After hearing what Ding Ritian said, the Mengsha people were stunned, and the scene was terribly silent.

This person was Xia Changming, who was rumored to have entered the realm of Heavenly Venerable and abolished the second son of the Cai family over a disagreement!

Mengsha couldn't help but feel terrified, and secretly cursed Ding Ritian:

Damn it, Grandma Li, why didn't you tell me earlier!

If he knew it was Xia Changming, he wouldn't even come over to take a look!

Although he was very panicked, Mengsha still pretended to be calm, showing a smile and said:

"It turned out to be the head of the Xia family. What a misunderstanding!"

"We are here under the order of the Cai family to stay here. We didn't know it was the head of the Xia family. We apologize for any offense."

Mengsha's attitude took a 180-degree turn, and his face no longer had the ferocious look just now.

"I still like your rebellious look just now, it's more imposing."

Xia Changming smiled slightly.

"hehe...How dare I? That's just a trick to scare people."

""Master Xia, don't take it seriously."

Mengsha smiled flatteringly.

He could hear the sarcasm in Xia Changming's words, but at this moment he could only swallow his anger and hold back his anger.

The Tianzun realm was not something they could deal with.

After he left, he would inform the Cai and Wang families of Xia Changming's whereabouts!

The Cai and Wang families would definitely send people to encircle and suppress him!

"Tell me, why did the Cai family ask you to stay here?"

Xia Changming continued to ask.

Mengsha replied with difficulty:

"This... I can't say it."

Xia Changming narrowed his eyes and said with a cold and arrogant look:

"If you can't say it, then you die."

"Die now, or die after we finish talking, you choose one!"

From the very beginning, Xia Changming had no intention of letting Mengsha and Kusha go!

Mengsha was shocked.

He never expected Xia Changming to be so unreasonable! He had no intention of letting them go anyway! He was already full of anger, so there was no need to endure it any longer!

Mengsha shouted at Xia Changming:

"Xia Changming! I respect you a lot, don't be so arrogant!"

"Humph! What if I am arrogant!"

Xia Changming said coldly, with murderous intent on his body, and the Emperor Immortal Sword was unsheathed and chopped down with one sword!

The sword light was as fast as a rainbow, and the silver sword light fell head-on!

Mengsha had no time to escape, so he had to block the big knife in front of him.

The sword light cut off the weapon in Mengsha's hand with an overwhelming force almost in an instant, and fell under Mengsha's regretful and horrified gaze!

Mengsha's body was split into two, leaving a long sword mark behind him!

Kusha jumped away at the first time to avoid being affected by the sword energy, and his heart was full of horror.

He knew Mengsha's strength best.

But Mengsha, who was in the early stage of the Heavenly Man Realm, was chopped by a sword!

When Xia Changming's cold eyes turned to him, Kusha suddenly felt that he fell into an ice cave, and his hands couldn't help shaking!

"Xia Changming, you can't kill me. We have already surrendered to the Cai family and are now members of the Cai family!"

"If you kill me, it is equivalent to killing someone from the Cai family!"

At the critical moment of life and death, Kusha could no longer care about so much and spoke in panic.

Xia Changming smiled coldly, and used the 'Jueming' sword style of the Emperor Immortal Sword in his hand. The sword tip turned into a silver arrow and sank into Kusha's body! The fierce sword energy strangled Kusha in an instant, and he was killed by the sword energy without even a scream!

Just because you are from the Cai family, we will not let you go!

Seeing Mengsha and Kusha being killed like this, the others dared not hesitate any longer, and they all used their life's spiritual power to escape from all directions.

"Scatter and flee!"

"Go and tell the Cai family that Xia Changming is here!"

Xia Changming did not chase after him, but said to Langya behind him:

"Kill all who escaped."

"These are all you can eat!"

""Okay! Boss!"

Langya was so excited that his petite body suddenly turned into a black shadow and flew out.

Just now, he couldn't wait to take action!

He had been waiting for Xia Changming's order for a long time!

"You ants, all of you, die in my hands! Hahahaha!"

As the black shadow of Langya flashed, screams soon came from all around.

"What the hell is this!"

"You, don't come over here!"

"It’s a wolf, a shadow… Ugh uh uh!"

The last person’s neck was torn apart by Langya before he could finish his words.

Mengsha and his group were all killed, leaving only one person standing there without moving an inch.

Langya appeared behind Ding Ritian like a ghost, pressed his claws on his forehead, put his face close to him and whispered:

"There is another one~"

"Boss, are you going to kill this one too?"

Ding Ritian immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy:

"No, don't kill me!"

"The third lady of the Cai family asked Mengsha and the others to stay here in order to monopolize the fairy palace discovered on the Blazing Mountain!"

"That's why he ordered to kill anyone who came close to this place."

Immortal Mansion...!"

Xia Changming heard this and showed a rare interest on his face.

The so-called Immortal Mansion is the site where the Immortal Venerable sat in meditation, the immortal fate that many practitioners dream of! It is very likely that the Immortal Venerable's former inheritance is left inside!

No wonder Cai Ji didn't want others to get close.

This time he had to go!

After getting an unexpected gain, Xia Changming couldn't help but smile meaningfully.

He looked at Ding Ritian again, thinking about how to deal with him?

He was very sensible.


This guy seemed to be the first one to shout disobedience...

Ding Ritian also knew that the next thing was about his life, so he cried and said:

"Master Xia, please spare my life. I have never killed anyone since I entered the secret realm!"

"I'm not familiar with Mengsha and the others! We're just strangers!"

"You are not familiar with them, why do you want to join the Cai family?"

Xia Changming asked.

Ding Ritian hurriedly explained:

"I happened to see the Cai family recruiting independent cultivators, and I just came here to hang out and get free spirit stones."

"I never did anything, never worked for the Cai family! Really!"

"I swear by the way of heaven that everything I said is true. If you dare to tell even a single lie, I will be punished by heaven and die a miserable death!"

Ding Ritian raised his arm and swore. It was the first time that Xia Changming saw someone talking about slacking off so righteously. After a careful look, he found that Ding Ritian really had no hostility. In addition, he looked timid and cowardly, and his realm was not high, so he didn't seem to be lying. After thinking for a while, Xia Changming finally decided to let him go. As for whether he could walk out of this secret realm alive, it depended on his own luck.

"Spare your life and leave the Cai family as soon as possible"

"Otherwise I'll kill you next time we meet."

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Ding Ritian nodded in agreement and just as he was about to leave, he turned around and asked Xia Changming:

"Then, may I ask Master Xia, are you hiring people in the Xia family?"

Xia Changming:"…"

Xia Changming's face was dark, and he wanted to kick Ding Ritian away.

How dare he recommend himself to the Xia family...

Seeing Xia Changming's face darken, Ding Ritian didn't dare to ask any more questions and was about to leave.

Before leaving, Ding Ritian reminded Xia Changming:

"By the way, Master Xia, the Cai and Wang families have issued an order to everyone. Except for the Cai and Wang families, all others will be wiped out!"

"Got it. If you can get out alive, come to Xia's house."

Xia Changming promised Ding Ritian.

He had guessed this.

But since Ding Ritian could remind him this, it was not a bad idea. It would be okay for him to stay at Xia's house and help out.

Ding Ritian nodded repeatedly in gratitude and turned away happily.

He also had a plan in mind.

If Xia Changming came out of the secret realm alive, he would go to Xia's house!

After Ding Ritian left, Xia Changming looked at the blazing mountain with a deep gaze.

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