In the secret realm.

The sky is blue, the mountains are endless, and the towering trees are closely connected, majestic and sturdy, forming an endless sea of forests. The blue and green colors complement each other, and the birds and beasts are screaming.

Rich spiritual power fills the entire world, and strands of condensed spiritual power silk intersect and branch in the air, which is more dazzling than what can be seen in the forest outside the secret realm, like a woven spiritual power web covering the entire secret realm.

Xia Changming stood on the top of the cliff, looking at this amazing fairyland.

It is not so much a secret realm as it is another world!

Behind Xia Changming is the entrance to the secret realm of this world.

At this time, those who entered the secret realm earlier have already escaped far away, looking for the opportunity of immortal fate buried here.

Only Su Yueli and Zhou An Ning are still waiting for him here.

""My wife, are you waiting for me here?"

Xia Changming said with a feeling of being touched.

Facing the temptation of this secret fairyland, his wife still waited for him here. He was so moved that he wanted to cry.

He was right about her. She was a good wife!

Su Yueli rolled her eyes at Xia Changming, and sent Zhou An Ning back to Xia Changming with disdain, saying:

"The Emperor is not waiting for you here!"

"Just to return this little ghost to you!"

After saying that, Su Yueli tapped the ground with her jade feet, and her figure turned into a divine rainbow and disappeared into the distance.

As soon as she came in, she felt a call from one side in her mind, as if there was guidance. It was really unsafe for Zhou An Ning to follow her.

Xia Changming stared at Su Yueli going away, and complained in his heart:

Alas ̄へ ̄, I love her in vain…

""Let's go, An Ning."

Xia Changming took Zhou An Ning's hand and walked away in one direction.

Not long after Xia Changming left, countless disciples from various sects and schools poured into the entrance of the secret realm.

They did not stay for long, and almost only stopped for a few seconds before hurriedly dispersing to compete for the immortal fate of this secret realm.

The last to enter were the Cai and Wang families, each holding a magic weapon, murderous!

Cai Bi stood on the edge of the cliff, looking at the boundless world, revealing a cruel and sinister smile.

This will be the grave of everyone except the Cai family!

"Everyone, let’s get started!"


On the other side,

Xia Changming held Zhou Anning's waist and quickly shuttled under the huge tree trunk.

The trees were lush and almost covered the sky. Only a few rays of sunlight passed through the gaps between the leaves, reflecting the swaying branches and leaves.

The breeze was gentle, comfortable and comfortable, and the feeling in his arms was very petite and soft.

I didn't expect that this young boy's waist was as slender as a woman's... or he didn't exercise enough, how can a man be without abdominal muscles?...

Let him train well in the secret realm!

Xia Changming thought to himself.

At this time, Zhou An Ning was hanging on Xia Changming's arm, looking around curiously as if he had discovered a new world.

He had almost never left the palace, and everything he saw was very new.

The forest was silent, with only the rustling of leaves.

Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly rushed out from behind a tree trunk!

There was no sign!

It was so fast that only a blurry afterimage was left!

The target was directly aimed at Zhou An Ning, who was in Xia Changming's arms!

Xia Changming's footsteps paused, his eyes were sharp, and he slapped the black shadow on the forehead!

""Get lost!"

The black shadow was instantly blown away like a cannonball, and fell heavily to the ground.

When the dust cleared, a leopard with a yellow-brown body, a body only the size of an adult, a sword-like mouth exposed, and wings as thin as cicada wings on its back appeared.

"It turned out to be a cicada-wing cheetah."

Xia Changming stared at the cheetah and said calmly.

Cicada-wing cheetahs usually lie on tree trunks, concealing their breath and lurking among the woods. When they find prey, they will kill at a very fast speed!

It is already an extremely rare monster, and it can only grow to about four feet at most.

The one in front of us has reached nearly six feet. Its strength is also at the early stage of the Heavenly Man Realm!

With its explosive speed, ordinary Heavenly Man Realm strongmen can't help but react.

It's just that it picked the wrong opponent this time.

As early as the beginning, Xia Changming noticed that this cicada-wing cheetah had been following them closely.

A slap directly hit the head, basically knocking the cicada-wing cheetah unconscious.

The cicada-wing cheetah stood up tremblingly, and its limbs shook uncoordinatedly. It was obvious that its brain had suffered a considerable concussion.

"An Ning, remember, you must always be vigilant when you are outside, especially in places full of monsters, you must not be careless."

"Although the scenery is beautiful, it can be fatal."

Xia Changming preached to Zhou An Ning.

If he hadn't taken action, Zhou An Ning would have died before he could even react.

Zhou An Ning looked ashamed and said in a low voice apologetically:

"I'm sorry, Uncle Xia, An Ning knows."

It was she who had made up her mind to come along, but how could she just be obsessed with the scenery of the mountains and forests.

Xia Changming rubbed Zhou An Ning's little head. He signaled her not to feel guilty.

He didn't really blame Zhou An Ning.

Zhou An Ning's strength was only at the Heavenly Spirit Realm, four major realms away from the Heavenly Human Realm, so it was normal that she couldn't react.

He was just teaching her how to become a qualified practitioner.

Be able to stay alert at all times and respond to all kinds of sudden crises.

After the cicada-winged cheetah recovered a little, it looked at Xia Changming standing on the treetop with fear, and then it turned around without hesitation, spread its wings and fled quickly.

Xia Changming was quite surprised.

This cicada-winged cheetah was smart.

Not only did it know that he was very powerful, it chose to sneak attack Zhou An Ning in his arms, but also after knowing that it was no match for him, it did not want to fight at all.

"An Ning, what if someone wants to kill you and your family?"

Looking at the figure of the cheetah gradually moving away, Xia Changming asked Zhou An Ning calmly.

Zhou An Ning thought for a moment, his eyes gradually became firm, and he said decisively:


"Very good!"

Xia Changming nodded approvingly.

He put his two fingers together, and the spiritual power beside him condensed into several flying swords!

Because of the vast spiritual power of heaven and earth, the condensed flying swords are more tenacious and magical. If you don't observe carefully, they are no different from real swords.


With Xia Changming's fingertips flicking, several flying swords cut through the sky and attacked the cicada-winged cheetah several miles away. The cicada-winged cheetah seemed to sense it and turned around to see several flying swords attacking it, as fast as a meteor!

In panic, it quickly flapped its wings and flew into the sky.

""Get up!"

Xia Changming sneered and raised his fingertips slightly.

Several flying swords suddenly drew a flash of light, changed direction, and inserted into the body of the cicada-wing cheetah.


The cicada-winged cheetah wailed and fell straight down from the sky like a hedgehog.

Zhou Anning, who was standing beside him, was watching intently.

In just a few snaps of his fingers, the cicada-winged cheetah, which was difficult for him to resist, was killed without any chance to fight back!

Xia Changming's proud and indifferent figure was deeply imprinted in Zhou Anning's heart.

"Uncle Xia! Please teach me how to become a powerful practitioner like you!"

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