Inside the cabin, through the quaint dark green corridor, there is a dark wooden door that slides horizontally to the left and right.

The wooden door opens to the left and right, and a room covered with straw mats comes into view.

The room is simple and elegant, filled with a faint and elegant fragrance.

Several low tables and mats are placed in the room, and other than that, all that can be seen is the natural color of the wooden house.

A delicate and plain face, without any makeup, but a wonderful woman with a peerless beauty sitting in front of the room. A long black-dyed hair falls on her shoulders, her eyebrows are painted, silent and happy, and the pure white dress blends with the black hair, just like an ink painting.

As the Phoenix of Skyfire, Chi Luan, who is already a fairy, folded his hands respectfully and stood behind the woman.


Xia Changming called out cheerfully when he saw the girl.

Wumingzi nodded slightly in response.

His face was as calm as water, like a deep pool, without any trace of joy or anger.

The atmosphere between the two was harmonious and natural, not as stiff and respectful as that of ordinary master and apprentice. Instead, it was like a child who had not returned home for a long time, with a playful tone of admitting his mistakes.

At least from the appearance, the legendary peerless swordsman was not that scary.

"Greetings to the Unparalleled Immortal Lord!"

Su Yueli bowed and greeted

"Nine-tailed demon fox…"

Wumingzi slowly raised his eyes, his dark eyes as calm as water pierced through Su Yueli’s heart like a sharp sword!

Su Yueli was shocked, her beautiful eyes trembled, and cold sweat oozed from her forehead!

She wanted to take back what she had just said in her heart…

It was too scary!

Just a glance made her so scared!

Is this the power of the Immortal Venerable…

Su Yueli believed very much that if the unparalleled Immortal Venerable in front of her wanted to take her life, she only needed to move her fingers!

"Sit down."

Wumingzi's clear voice sounded again.

It echoed in the ears as if it was magical, making people obey subconsciously.

Xia Changming pulled Su Yueli to sit on the seat next to Wumingzi, patted her hand gently, and told her not to worry, everything would be fine.

Seeing Wumingzi's hair scattered on her shoulders, Xia Changming stood up and walked behind her, and naturally helped her take care of her thick black hair.

His master's hair was much longer than that of an ordinary woman. When sitting quietly on the mat, it almost fell on the straw mat. Even if Xia Changming opened his arms, he couldn't completely hold up the hair.

""Master, your hair really needs a cut."

Xia Changming advised again while bundling Wumingzi's hair. This was not the first time he had advised his master to cut his hair short. He was too lazy to comb his hair, and he was too lazy to cut it.

Wumingzi didn't seem to care about such trivial matters. She had never cut her hair once in a thousand years. She let her hair grow and always maintained a casual and natural attitude.

She only responded lightly to Xia Changming's advice every time, and then nothing happened.

Xia Changming was helpless about it.

This time, Wumingzi lowered his head and stared at a series of strange parts and a square piece of glass on the table, and responded casually.

Su Yueli looked at Xia Changming's skillful technique to comb Wumingzi's hair, frowned slightly, and pouted. No wonder this guy is so good at combing hair!

Xia Changming glanced at the thing Wumingzi was fiddling with in his hand. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it looked. He couldn't help but ask curiously:

"Master, what are you doing?"

"I once heard you say that in a world called Blue Star, no matter where in the world one can use some kind of"magic tool" to see other people at will.

Although Qianli Transmission can hear the voice, it cannot see the true appearance, so I want to try to use this fragment of the double boundary mirror to see if it can be done."

Wumingzi picked up the engraving mold on the table and embedded the square double boundary mirror into it.

Xia Changming suddenly remembered what this was!

Isn't this a mobile phone!

His master actually wanted to copy even the mobile phone?!

"Then, then Master, did you succeed?"

Xia Changming was shocked and asked with trembling voice.

Wumingzi shook his head slowly, took out another one he had made earlier, and denied it:


"The thing you are talking about can get in touch with anyone at will, but this double-boundary mirror can only be connected to another specific mirror."

As he said this, Wumingzi demonstrated it in person.

The spiritual power of his fingertips gathered slightly, and the 'mobile phone' in his hand glowed slightly. The other one also responded, and the two double-boundary mirrors were connected to each other.

There was also a double-boundary mirror fragment on the table, but there was no reaction.

In other words, this double-boundary mirror fragment can only be associated with a specific double-boundary mirror fragment, and cannot be connected to any double-boundary mirror at will.

Seeing that it was only the basic ability of the double-boundary mirror and did not have the function of a mobile phone, Xia Changming was relieved.

If this really succeeded in letting his master make a mobile phone, it would be a new century revolution in the world of immortal cultivation!

Even if it was just a simple communication function, after popularization, everyone would hold a mobile phone made of a double-boundary mirror to chat face to face, just like opening a video chat...

The scene in the world of immortal cultivation was unbelievable...

But although the mobile phone was not made, Xia Changming still admired his master sincerely in his heart.

Just by his oral description, he could make so many amazing things!

"Master, was it you who also made the dragon cannon outside the yard?"

"That was not done by me. I just passed on the idea you told me to someone else and commissioned someone else to do it."

"Just sent it over not long ago"

"How is it? Is it okay?"

Wu Mingzi put down the double boundary mirror in his hand and asked Xia Changming.

This suggestion was also made by Xia Changming. Now that the real thing has been made, she has not tried it out yet, so she asked Xia Changming's opinion first.

""Very impressive!"

Xia Changming praised without hesitation.

That dragon cannon was already several times better than the cannon he had proposed!

Just from the observation and exploration just now,���There were hardly any flaws or defects. No matter which one you pull out, it's a siege weapon!

It's just that this thing might be useful in a large-scale war, but it's basically useless against practitioners with higher cultivation.

I don't know why his master wasted time tinkering with these toys?

Could it be that he was too idle for a thousand years and was looking for something fun to kill time?

But his master didn't seem like a playful person...

After the surprise, Xia Changming was also full of doubts.

"Master, why did you ask someone to make that dragon cannon?"

"It may be useful in the future."

Wumingzi said calmly without explaining too much, but instead looked at Xia Changming.

"But you, if I didn’t call you, would you not plan to come back?"

"How dare~"

"I am just completing the mission that Master assigned to me."

Xia Changming explained righteously.

"I asked you to pacify the demon tribe and maintain peace between humans and demons, but you brought the people back to me."

"Hey, isn't this what you meant?"

"Now that the demon race is stable and revived, they have also started to trade with the human race. There will be no more war between the two races."

Xia Changming walked back to Su Yueli, took her hand and smiled at Wumingzi.

Although the process may be different from what his master expected, the result is the same!

Wumingzi looked at the two of them and said nothing more.

In terms of the result alone, Xia Changming did a much better job than she expected.…


"Do you know why I asked you to return to the mountain this time?"

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