Zuixian Tower is one of the most famous landmarks of the Tianzhou Dynasty. Its popularity and fame are even comparable to those of the Tiandi Baoge.

In Tiandu, it can be said that everyone knows the name of Zuixian Tower.

If you want to know how to relieve a thousand worries, only Tianzhou Zuixian Tower can do it.

This sentence is a high praise for Zuixian Tower.

Xia Changming was dressed in light clothes, showing off his handsome and slender figure. He had a ponytail and a crown on his head, and his face was even more handsome, like a jade-faced young man who had just stepped into the world.

But the embarrassing thing is that such a jade-faced young man was standing in front of the gate of Zuixian Tower, hesitating.

Passing men and women all gave him curious and half-smiles.

"Look, that young man is so handsome, he is my type"

"Hush, don’t judge a book by its cover. Don’t you see that person standing in front of Zuixian Tower?"

"I didn't expect such a handsome boy would be obsessed with Zuixianlou…"

"Who says it's not? Zuixianlou is said to be a place where even immortals would get drunk and lost in spirits."

Listening to the gossips around him, Xia Changming felt very embarrassed.

Zuixianlou not only has beautiful music and dance to appreciate, and beautiful girls to admire, but is also a place for men and women to have fun and have in-depth exchanges.

To put it bluntly... it's a high-end brothel...

That's why he stayed in front of Zuixianlou for a long time.

Wouldn't it be inappropriate for a young man like him with a child of more than 300 months to go in?

But Zuixianlou happened to be the property of the Xie family, and it was also the meeting place that the Xie family invited him to set up today.

In the past, he would have walked in with a swagger, but now he is a man with a family.

If his wife knew about this, wouldn't it be like cheating? The cat was caught?

Thinking about it, I felt a little excited...

After a fierce ideological struggle, Xia Changming stepped into Zuixian Tower.

He just came to talk with the Xie family, and he had no other intentions!

As soon as he entered Zuixian Tower, the elegant fragrance of incense mixed with various fragrant flowers permeated his nose, and his eyes were full of lights, wine, and the luxurious scenes of drunken fans.

The interior of Zuixian Tower is very large and spacious. In addition to the central main room, it is divided into east and west wing rooms. The wing rooms and lofts are overlapped, and people move back and forth in them intricately.

The east wing is a place for men and women to entertain themselves, and the west wing is for singing, music and dancing.

At this moment, Xia Changming entered the east wing of Zuixian Tower. The wing room nurtures the sun that rises in the east.

If you ask why not enter from the west wing?

Don't ask, because if you ask, you've gone to the wrong place.

Xia Changming stood by the door, at a loss for a moment, the scene in front of him was breathtaking.

Some men held revealing and seductive women in their left and right hands, while others lay on the women's knees, smoking a cigarette, with blurred eyes, and exhaling a thick white mist from their mouths in ecstasy. There was even a woman who stepped on a man with a defiant look, and held the chin of another man with his clothes wide open, revealing his white chest...

It turned out that Zuixianlou not only does business with men, but also with women. Everything is available. As long as the money is in place, many handsome men and beautiful women can be provided. Whatever you like, she has it here!

No matter what the result of the conversation with the Xie family will be, it will not be in vain.

Not only have I gained experience, but also knowledge...

Xia Changming walked around in Zuixian Tower as if he was on a tour, looking around curiously.

He found that Zuixian Tower was worthy of the name of"Zuixian". Many people here were actually practitioners, immersed in it, and had no intention of leaving...

Soon, Xia Changming, who was alone and handsome, was noticed by many women.

Seeing such a young man with extraordinary temperament coming to Zuixian Tower, many women's eyes lit up immediately, twisting their waists and actively surrounded him.

"Come on, sir, come and play~"

"Oh, this gentleman looks unfamiliar. Is this your first time here? Do you want me to take you to have some fun?"

"Hehe, sir, come and play with me. I know a lot."

"Yulang is so handsome, sister likes him, sister will serve you for free, okay?"

Instantly, a pack of hungry tigers surrounded her, her white slender limbs and jade body trembled, and the strong fragrance of rouge filled her nose. It

's too brutal!

This is unbearable.


Xia Changming has seen all kinds of big scenes, but this is the first time.

Xia Changming flashed with a graceful body movement, and passed through the gaps between the women in an instant, without touching their clothes at all.

He had never been so embarrassed when he fought against a hundred people in the Xia family arena... After escaping from the flowers, a mature and charming woman came towards Xia Changming and asked with a smile:

"Is the guest Lord Xia?"

The person who came to greet him was late, but not too late. At least he didn't have to hide from those women anymore.

The women who just wanted to strip Xia Changming naked and eat him all bowed respectfully and shouted:

""Greetings, Mother Xie."

This woman was Xie Yun, the person in charge of Zuixianlou in the Xie family.

The main reason why Xie Yun came late was that she did not expect Xia Changming to enter from the east gate.

She had been waiting at the west gate since early in the morning.

Xie Yun led the way in front, glanced at Xia Changming and asked:

"I wonder what Lord Xia thinks of my Zuixianlou?"


Xia Changming fell into deep thought for a moment, and after thinking for a moment he replied:


""It is an honor for Zuixianlou to be praised by you, sir."

Xie Yun smiled softly.

Xia Changming followed Xie Yun and walked along a corridor. There were some independent rooms on both sides of the corridor. The screen windows showed charming figures and the sound of flutes and whistles could be heard from time to time.

Zuixianlou is afraid that it is not the wine that makes people drunk...

Even gods who come in may have to crawl out...

Xia Changming couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

""Does Lord Xia like the characteristics of Zuixianlou?"

Xie Yun asked with a smile, looking at Xia Changming's slightly embarrassed look.

"Indeed, it is quite distinctive...."

Xia Changming said in a different tone.

Seeing this, Xie Yun couldn't help but smile lightly, thinking it was a compliment, and continued to joke:

"Does Lord Xia have any ideas?"

"Today, Mr. Xia is the honored guest of our Xie family, so you can get a free meal, only for today."

"No...thank you for your kindness"

"I have no interest in women."

Xia Changming quickly refused.

Although the temptation was great, his heart for his wife was indestructible!

He was the one who held the future of harmonious coexistence between the human and demon races! He came in just out of pure curiosity....

Having heard of Zuixianlou for a long time, she naturally wanted to take the opportunity to see it.

However, Xia Changming's words sounded quite different to Xie Yun.

Xie Yun widened her eyes in surprise and covered her mouth, but soon regained her composure and said with a strange look on her face:

"It turns out that Mr. Xia has such a hobby"

"I have a lot of handsome men here for you to choose from. Although they are not as good-looking as you, Lord Xia, they are still pretty good-looking."

"Whether it is docile, domineering, cute, or…"

Before Xie Yun finished her introduction, Xia Changming interrupted:

"Thank you, mom, you misunderstood me."

"I mean I'm married and I don't have any interest in other women."

"Really? That's a pity.…"

"I didn't realize that Lord Xia was still so sincere and loyal."

Xie Yun said with a look of regret.

This made Xia Changming feel very strange.

What was she regretting?…

"It is rumored that Lord Xia is overbearing, cruel, and unreasonable. After seeing what I have seen today, I feel that the rumors are false."

After a conversation, Xie Yun couldn't help but praise Xia Changming.

She noticed it when Xia Changming was surrounded by women. Seeing that he had never touched the women under her command, he was quite gentlemanly.

During the conversation, he was also humble and casual, unlike the rumors that he was arrogant and looked down on others.

Xia Changming didn't say anything about it, but just smiled.

His attitude has always been towards people!

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