"Oh my, you have such a bad temper."

"If I don't, what can you do to me?"

"If you ask me, my little beauty, you should just obey me, lest you regret it in the future..."

Cai Kun said to Su Yueli in a tone that sounded like persuasion and threat. He couldn't hold back the urgent desire in his heart. With a greedy look on his lips, he slowly stretched out his hand to her chest.

The other people in the attic had been attracted by Su Yueli's cold shout just now. After seeing Cai Kun, they couldn't help but secretly show indignation, and at the same time expressed sympathy for this beautiful woman.

I shouldn't have met Cai Kun.

This man is the second son of the Cai family, one of the four major families in the Tianzhou Dynasty. Relying on the power of the Cai family, he is arrogant and domineering on weekdays, bullying men and women.

His notoriety for greed and lust is even more notorious. All women who are favored by him will be taken as wives and concubines by him by various means without exception.

So far, he has taken in eighteen wives and concubines, some of whom were forcibly taken from others. The wife he took by force!

There were countless women who suffered from his murderous hands!

Any woman with a little bit of beauty would avoid him as if she saw a ghost.

Now in broad daylight, he is trying to do something bad to a young girl and do such a lewd thing!

Although everyone was angry, no one dared to stop him because of the status of the Cai family.

This also contributed to Cai Kun's arrogant and complacent momentum.

Who dares to touch him in this Tianzhou territory!

When Cai Kun's palm was about to touch the magnificent mountains, he couldn't help drooling from the corner of his mouth.

Su Yueli stared at Cai Kun with an indifferent expression. Not only did she not avoid it, but she also showed a gorgeous sneer at the corner of her mouth.

The next second, a silver light flashed, and an arm flew out and fell straight to the ground, and blood splashed in the air.

Cai Kun's expression suddenly froze, because his arm that was about to attack Su Yueli had disappeared.


Cai Kun's expression froze, and he didn't react at all to what happened.

How come his hand was gone all of a sudden?

Or was it the pain of the broken arm that awakened his dull face, and the intense pain surged from the broken arm straight to his brain.

"Ah, ah! My hand! My hand!"

Cai Kun covered his broken arm with blood gushing out, wailing.

The pain was so heartbreaking.

"You! You bitch!"

"How dare you, how dare you attack me, do you know who I am! I will not let you go!"

"When I catch you, I will make you regret it! I will humiliate you bit by bit!"

"When I get tired of playing with you, I will sell you to Yihualou for everyone.…"


Before Cai Kun could finish, a slender jade hand grabbed his forehead, and a chilling murderous intent swept through his body, frightening him so much that he could no longer make any sound, and there was only endless fear in his eyes!

Su Yueli stared at him coldly, slightly raised her nose and sniffed the skirt stained with Cai Kun's blood, her beautiful eyebrows couldn't help but frowned, and said coldly:

"Foul-smelling, inferior blood."

She had been repeatedly frustrated by Xia Changming these days, and she almost forgot what she looked like originally!

She is the empress of the demon race, the master of all demons!

This is the real her! She hadn't taken action for a long time, and even this little ant dared to yell at her.

Thanks to Cai Kun, Su Yueli finally regained the feeling of being an empress.

Su Yueli looked at Cai Kun, thinking about how to deal with this ignorant insect in front of her.

Should she crush it to death? Or crush it to death?

Just as she was thinking for a moment, a figure flew over and attacked Su Yueli with a palm.


"Who dares to hurt the second son of the Cai family!"

Cai Xu shouted loudly while flying and attacking.

At this time, he saw Cai Kun's broken arm, bleeding, and full of anxiety and anger.

He just happened to leave for a moment, how could such a thing happen.

If the head of the family knew about it, he would inevitably be severely punished. The most urgent thing was to rescue the second son and keep this girl!

Su Yueli glanced at the attacker coldly, thinking in her heart:

Here comes another insect who doesn't know whether to live or die.

Gently waving her silk sleeves, a huge force directly lifted Cai Xu away and threw him heavily on the wall of the attic.

If it weren't for the barrier of the Tiandi Bao Pavilion, he would have flown several miles away.

Cai Xu got up from the ground in a mess, with blood on the corner of his mouth and horror in his eyes.

This girl who looks no more than twenty years old is so powerful!

Just one sleeve lifted him up to this place in the early stage of the Tianren realm!

When Cai Kun saw the person coming, he seemed to see a savior, and regained some confidence. He hurriedly shouted at Cai Xu:

"Mr. Xu, where have you been?"

"How dare this woman cut off my arm!"

"Quick! Capture this girl for me. I want to make her wish she was dead, but she can't live!"

Cai Xu:"…"

Cai Xu was very angry and looked at the incompetent and roaring Cai Kun.

He was angry at his incompetence, and angry at his greed and lust. Now he was even more angry that he couldn't even see the most basic overall situation.

Didn't you see that he was just beaten back by that woman!

If he could capture her, he would have done it long ago, and there was no need for him to say anything.

He knew that his greed and lust would cause trouble, but he didn't expect that he would cause such a big trouble this time.

But Cai Kun is the second son of the Cai family after all. As an elder of the Cai family, he can't just watch Cai Kun die here.

"May I ask who you are, senior?"

"This person is the second son of my Cai family. If I have offended you, please show mercy."

"Our Cai family will certainly treat you generously!"

Seeing that he was not an enemy, Cai Xu had to bow respectfully and said.

The Cai family...

I have heard that guy say that it is one of the four great families on par with the Xia family...

Su Yueli stared at Cai Xu with cold eyes, but she did not have the slightest intention of letting go of Cai Kun.

"This emperor is…"

Just as Su Yueli was about to reveal her identity as the demon clan’s empress, she suddenly smiled as if she remembered something and continued:

"Listen carefully, I am from the Xia family."

"You are from the Xia family?!"

Cai Xu looked at the extraordinary and beautiful woman in front of him in surprise.

The Xia family and the Cai family were not on good terms, and conflicts and disputes occurred from time to time. The

Xia family used to be the leader of the four great families, but in the past few decades, the Cai family's power has risen rapidly and has gained all the advantages. The

Xia family's momentum is weak and gradually showing signs of decline. There are constant rumors that the position of the Xia family as the leader of the four great families may change hands.

I never thought that someone from the Xia family would dare to attack the second son of their Cai family today.

And although the person who attacked claimed to be from the Xia family, Cai Xu had no impression of this woman.

If she had such strength and appearance, he would never forget it!

"I have never seen you in the Xia family. May I ask your name?"

Xia Xu asked

"You are not worthy of knowing the name of this emperor."

Su Yueli said calmly.

The high and mighty momentum was like an emperor who looked down on the world!

Xia Xu looked at Su Yueli carefully, and suddenly remembered something, and his eyes were startled.

I heard that Xia Changming, the young master of the Xia family, had returned to the Xia family four days ago, and the one who came back with him was the female emperor of the demon clan!

He had married the female emperor of the demon clan as his wife in Tianyou City on the border, and brought her back to the Xia family!

According to legend, the female emperor of the demon clan is the most beautiful in the world, with a stunning appearance, and extraordinary strength! She is exactly the same as the girl in front of him, just right!

""May I ask what is your relationship with Xia Changming?"

Cai Xu couldn't help asking.

Su Yueli was speechless when he asked this question, and her expression was a little complicated.

She didn't want to admit it, but in order to create some trouble for Xia Changming, she had to reluctantly say:

"he...He is the husband of this emperor."

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