Outside Changming Peak, a man wearing black armor and with sharp eyes stood straight at the foot of Changming Peak.

Next to him was a white horse with a strong body, a snow-white body, and feet as fast as the wind.

Xia Ming followed the man and tried his best to persuade him.

"Commander Yue, the master is busy and I don't know when he will come out."

"Why don't you wait in the main hall?"

"I'll notify the master of the house when he comes out."

"It doesn't matter, I'll just wait for the head of the Xia family here."

Yue Zhuotian said calmly, with a long spear stuck into the ground, his hands folded across his chest, and his body leaning on the spear.

He closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Xia Ming had no choice but to wait here with him.

Not long after Chen Lianxiong left, Yue Zhuotian rode down from the sky on a horse and said that he had something important to do with Xia Changming.

Xia Ming, who happened to be in charge of the patrol, pointed to Changming Peak and told him that Xia Changming was in seclusion and asked him to wait in the main hall.

Unexpectedly, Yue Zhuotian drove his horse directly to Changming Peak.

Xia Ming was startled.

Xia Changming and Su Yueli were on Changming Peak, and they had specifically asked not to be disturbed by anyone. He couldn't let Yue Zhuotian go in and ruin the good things of the head of the family!

What if he was doing something important!

"Commander Yue, what exactly do you want to talk to my master about?"

"Why don't you tell me first, and then I'll pass it on for you?"

Xia Ming broke the silence and pointed at himself.

Yue Zhuotian opened his eyes and looked at Xia Ming. After thinking for a moment, he shook his head and said:

"No need, this is a serious matter, I'll report it to Patriarch Xia in person."

"Is it a very urgent matter?" Xia Ming asked.

Yue Zhuotian nodded silently.

This is difficult...

Xia Ming was caught in a dilemma.

Xia Changming had asked not to disturb him, and Yue Zhuotian came in a hurry, saying that there was an important announcement.

Should he go up to Changming Peak to inform the head of the family?

Just as Xia Ming was struggling, twelve fluorescent lights emanated from the top of Changming Peak and flew to different directions of the Xia family's ancestral land.

Looking closely, he found that they were twelve flags.

The flags fell to the ground, the fluorescence shone, and a sky curtain rose up, covering the entire Xia family's ancestral land.

Yue Zhuotian looked at this breathtaking scene in amazement, and stretched out his hand to welcome the spiritual starlight falling from the sky.

Only then did he know that this was such a huge spirit gathering formation!

Yue Zhuotian... Yue Zhuotian was shocked.

This was the first time he had seen such a grand spirit gathering array.

Usually, spirit gathering arrays only have two or three successes at most, but the spiritual power in this array condensed into dust points floating down, which is definitely not the mediocre things we usually see!

The range is so wide, and the effect is so amazing!

Could this be the work of the new head of the Xia family?

Seeing that the flag was spread from the top of Changming Peak, Yue Zhuotian couldn't help but guess.

He has not seen Xia Changming yet, but he has heard about his deeds since Xia Changming returned to Tiandu.

It seems that the rumors are not false.

The ability of this head of the Xia family is extraordinary, no wonder His Majesty asked him to come in person.

Yue Zhuotian exclaimed inwardly.

At this time, the figures of Xia Changming and Su Yueli walked down the steps of Changming Peak together and appeared in front of the two.

""Master, the Patriarch."

Xia Ming stepped forward and called out.

Yue Zhuotian also bowed and greeted:

"Met Master Xia"

""Who are you?"

Xia Changming looked at Yue Zhuotian and asked.

Seeing that he was wearing the Heavenly Zhou Black Armor, with a mighty and unyielding figure and a good realm, and the horse beside him was a rare and difficult to tame Chasing Wind Horse, he must be a famous general in the palace.

Yue Zhuotian took the opportunity to introduce:

"I am Yue Zhuotian, the commander of the Royal Guards."

Yue Zhuotian looked at Xia Changming.

He was handsome and free, but he also revealed a proud temperament, unfathomable!

He couldn't see through Xia Changming's realm!

Also eye-catching was Su Yueli behind Xia Changming.

Yue Zhuotian's sharp eyes revealed three parts of surprise and seven parts of fear.

The human and demon races have been in constant dispute for many years, and the grievances have been long-standing. It is difficult for ordinary people to have good intentions towards the demon race, and Yue Zhuotian, the commander of the Tianzhou Guards, is even more so.

But now Su Yueli is the wife of the head of the Xia family, and he is visiting in the name of the king, so Yue Zhuotian did not show any hostility.

But like most people, he was very surprised that the demon queen would actually marry into the Xia family.

At this moment, Su Yueli, who was standing next to Xia Changming, was wearing fairy silk clothes, a long skirt that dragged on the ground, and a woman's bun on her head. She had a dignified posture and a cold face, just like the woman who followed her husband. It was far from the rumors.…

""I wonder what Commander Yue wants to talk to me about?"

Xia Changming asked.

Yue Zhuotian came back to his senses and bowed respectfully, saying:

"I come here in the name of the king to tell you something important."

""What's the matter?"

Xia Changming continued to ask.

The king of the Tianzhou Dynasty sent someone here, so something big must have happened.

Yue Zhuotian looked solemn, frowned, and said bluntly:

"A few days ago, the spiritual energy in a mountain in the southwest of Tiandu was unusually rich. I'm sure the head of the Xia family must have heard about it."

Xia Changming nodded slightly.

Yue Zhuotian continued:

"His Majesty ordered me to send a number of scouts to investigate, but almost all of them were killed or wounded, with only one person escaping!"

"There are many masters among them!"

Hearing this, Xia Changming's eyebrows moved slightly.

The fact that the master-level scouts could not return from the mission seemed to indicate that the abundant spiritual energy in that place had attracted many ferocious monsters.

"What information can the surviving scouts bring back?"

"That's right, that's exactly why I came here."

Yue Zhuotian replied:

"According to the scouts' report, the mountain is now full of monsters, and the spiritual power has increased instead of decreased, as if it overflowed from a broken spiritual power vortex. It is very likely to be the legendary secret place!"

Sure enough!

Xia Changming was not too surprised when he heard the word"secret place".

When he first heard the news from Xia Ruoguang, he had guessed that there might be a secret place crack on the mountain, which would cause such a scene of spiritual power.

His master told him that when the secret place crack appeared, the misty spiritual energy would be abnormally full, and the ferocious monsters within a radius of dozens of miles would be attracted by the rich spiritual energy.

Seeing Xia Changming's expression so calm and self-assured, as if he had expected it, Yue Zhuotian was a little surprised.

The secret place is enough to make countless practitioners crazy, and it may contain the immortal fate inheritance inherited from thousands of years ago!

Even Su Yueli, who was standing aside, couldn't help but move her pretty face when she heard it, but Xia Changming acted calmly!

After thinking for a moment, Xia Changming asked Yue Zhuotian:

"So, Your Majesty, how do you plan to deal with that secret place?"

Yue Zhuotian continued seriously:

"Now that the secret realm has come to the world, it is likely to attract countless practitioners and monsters. If this continues, it will inevitably threaten the stability of Tiandu!"

"His Majesty ordered me to bring the news to you and the other three great families, inviting them to the palace for discussion immediately!"

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