The next day, in the main hall of the Demon Emperor Palace,

Su Yueli and Xia Changming sat on the Demon Emperor throne, overlooking the many generals gathered in the hall.

Not only Niu Dali, Eba, Feng Rao, Xiong Tai and others, but also Bai Yuan of the Feathered Clan, Mo Ye of the Tengu Clan, Mo Xie of the Demonic Clan, and Long Aotian of the Dragon Clan had arrived, standing respectfully in front of the Demon Emperor throne.

As the elders and ancestors, Gui Nian, Bai Zu and the four elders of the Dragon Clan sat on one side.

Today they gathered in the main hall for no other reason than to be present at the audience with the Demon Emperor.

After all the demons arrived, they all bowed their heads, knelt on one knee and greeted:

"Meet Her Majesty!"

"Hello, His Majesty!"

"There is no need to be polite."

Su Yueli sat on the throne, gently raised her hand to signal the monsters to stand up, and then announced loudly:

"I have called you here this time because I have something important to entrust to you."

"Lady Empress, you don’t have to be so polite. You are our Emperor Demon. If you have anything to say, just tell me."

Gui Nian said with a smile while sitting on the chair.

The other demons also echoed:

"That’s right!"

"No matter what it is, we will definitely do it for you!"

Looking at the demon clan gathered together for the first time, Su Yueli's eyes were full of relief, and the cold image of the demon emperor that she had to maintain on weekdays also melted a lot at this moment.

The demon clan is stable, and the demons are united. Even if she is not there, she can feel at ease.

"Everyone, I will go to the Immortal Mountain with my husband tomorrow. I don't know when I will return yet. I will trouble you all for everything in the demon clan."

Immortal Mountain!"

When the demons heard about the Immortal Mountain, they raised their heads in surprise.

It turned out that the rumored Immortal Mountain also existed.

However, compared with the news of the Immortal Mountain, what shocked everyone more was that their empress actually called Xia Changming her husband...!

Although Xia Changming was already the nominal emperor of the demon clan, this was the first time that the empress publicly called Xia Changming like this.

The demons looked at Su Yueli's radiant face, and her temperament seemed different from before, as if there was an extra woman's air...

In addition, when Su Yueli entered the palace, her unnatural steps...

The demons soon understood.

Their empress was already a married woman...

Mo Chi was petrified on the spot, unbelievable, and wanted to say something, but Bai Yu covered his mouth.

His eyes signaled him not to say anything.

But there was still one person who was stupid and didn't understand why.

"Your Majesty, you don't look well."

"Are you sick?"

Niu Dali raised his hand and asked with concern.

Instantly, the hall fell into silence. All the monsters looked at Niu Dali in horror, while some gave him sympathetic looks.

Everyone saw through it but didn't say anything. Why are you so stupid?

Can this be mentioned in front of the Empress?

All the monsters standing around Niu Dali also moved away a considerable distance to distance themselves from him.

We don't know him! We really don't know him!

Crocodile patted Niu Dali on the shoulder and smiled like a brilliant chrysanthemum.



What are these guys doing?

Niu Dali scratched his head in confusion, and a cold and terrifying murderous aura suddenly enveloped his whole body!

Looking up, Su Yueli's eyes were filled with murderous intent, and her pretty face stared at him with frost.


I didn't say anything wrong...

I was just concerned about the Empress, why did she get angry...

Su Yueli pointed at Niu Dali with her green jade finger and said coldly:

"Niu Dali, I heard that you took my husband to Yaoyue Tower a while ago?"

Niu Dali's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes widened with fear. He slowly looked at Xia Changming, with two words written in his eyes:

"Save me!"

Xia Changming gave Niu Dali a 'helpless' look, and nodded to him gently with 'sorrow'.

The meaning is self-evident: Brother Niu, have a safe journey!

As early as that night, Xia Changming had sold Niu Dali, and put all the blame on Niu Dali.

At this time, he and Su Yueli were in the honeymoon period. If he helped him, it would be inevitable that blood would splash on himself...

For my happy life, Brother Niu, just go with peace of mind!

Niu Dali, who understood Xia Changming's meaning, felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his whole body was cold

"Niu Dali, do you know what a crime it is to seduce the demon king?"

Su Yueli's cold words rang in Niu Dali's ears again.

Niu Dali knelt down with a plop, pointed at Xia Changming and stammered for mercy:

"Woman, Your Majesty, it’s none of my business!"

"It's him...I…"

"Ahem, Brother Niu, the crime of framing the emperor is not a small one…"

Before Niu Dali finished speaking, Xia Changming interrupted him.

Niu Dali’s words got stuck in his throat and he couldn’t say them. He looked blank and dazed.

Anyway, he was going to die today.…

"Come here, Niu Dali has deceived the emperor, take him to the dungeon and wait for his punishment!"

Su Yueli ordered.

Two guards walked in from outside the door, grabbed Niu Dali's arm and dragged him out of the hall.

Niu Dali did not dare to resist, and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Your Majesty, I am wronged!"

"I have shed blood for the demon clan, I have sold my life for the demon clan…"

""Mrs. Empress!"

Niu Dali's miserable voice gradually faded away until it disappeared in the hall.

"Madam, don't be angry."

Xia Changming took Su Yueli's hand, stroked her back and advised:

"Madam, you are not really going to kill Niu Dali, are you?"

Selling him is selling him, but the friendship they had over the wine is still there. I can't just stand by and watch him die. I still have to say a few words for Niu Dali.

Su Yueli gave Xia Changming a charming look.

"Is this emperor so unreasonable?"

Then he instructed Xiong Tai:

"General Xiong, please detain Niu Dali for two days and then release him."

"Just teach him a lesson."


Xiong Tai replied


"Ah, ah! I'm here!"

Hearing Su Yueli's call, Mo Chi woke up as if from a dream and responded quickly.

If it wasn't for Bai Yu, he would have been the one dragged out just now.…

"While I am away, you are still responsible for patrolling and monitoring the demon clan’s territory!"

""Ms. Empress... I will definitely fulfill your mission!"

Mo Chi was deeply moved and immediately agreed solemnly.

Last time, his negligence almost caused chaos in the demon tribe, but the Empress still chose to trust him!

This time, he will definitely not let the Empress down again!

"White Feather…!"

After instructing Mo Chi, Su Yueli looked at Bai Yu who was standing beside her.

Her eyes were vicious and she gnashed her teeth.

She said it was poison, but the result was that she was betraying her!

She was her personal maid since she was a child!

Helping an outsider!

Facing Su Yueli's angry glare, Bai Yu's face remained calm, without any fear, and she bowed slightly and said:

""My Lady Empress, what do you want me to do?"

She didn't think she had done anything wrong. Rather, she just did what she should do...

Su Yueli looked at this maid who was as close to her as a sister and was really helpless.

She didn't really have the slightest intention of blaming Bai Yu.

She was just dissatisfied that Bai Yu didn't tell her in advance.…

"Bai Yu, I am not here, so you will be the administrative officer. All matters of the demon race will be handed over to you."


Bai Yu responded softly, and also showed extra concern:

"Empress, please be careful on the road"

""Remember to be moderate in everything, so as not to hurt your body."

Su Yueli looked confused.

What should I be moderate in?

After a moment, Su Yueli's neck and cheeks were instantly burning red, and she gnashed her teeth and shouted:

"White feather!!!"

"What's the matter, Queen?"

"Do you have any other instructions?"

Bai Yu still had no expression on her face, looking very innocent.

Su Yueli clenched her fists, her forehead trembling slightly.

Xia Changming also looked at Bai Yu with a little surprise.

I didn't expect that this maid was quite sinister...

Bai Yu's squinting eyes just happened to catch Xia Changming's gaze, and she leaned over and whispered in his ear:

"Lord Changming, please be gentle to the Empress."

"The Empress is in your hands."

"Well, I got it!"

Xia Changming promised solemnly.

The two of them gave each other a thumbs up and exchanged glances, as if they had made some kind of agreement.

When did the two of them become so close?

Su Yueli frowned slightly, and looked back and forth between Bai Yu and Xia Changming in confusion.

Suspicious! But there is no evidence!

After instructing others one by one, Su Yueli stood up from the Emperor Demon Throne, looked at the demons standing in the hall and said in a deep voice:

"Everyone! While I am away from the demon clan, I will leave the demon clan in your care!"

The demons knelt on one knee with their hands clasped, and shouted in unison:

"I am willing to serve the Empress!"

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