"Let's go, Brother Xia."

Xie Ye said to Xia Changming.

Xia Changming and Su Yueli followed Xie Ye to the front of the hall to welcome the emperor.

After a while, an old man with a hunched body and wrinkled face slowly appeared with a cane.

Next to the old man was a young boy with a very beautiful face who was carefully supporting the old man as he staggered forward.

The old man walked slowly, and every step was trembling. It was not until he walked to the dragon throne in the hall and slowly sat down that Xia Changming was sure that the old man in front of him, who had half a foot in the coffin, was actually the emperor of Tianzhou! Zhou Taian!

More than ten years ago, before he went into seclusion in the mountains, he had met the old emperor. Although he was older, he was also full of vigor and vitality at that time, and he was a strong old man with a strong body. He could run to the palace alone in one breath.

It has only been more than ten years since he last saw him, and he is so dilapidated.

""Greetings, Your Majesty."

As soon as the old man sat down, the people of the four great families bowed and greeted him.

They did not need to kneel when they saw the emperor.

The four great families were not subjects of the Tianzhou Dynasty. They had independent territories and exclusive power. The imperial power had no binding force on the four great families, but was slightly inferior!

It was equivalent to the Tianzhou Dynasty granting the four great families a free status and power, while the four great families were guests, responsible for sitting in Tiandu and blessing the prosperity and peace of the Tianzhou Dynasty.

In the eyes of the four great families, the Tianzhou Dynasty could barely be regarded as the non-existent"fifth family", and was at the end of the weakest list.

This was also why Cai Kun of the Cai family dared to rob women in Tiandu, and Wang Teng of the Wang family was safe and sound when he killed people wantonly..

Tian Zhou didn't dare to do anything to them!

Zhou Taian's old eyes swept across the crowd, stayed on Xia Changming for a few seconds, and then looked at Su Yueli behind him.

I don't know if it was because of her identity as a demon, or because she didn't salute.

Or maybe it was both.

In short, Zhou Taian's gaze stayed on Su Yueli for quite a long time.

Su Yueli frowned slightly.

As the empress of the demon clan, she would definitely not salute the emperor of Tian Zhou.

If she said so, it should be more like the emperor of Tian Zhou saluting her.

When everyone was wondering whether Zhou Taian would make trouble for Su Yueli, Zhou Taian retracted his gaze and said to everyone in a friendly manner:

"Dear guests, there is no need to be polite."

The voice was very old and low, if they were not all practitioners, they might not have heard it.

Cai Ying felt very sorry and puzzled when he saw that Zhou Taian did not attack Su Yueli.

The old emperor did not say anything to the demon queen, which was considered as tacit consent!

If Zhou Taian spoke personally, they could justifiably join forces with the imperial guards to attack Su Yueli!

"Everyone, I specifically asked you to come here because Tiandu is in danger and I need your help."

"Cough, cough, cough, cough..."

Zhou Taian spoke again.

Before he could finish his words, he started coughing violently.


The young man beside him hurriedly patted his back and handed him the medicine soup.

No one dared to speak for a while, fearing that the old man would die on the spot.

Finally, Wang Meng, who was impatient, asked:

"May I ask Your Majesty, what is unusual about the southwestern mountain?"

"No, that’s right… that’s exactly… ahem…"


"Grandpa, please stop talking, let me talk."

The young man who had been taking care of him attentively said worriedly.

Zhou Taian nodded and handed over the power to the young man.

The young man straightened his expression and looked at the people from the four great families, and said in a solemn voice without being humble:

"According to the scouts' report, the southwest mountain peaks are full of unusual spiritual energy, monsters are everywhere, and there are spiritual energy vortex cracks in the depths, which may be the rumored secret place."As soon as the young man finished speaking, except for Xia Changming and Su Yueli, everyone else present was in an uproar.

They just received a message to come to the palace to discuss something, and they didn't know what it was.

Only Xia Changming was the first to reveal the news to Yue Zhuotian.

Hearing the news about the secret place, everyone was excited.

Cai Ying even stepped forward and asked:

"Is this really the secret realm that has appeared?"

The young man nodded slightly:"Nine out of ten"

"Hahaha! I didn't expect that my Tianzhou Dynasty could also encounter the secret realm of immortals!"

Wang Meng couldn't help but laughed out loud, his heroic voice was deafening

""Father, what is the secret realm?"

Wang Tian asked curiously when he saw Wang Meng laughing so happily.

He rarely saw a time when his father Wang Meng was so happy.

Wang Meng patted Wang Tian's shoulder and explained:

"Listen carefully, the so-called secret realm is the sealed ruins left over from the thousand-year war between the three races of immortals, demons and monsters!"

"It leads to another world, where the spiritual energy has existed for thousands of years. Its vastness is far beyond the comparison of today's world!"

"Is it really so amazing?"

Wang Tian was moved when he heard this.

In the ancient times thousands of years ago, there were many powerful people in the Tianzun realm, but now they regard the Tianzun realm as an insurmountable gap, because the spiritual power of this world had been consumed and exhausted thousands of years ago.

If you can fill your body with spiritual power and practice diligently, then breaking through the heavens and entering the Tianzun realm is no longer a fantasy!

Seeing Wang Tian's eyes shining, Wang Meng smiled and continued to add:

"My son, don't underestimate the secret realm. Compared with the treasures within it, your spiritual power is nothing!"

"Did you know that the secret realm can also become a tomb for immortals?"

"Those buried in the secret realm were all the venerables who were ranked above the Heavenly Venerables in the ancient times! Some even lost their lives there!"

"If I could get a chance to become an immortal and inherit the legacy of the Immortal Lord, hum…!"

Wang Meng did not continue to speak, and everyone present understood.

The secret realm is the immortal fate!

If one can obtain the ancient immortal inheritance in the secret realm and practice, who can stop it within a hundred years?

Xia Changming listened to Wang Meng's explanation from beginning to end, and it was basically the same as what his master had told him.

The difference is that Wang���I only picked out some good things to say, but I didn't mention any dangers!

The immortal tombs are not only the venerables of the ancient times, but also those who covet the inheritance of the secret method and dare to break in!

Not to mention where the secret realm leads to, the monsters that are nourished by spiritual power in it are extremely powerful!

Although the secret realm is good, the immortal fate is precious, and you have to be able to get in and out!

"As Patriarch Wang said, the secret realm has now appeared in the southwest of Tiandu. Tiandu cannot bear the disturbance of monsters. If the news spreads, it will attract countless practitioners to covet it."

"I have invited all the families to come here today. I would like to ask you to discuss how to deal with it?"

After Wang Meng finished explaining, the young man continued to speak.

Dressed in gorgeous clothes, standing upright, with a calm face, the petite figure standing next to the dragon throne is quite imposing.

"Still have questions? Of course, I will enter the secret realm as soon as possible, otherwise something bad will happen!"

Wang Meng answered without even thinking.

The secret realm is a rare opportunity to become an immortal!

Once the news of this secret realm spreads, countless strong people will flock to it in the nine states and ten lands!

At that time, let alone entering the secret realm to seek opportunities, it will be a problem whether you can enter or not.

"What do the other guests think?"

Zhou Taian looked at the people from other families.

"The opportunity to visit the secret realm is rare, and it is also a blessing for our Tian Zhou, so we naturally cannot miss it."

Cai Ying said with a smile.

But his smile, coupled with his gloomy face, looked malicious.

Xie Ye thought for a moment and nodded.

Although it is dangerous, it is a rare opportunity and cannot be missed!

Xia Changming has nothing to say. It is pure curiosity. It is okay to see the legendary secret realm of the immortal tomb. It is also an opportunity for other children of the Xia family.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Zhou Taian said hoarsely:

"Okay, I have the same idea!"

"Please go back and prepare immediately."

"Enter the secret realm in three days!"

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