This was the question Xia Changming wanted to ask at first.

The Xia family was not as powerful as the Cai and Wang families in Tiandu, but Zhou Taian chose him and the Xia family, which made people wonder.

Did he trust the Xia family too much?

Facing Xia Changming's question, Zhou Taian smiled sadly, and then he seemed to have changed into a different person, with a calm face and a gleam of light in his deep eyes.

"The Cai family has been gaining power in recent years. They have been constantly recruiting practitioners to expand their family influence and their territory. Their wolfish ambitions are known to everyone!"

"The Wang family is married to the Cai family, and they have been secretly having close dealings with my good son. They must have some plans!"

"Humph! Do you really think I'm dying and don't know anything?"

"If An Ning is sent to the Cai family, wouldn't that be like a sheep walking into a tiger's mouth?"

I didn't expect that Zhou Taian, who seemed to be old and frail, secretly investigated the basic situation clearly.

"What about the Xie family?"

"The Xie family does not have any dealings with the Cai family, and has rejected the invitations of the eldest and second princes to attend banquets many times. It can be said that they have no desire for disputes and no profit."

Xia Changming asked again.

Zhou Taian just shook his head slowly and sighed:

"The Xie family pursues a life of non-contention and peace in a corner. Before you came back, I also met Xie Changqing and talked with him, but he did not agree, and then he was also killed.…"

"If An Ning was just allowed to live in seclusion, it would be fine, but with the storm coming, the Xie family's small boat might not be able to protect An Ning's safety."

Xia Changming was a little surprised.

It turned out that Zhou Taian even knew the news of the death of Xie Changqing, the previous head of the Xie family.

"So did Mr. Zhou choose the Xia family because he thought the Xia family could keep him safe and sound?"

Xia Changming asked with a smile.

Zhou Taian also smiled and said slowly:

"This is just one of the reasons"

"What’s more important is that I believe in the Xia family!"

"If the Xie family is forced to compromise in the future, the Xia family will never do so!"

Zhou Taian said it very forcefully, with conviction in his eyes.

The emperor of Tianzhou actually trusts the Xia family so much?

Xia Changming found this very strange from the beginning.

Zhou Taian was not only very friendly to him, but also had an indescribable trust in him.

Zhou Taian could see the doubts in Xia Changming's heart, and before he could speak, he continued:

""Nephew Changming, do you know how the Zhou Dynasty was established?"

Xia Changming shook his head.

He really had never known this.

After all, he didn't have to take history classes in this world.

"Then I'll tell you."

""An Ning, you also listen carefully to what grandpa says next, and don't forget a single word!"

Zhou Taian suddenly sternly warned Zhou An Ning who was standing beside him.

Zhou An Ning nodded seriously and replied,"Yes!"

Zhou Taian then slowly talked about the establishment of the Tian Zhou Dynasty and the origin of the Xia family at that time.

"More than a thousand years ago, before the Tian Zhou Dynasty was established, the border between humans and demons was full of famine, demons and beasts were rampant, and people were miserable and lived in fear every day."

"At that time, a man said that he wanted to repel all the monsters, protect the peace of this place, and build an ideal hometown here to protect it for thousands of generations!"

"The man's words won the admiration of countless people, and they joined together to fight against the monsters!"

"However, the number of people led by the man was decreasing day by day, and the number of monsters was increasing instead of decreasing.…"

"Until later, a group of people came, two of whom were extremely powerful and took it as their mission to protect the human race. They were like saviors sent from the sky, helping the man to repel countless demons and beasts, guarding the border between humans and demons, and establishing the Tianzhou Dynasty!"

"That man became the first king of the Tianzhou Dynasty, and that group of people also settled here and established the Xia family!"

After saying this, Zhou Taian couldn't stop coughing violently.

In order to fully narrate this story passed down by successive kings, it was obviously a bit difficult.

"Grandpa! Come on, drink the medicine."

Zhou Anning quickly poured out a bowl of medicine and handed it to Zhou Taian.

Zhou Taian stretched out his hand to stop him, and said seriously:

"An Ning, did you remember what grandpa just said?"

"Now that grandpa has passed this story on to you, you must also continue to pass on this story in the future, and never forget it!"

""An Ning remembers it!"

Zhou An Ning nodded solemnly.

Zhou Taian smiled with relief and turned his eyes to Xia Changming again.

"Nephew Changming, do you know now why I chose the Xia family and chose you?"

"I believe that the Xia family will always be the same Xia family."

Zhou Taian did not say this simply out of trust in the Xia family, but it was based on facts.

Since Xia Changming returned, he has been listening to and watching all the rumors and deeds.

Whether it was marrying the demon queen to end the border dispute, abolishing Cai Kun in the Tiandi Baoge, or letting Wang Teng retreat in Zuixianlou, the Xia family has been completely renewed since Xia Changming returned, and it is stronger than ever.

This made Zhou Taian seem to see the figure of the savior who came from the thousand-year story in Xia Changming's figure!

Of course, this also includes the affirmation of Xia Changming's strength.

All this is enough for him to feel at ease to entrust An Ning to the Xia family.

Xia Changming could hear from Zhou Taian's words that he was grateful and trusting of the Xia family.

This time, Xia Changming did not hesitate any more. He gently stroked Zhou An Ning's head and said to Zhou Taian solemnly:

"Thanks to Mr. Zhou for his kindness, I will take good care of him."

"I will never let him suffer any injustice in the Xia family."

After hearing Xia Changming's promise, Zhou Taian finally felt relieved.

Zhou Anning reluctantly held Zhou Taian's dry palm.

Zhou Taian gently patted the back of Zhou Anning's hand and said lovingly:

"An Ning, from now on, you have to treat your uncle Changming as a relative, understand?"

Zhou An Ning turned his head and looked at Xia Changming, as if he had memorized his appearance deeply in his heart, and then replied:

"An Ning remembered it!"

"An Ning will listen to Uncle Changming!"

""Okay, good boy!"

Zhou Taian smiled slightly. Although he was very reluctant, the stone hanging in his heart finally fell.

"All right, nephew Changming, I'll leave An Ning in your care."

"Take advantage of the night and take him back directly."

Xia Changming leaned over, put his arm around Zhou Anning's shoulders and said softly:

"Let's go."

Zhou An Ning was reluctant and cried like a tearful person, but this time he let go of Zhou Taian's hand obediently.

It was because he promised to listen to Xia Changming.

"Grandpa, An Ning is gone..."

Zhou An Ning turned around and said goodbye to Zhou Taian, as if it was the last goodbye.

Before leaving, Xia Changming bowed to Zhou Taian and said:

""Old Zhou, goodbye."

After saying that, Xia Changming hugged Zhou An Ning and Su Yue Li and went into the thick night and into the starry sky.

Zhou Tai An lay on the bed and watched everyone go away before slowly retracting his gaze and said sternly to the outside of the house:

"Commander Yue."

Yue Zhuotian walked into the room and clasped his fists, saying:

"The end is here!"

"Immediately summon all the imperial guards in the palace to prepare for defense! Order all the commanders of the three counties and five cities within a hundred miles of Tiandu to lead their troops to the palace to defend the king!"

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