Under the stage of the west wing of Zuixianlou, the tables and chairs were broken, the stage was in ruins, and the ground was in a mess.

Two groups of people wearing different family costumes were standing on opposite sides.

One side was wearing black and white clothes, and it was Xia Ming, and several other Xia family disciples who came with him.

The people standing opposite them in yellow robes were none other than the Wang family, one of the four great families.

The man in the lead of the Wang family arrogantly laughed at Xia Ming and others:

"Who dares to be so arrogant? It turns out to be the rat from the Xia family!"

"How dare you run out if you don’t hide well in the clan land?"

"What if I accidentally step on you to death? Hahaha!"

The man's words caused the people around him to laugh unscrupulously.

Xia Ming looked ugly, clenched his fists and roared:

"Wang Huan! How dare you insult my Xia family!"

"Insulting your Xia family? I'm just telling the truth."

"What, you want to hit me? Do you dare? Hit me, remember to hit me hard."

Wang Huan was very proud and put his face close to Xia Ming, and pointed at his face, urging Xia Ming to make a move.

He was sure that Xia Ming would never dare to make a move on him.

This kind of situation had happened countless times before, and the Xia family always acted like a turtle and did not dare to provoke their Wang family.

It was just that this time, he was too confident...

In an instant, a fist gathered wind and hit him hard in the face, knocking him flying dozens of meters away, sliding all the way.

Xia Ming clenched his fists and said with a sunny smile:

"Everyone heard it, he asked me to beat him."

He has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

Previously, due to Xia Haoyuan's power, if he attacked other family disciples, he would be severely punished.

He had no choice but to swallow his anger.

Now he has received Xia Changming's latest order, anyone who defames and humiliates the Xia family will be retaliated!

The Xia family has been enduring for a long time!

The onlookers and the Wang family did not react for a while, and stood there in a daze.

What's going on? What medicine did the Xia family take today?

So hard!

Wang Huan covered the swollen and purple half of his face, stared at Xia Ming with resentment and shouted:

"Xia Ming! How dare you lay hands on me!"

"You are asking for trouble! Don't blame me!"

""Go! Kill that kid!"

As Wang Huan roared, the Wang family members came back to their senses and burst out their spiritual power to kill Xia Ming.

The Wang family must regain their face after being slapped in front of everyone.

Looking at the dozens of Wang family disciples who were rushing forward to kill him, Xia Ming resolutely stood still, waved his hands with a firm look and shouted:

"The head of the family has ordered that anyone who bullies the Xia family will be killed!" As soon as the voice fell, several Xia family members behind Xia Ming rushed out and soon engaged in a battle with the Wang family.

"The Xia family and the Wang family are fighting. Go and inform Mother Xie."

"Why is the Xia family so tough today? Not like before."

"Who knows? But by provoking the Wang family, this feud is settled."

"I heard that the Xia family angered the Cai family yesterday. Now the Xia family is in trouble."

The crowd watching the show around saw the situation escalate, and hurriedly hid in the distance to watch the fight.

Xia Ming led several Xia family members to fight back and forth with more than a dozen people from the Wang family, and even had the upper hand.

Several people from the Wang family had been beaten to the ground, and several people from the Xia family were already covered with wounds but they were getting braver and braver.

It didn't lose face for the Xia family.

Xia Changming stood on the attic, watching the fight with relish.

Sometimes it's fun to watch chickens pecking at each other...

It seems that he doesn't need to take action.

Beside Xia Changming stood Xie Ye and others who also came to watch the fight after hearing the noise.

In the chaos, Xia Ming knocked one person down with a palm, and his eyes were firmly locked on Wang Huan. He leaned over and sprinted, charging a punch!

Wang Huan was shocked and hurriedly took out a magic shield to block in front of him. While the shield covered Xia Ming Wang Huan took out a short knife from his backhand and attacked Xia Ming.

Xia Ming's pupils shrank sharply and he leaned back. The blade passed in front of his eyes and he dodged the knife without any danger.

This knife was beyond Xia Ming's expectation. From the beginning to the end, he wanted to teach the other party a severe lesson and did not kill him, so he did not use any magic weapon.

But Wang Huan's every move was murderous, and he really wanted to kill him!

Xia Ming's eyes fixed, and he did not hold back. He jumped up and took out a flying sword from the spirit ring and slashed at Wang Huan.

Under Xia Ming's swift and sharp sword attack, Wang Huan could only barely parry with his shield.

After all, Wang Huan was only in the middle stage of the Grandmaster Realm, while Xia Ming had already practiced hard and stepped into the peak of the Grandmaster Realm!

Wang Huan was stupid and didn't know. He thought Xia Ming was in the same realm as him and was caught off guard.

"The Xia family's children are indeed full of geniuses."

Xie Ye looked at Xia Ming's fighting posture in the field and praised him.

"Brother Xie, aren’t you going to stop it?"

"If the fight continues, your Zuixianlou will not be able to do business."

Xia Changming said with a smile.

Xie Ye shook his head casually and said:

"It doesn't matter. The Wang family bullies our Xie family because they have no one here, and they always cause trouble here. Today, I'll ask Brother Xia to teach the Wang family a lesson."

"Besides... it seems that the fights between these two are more popular than the singing and dancing."

Xie Ye looked at the other side of the attic where more and more people were crowding in to join in the fun, and said helplessly and amusedly.

Even the people from the east wing came over...

He had never seen such a crowded and lively crowd when he played the flute himself...

Xie Yun seemed to see a business opportunity, and his eyebrows lit up.

Next time, Zuixianlou might add another fighting stage for appreciation, preferably the kind for male and female practitioners...

It should be very exciting!

Just as Xie Yun was thinking, the battle in the field was coming to an end.


With a loud bang, the shield in Wang Huan's hand fell to the ground, and he himself sat on the ground in embarrassment, with a long sword against his throat.

"You, you can't kill me!"

"If you kill me, the Wang family will never let you go!"

"You will harm your Xia family."

Wang Huan threatened fearfully, with cold sweat pouring down his forehead.

Xia Ming hesitated for a moment and slowly put down the sword in his hand.

"I will let you go this time, but if you dare to insult my Xia family again, I will definitely take your head!"

""Get lost!"

After saying that, Xia Ming put away his sword, turned around and was about to check on the others.

Xia Changming looked at him and shook his head.

He is still young...

After Xia Ming turned around, Wang Huan's eyes flashed with a hint of ruthlessness. He took out a sharp cone and suddenly stood up and attacked Xia Ming.

Xia Ming seemed to be aware of it. When he turned around, the sharp cone was close to his chest. He had no time to dodge!


At this critical moment, a figure appeared beside Xia Ming in an instant. With just one finger, he blocked the rotating and advancing sharp cone.


Xia Ming shouted in surprise.

The other Xia family disciples lying on the ground saw Xia Changming, and they all stood up with pain, knelt on one knee and said:

"Meet the master of the family!"

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