The next morning, the morning sun shone through the mist and clouds on Changming Peak.

At this moment, Changming Peak was full of broken walls and broken bricks and tiles. The huge mansion was leaking on all sides, and the eaves were full of holes, and half of it was missing.

After a night of fierce fighting between Xia Changming and Su Yueli, only devastation was left.

Xia Ming, who had just climbed to the top of the mountain, was stunned when he saw this.

It was so tragic...

Madam was so angry after knowing that the master of the family went to Zuixian Tower?

Will the master of the family be okay?

Worried in his heart, Xia Ming hurriedly looked for Xia Changming.

When he stepped into the courtyard, he saw Xia Changming sitting leisurely on a stone bench in the dilapidated courtyard, with one hand on his cheek. Although his clothes were torn, he looked calm and relaxed, and there was no trace of injury on his body.

On the other hand, Su Yueli, who was sitting opposite Xia Changming, looked as cold as ever, but her cheeks were covered with dust and looked embarrassed.

If Xia Changming hadn't been there to set off her, someone who didn't know would have really thought she had won last night.

At this moment, the two of them sat opposite each other, neither of them making any comments.���.

There was a bowl of hot red ginger syrup on the stone table. Xia Changming took a small spoonful of syrup with his other hand and brought it to Su Yueli's red lips.

Su Yueli lifted a few strands of hair from her cheeks, slightly opened her red lips and sipped the syrup.

This scene was so harmonious and loving that Xia Ming was stunned.

What happened?

The fight was so fierce last night, how come everything is fine this morning? Did the master of the family convince his wife?

In fact, Xia Changming was still pressing on Su Yueli a few minutes before Xia Ming arrived.

It's just that both of them heard the sound of climbing the peak at the same time, and they chose to stop at the same time.

Su Yueli's spiritual power had been exhausted because of the fierce battle all night, and she was basically unable to fight again.

Although Xia Changming did not draw his sword, he did not know what secret method he used to gather qi into spirit, and his spiritual power was endless. He exhausted her spiritual power and pressed her under him, unable to move.

In order to prevent others from seeing her predicament, Su Yueli had no choice but to stop and listened to Xia Changming's explanation obediently.

She didn't know whether she was out of breath or was taught a lesson again, but she was not so angry after listening to the explanation.

During this time, Xia Changming also took the time to make a bowl of red ginger syrup for her...

Su Yueli sipped the syrup lightly, with a thousand thoughts in her mind.

She thought that Xia Changming was able to beat her because of the immortal weapon Emperor Xian Sword, but the battle last night destroyed her Tao heart.

Xia Changming defeated her without pulling out the Emperor Xian Sword...

She didn't know when she could assassinate the man in front of her and return to the position of the empress of the demon clan, instead of living a comfortable life as a woman and child here.

In addition to eating and sleeping every day, she was dragged to learn the etiquette knowledge of the human race, and even the time for practice was reduced.

Thinking of this, the sweet red ginger syrup in her mouth also felt boring in her mouth, and Su Yueli couldn't help but spit out a word.


Xia Changming was surprised. He knew Su Yueli liked sweet things, so he put more brown sugar in it. How could it be bitter?

He took a spoonful and put it into his mouth. It tasted sweet and fragrant, very nourishing.

""Madam, isn't this quite sweet?"

Xia Changming asked doubtfully.

Su Yueli ignored him and took up the whole bowl and drank it all.

Xia Changming smiled happily, turned his head and looked at Xia Ming standing beside him and asked:

"Xia Ming, what are you doing here?"

After hearing Xia Changming's words, Xia Ming came to his senses from his stupor, and then he remembered the business, and said with a folded hand:

"Master, Mr. Chen from Tiandi Baoge came to visit you and said he has something to discuss with you."

"At this moment, I am waiting in the main hall. Elder Xia Changlin has already gone there."

"Oh? He's here."

Xia Changming was slightly surprised.

It had only been two days. Could it be that he had already completed the commission he needed?

As expected of the person in charge of refining equipment at Tiandi Baoge, his speed was really fast enough.

"Let's go, my lady. Your husband has a gift for you. I wanted to give it to you on the day of the festival, but it was two days late."

Xia Changming stood up and invited Su Yueli in front of him.

Su Yueli glanced at her and replied coldly:

"Humph, who do you think I am?"

"I don't want your gift!"


In the main hall,

Xia Changlin, who had arrived earlier, was warmly entertaining Chen Lianxiong and personally welcomed him to take a seat.

The influence and appeal of Tiandi Baoge in the world are far beyond the reach of the so-called four great families of the Tianzhou Dynasty.

It was heard that during the festival two days ago, Xia Changming took Su Yueli to Tiandi Baoge and beat Cai Kun, the second son of the Cai family, half to death.

Everyone knows the rules of Tiandi Baoge, and it is absolutely not allowed to cause trouble in the treasure pavilion.

This time, Chen Lianxiong came in person, and Xia Changlin, who didn't know why, thought that Tiandi Baoge was here to call for punishment. The etiquette was very considerate and the words were all polite.

"Mr. Chen, you are here so early in the morning. It's really hard for you to come here in person."

"I have a hundred-year-old spirit wine here, it is intoxicating and fragrant, you should try it."

Xia Changlin took out a round-bottomed bottle out of thin air and poured a full glass of spirit wine for Chen Lianxiong.

He heard that Chen Lianxiong loved tasting fine wine in his life besides refining weapons.

This spirit wine was a fine wine that he had treasured for a long time and was reluctant to drink. In order to settle this matter for Xia Changming, he no longer kept it privately.

As soon as Chen Lianxiong smelled the refreshing aroma of the wine, he picked up the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp.

He threw the wine glass down and praised loudly:

"Ah! Good wine!"

"Lord Xia really has some good wine hidden away!"

"If you like it, I'll give you this bottle of Zui Xiang Xiang."

Xia Changlin said generously, and with a wave of his arm, the bottle flew onto the table next to Chen Lianxiong.

"How can that be? This is your treasure!"

Chen Lianxiong said awkwardly, his eyes fixed on the bottle.

"It's rare for Master Chen to come to my Xia family. This little gift is nothing. Please don't be polite."


Then... I will obey your orders respectfully.���At this point, refusing would be a betrayal of good intentions.

Chen Lianxiong carefully put the bottle into his arms and thanked Xia Changlin again:

"Thank you, Master Xia, for your love."

Seeing Chen Lianxiong in a good mood, Xia Changlin felt relieved and stopped being polite. He tried to ask:

"I wonder if Master Chen came to the Xia family today for my son?"

I was just here to deliver something to complete the commission, but I didn't expect to receive a bottle of wine. Chen Lianxiong was so happy at this time that he smiled and replied:


"I came here today specifically to see the head of the Xia family."

Sure enough!

Chen Lianxiong's words confirmed Xia Changlin's guess.

Chen Lianxiong must have come to the Xia family to question him!

Xia Changlin quickly stood up, bowed his hands and apologized:

"Mr. Chen! I'm so sorry!"

"My son just returned and doesn't know the rules of Tiandi Bao Pavilion. Please don't blame me, Master Chen!"

The sudden apology made Chen Lianxiong sit there in a daze, not daring to pick up the wine glass in his hand.

No, what is going on?

Just when Chen Lianxiong was confused, the figures of Xia Changming and Su Yueli slowly appeared outside the main hall.

As soon as he entered the main hall, Xia Changming asked Xia Changlin in confusion:

"Father, what are you doing?

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