cold claws to pounce forward and bite the remains of the immortal into pieces.

Xia Changming grabbed the back of Langya's neck while he was flying in the air and pulled him back.

"Boss, the little brat fainted!"

Langya was hanging in the air, and explained to Xia Changming with dancing hands and feet:

"When I wasn't paying attention, the little brat walked to the side of the skeleton by himself, and then suddenly fainted as soon as he touched the skeleton!"

"It's really not my fault!"

Fearing that Xia Changming would blame him, Langya curled up his head.

"Okay, I got it."

"This is none of your business."

Xia Changming threw Langya to the ground, walked to Zhou An Ning's side, touched his forehead with his fingertips, closed his eyes, and probed his consciousness into it.

Soon, Xia Changming opened his eyes again.

His consciousness could not enter, as if something was blocking him, and Zhou An Ning's consciousness had already immersed in something.

"How about it, Boss? Can this little brat be saved?"

Langya walked to Xia Changming's feet and looked up and asked.

Xia Changming patted his head without any hesitation and said:

"An Ning's breathing is stable, and her body pulse is normal, how could she be in trouble?"

"Rather, this is a good thing..."

Langya didn't understand and was full of doubts.

Xia Changming smiled quietly and looked at Zhou Anning.

This was a rare opportunity for Zhou Anning to become an immortal...

It depended on whether he could grasp it.


Where is this place? Where is Uncle Xia?

Where is the little black dog?

Zhou Anning stood on the fairy peak, looking around blankly at this unfamiliar world.

The fairy mist was lingering, the fairy peaks were connected, and several fire phoenixes were soaring and singing in the distant sky.

"Don't worry, little girl, this is my spiritual space."

"I called you here."

Suddenly, the space in front of Zhou An Ning was distorted and illusory, and a beautiful woman wearing a bright red flame dress slowly stepped out of the void.

There were three red fire feathers between the woman's eyebrows, and the cherry red eye shadow at the corners of her eyes was like flames, which looked extremely beautiful.

Zhou An Ning recalled that the voice of the woman she suddenly heard in her mind was the same as the woman in front of her, and then her body unconsciously moved to the side of the stone bed.

After touching the immortal skeleton on the stone bed, she lost consciousness, and when she opened her eyes again, she was already here.

I think the person in front of me is the owner of the immortal skeleton, the former immortal!

Thinking of this, Zhou An Ning hurriedly bowed and said respectfully:

"Met the Immortal Master"

""Senior, how did you know that I am a woman?"

Zhou An Ning asked in confusion, her voice was different from before, but as clear as a nightingale.

Since her identity had been seen through, there was no need for her to hide it with a false voice.

But she was puzzled. She hid it so deeply, even using a false voice, dressing as a man, and learning men's behavior for several years. Even Xia Changming, who had been with her day and night for the past few days, did not notice it, but the woman in front of her saw through it at a glance.

Could it be that the Immortal Venerable could see through the body of a man and a woman at a glance?

The woman smiled lightly and explained:

"The person who can be summoned by my Fengyan Tianxin Jue must be a pure woman who has not experienced human affairs. How do you think I know this?"

Zhou An Ning blushed a little when she heard this.

So this is the case…

"I wonder why you called me here?"

Zhou An Ning quickly regained his composure and asked again.

The woman straightened her expression and slowly said:

"Ahem, I am…"

Halfway through her words, the woman suddenly changed her dignified and solemn appearance, and said casually,

"Oh, what a hassle!"

"I can’t pretend anymore! I can’t pretend anymore!"

"My name is Song Yanxin, and I am the… the nth generation leader of Fengyan Tianmen. Anyway, my clan has been wiped out…"

After who knows how long, Song Yanxin finally met a living person who could connect with her. She originally wanted to maintain her dignity as an immortal and leave a good impression.

But Song Yanxin, who had never been arrogant before, didn’t know how to act like an immortal. Besides

, she had just entered the ranks of immortals not long ago, and she used to follow behind others.

It was really difficult for her to pretend to be an immortal.

She could only rely on the immortals of her senior brothers and sisters she had met before. She tried to pretend for a while.

But now, she couldn't pretend anymore.

The sudden change in Song Yanxin's behavior caught Zhou An Ning off guard, and she was stunned on the spot.

Where was the dignified and beautiful elder sister who was as proud as an immortal? Before

Zhou An Ning had recovered from the shock, Song Yanxin gently raised her slender fingers, and Zhou An Ning floated up involuntarily and floated in front of Song Yanxin.

Song Yanxin's red eyes looked at Zhou An Ning's whole body carefully, and her beautiful brows became more and more furrowed.

Zhou An Ning didn't dare to speak, and didn't even dare to breathe.

After a long while, Song Yanxin sighed deeply and gently put Zhou An Ning back on the ground.

"Alas, I finally met someone who could resonate with me, but his aptitude is so ordinary."

"His realm is only at the initial stage of the acquired realm!"

""Have all the practitioners in the world fallen to this level?"

Song Yanxin asked worriedly.

If the cultivation level of the human race in the world is so low, doesn't it mean that the human race is in danger?

Zhou Anning lowered his head in shame and replied:

""Immortal Lord, it's not like that. It's just that I'm dull, that's why I'm like this..."

Song Yanxin heard this, and his face was gloomy. He looked at Zhou An Ning without saying a word, his face was sometimes tangled, sometimes irritated.

Finally, he asked:

"Girl, I have a question for you."

"If one day in the future, the world is in chaos, disputes are endless, and the world is in turmoil, what will you do?"

Song Yanxin stared at Zhou An Ning with a solemn look, waiting for her answer.

Zhou An Ning said without hesitation, with a resolute and high-spirited face:

"At that time, I will definitely put on armor and hold a sword, stand in front of this dispute and war, protect the people I cherish, bring peace to the world, in exchange for the safety of all nations and a world without conflict!"

"What if you will die by then?" Song Yanxin raised his eyebrows and asked sternly.

Zhou Anning still did not hesitate at all and said resolutely:

"Then die!"

"Hahahaha! Good!"

"I like you, little girl!"

Hearing Zhou An Ning's impassioned and unhesitating answer, Song Yanxin laughed with relief. She hasn't been so happy for a long time!

Although this little girl's aptitude is a little poor, she is very similar to her in some aspects, and she likes her very much!

And it's rare to meet a woman who can resonate with her Fengyan Tianxin Jue...

Time is running out.

Why not choose her!

Let her give this little girl a push!

Song Yanxin looked at Zhou An Ning and asked with a smile:

"Little girl, I want to ask you, are you willing to help me as a teacher?"

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