Xia Changming floated in the air holding the Emperor Immortal Sword, his figure was as ethereal as an arrogant immortal, his aura was as powerful as a rainbow, just like a celestial being descended to earth.

Could this be the realm of celestial being?!

This pressure shocked the hearts of the tens of thousands of people present.

It was hard for everyone to believe that in just ten years, Xia Changming had entered the realm of celestial being. It was a realm that countless strong men could hardly reach.

It was thought that Xia Changming and Xia Haotian would have a fair duel, but the outcome was doomed from the beginning.

Xia Haotian was not worthy of fighting Xia Changming at all!

Everything was just everyone's imagination.

Xia Changming held up the Emperor Immortal Sword in his hand in front of him, concentrating his mind and spirit, and the sword intent rushed straight into the sky!

The barrier above the arena shattered in an instant!

""Unparalleled sword art, the sound of the wind!"

As Xia Changming murmured, the Emperor Immortal Sword suddenly trembled, accompanied by bursts of clear sounds that resounded through the sky.

The onlookers sitting on the stone steps suddenly found that their swords could not help but tremble and ring!

Ten thousand swords rang together, and the swords moved and the wind sang.

This is the legendary inheritance of the sword immortal, the unparalleled sword art!

In addition to the basic sword technique inheritance, the unparalleled sword art also has six world-famous styles.

Each move can shake the world and break the laws of all things.

Xia Haotian is not an idiot. He can obviously feel that the monstrous sword energy is definitely not something he can resist.

The fear of death shrouded his heart, and his eyes no longer had the arrogance of the past, leaving only deep fear.

"Dad! Dad! Save me!"

Xia Haotian covered his arm and shouted at Xia Haoyuan on the high platform in a panic.

In order to survive, he no longer cared about his image.

Xia Changming's eyes flashed with coldness, and his body moved, and he and the sword became one, like a flying arrow!

The moment he drew his sword, the sound of the sword stopped abruptly, and the air seemed to solidify at this moment, without a trace of sound, and everyone's swords stopped trembling at this moment.

Seeing the long sword flying at him, Xia Haotian instinctively threw out the life-saving black shield to protect himself.

The Emperor Immortal Sword sank into the black shield like stabbing into tofu, and the blade went straight to Xia Haotian's chest!

Xia Haoyuan was shocked and hurriedly stood up and shouted at the ring:

""You bastard! How dare you!"

Who would have thought that Xia Changming ignored him and pierced Xia Haotian's chest with the Emperor Immortal Sword in his hand!

The sharp sword energy poured into Xia Haotian's body in less than a breath. Before he made any sound or even felt anything, he was turned into dust by countless sword energy!

This is the ultimate sound!

The swords sounded together, and the swords moved in an ultimate sound! Even when you die, you won't make a sound!

Xia Haotian didn't dare to believe that Xia Changming really dared to kill him until he died.

Not to mention Xia Haotian, the other people watching the battle didn't expect Xia Changming to kill Xia Haotian on the spot.

The scene fell into dead silence for a while.

""Xia Changming! You, you dare to kill your fellow disciples!"

A loud shout came from the dead silent arena.

Xia Haoyuan stood up and pointed at Xia Changming angrily.

Xia Changming slowly raised his head and looked at him, saying calmly and fearlessly:

"What does the Great Elder mean?"

"There are rarely casualties in competitions, and the clan competition clearly states that life and death are not important. Could it be that the great elder has forgotten?"

After learning that life and death are not important in the clan competition, Xia Changming had already decided to kill Xia Haotian.

He did not kill the other people who came on the field at the beginning, but just taught them a little lesson.

After all, if all the more talented disciples in the clan were really eliminated at once, it would be an unbearable blow to the Xia family.

But there is only one exception, Xia Haotian!

He must die!

Just based on his undisguised murderous intent, he cannot be spared.

On the other hand, it is also to remove Xia Haoyuan's wings and give everyone else a little deterrence. There is no need to use the Emperor Immortal Sword to deal with Xia Haotian, he can kill him at any time with just a move.

The Emperor Immortal Sword and the Unparalleled Sword Art are also used to better deter everyone and eliminate their uneasy hearts.

"you you…!"

Xia Haoyuan was furious, but he couldn't say a word to refute.

As the great elder, he was naturally very clear about the rules of the clan competition.

His original plan was to use the clan competition to let Xia Haotian take the opportunity to kill Xia Changming.

But he never expected that in the end, he would put the cart before the horse!

His only son, who he had high hopes for, died at the hands of Xia Changming!

"That's right, the clan competition is to select the person who will be the head of our Xia family. Even if there are casualties, it will not be punished."

"This is the rule set by the ancestors of the Xia family."

Xia Changlin stood up and echoed, with a mocking smile on his face.

Xia Haoyuan was so angry that he clenched his fists and his eyes were red.

"" Okay, okay! This matter will definitely not end!"

Xia Haoyuan's face was furious. He flicked his sleeves, stomped his feet and flew out of the arena.

It's not that he didn't want revenge, but he knew that he was no match for Xia Changming with his strength.

He had to swallow his anger.

Xia Jun stared at Xia Changming unwillingly and got up and left.

The other elders looked at each other, unable to make up their minds.

Xia Changming is now showing amazing strength, and he must be the next head of the family.

If they choose to leave at this time, it would be like standing on Xia Haoyuan's side.

And now that Xia Haoyuan is doomed, wouldn't it be courting death to stand on his side? But after all, they have received many promises from Xia Haoyuan.

The other three elders all turned their eyes to the old man who was hunched over but sitting as steady as a mountain, the second elder, Xia Ruoguang.

Although Xia Haoyuan was the eldest elder of the Xia family, in terms of prestige, the highly respected Xia Ruoguang was more respected.

He also had a lot of say in the Xia family.

But for some reason, he chose to help Xia Haoyuan.

Xia Ruoguang pondered for a long time, and the other elders were waiting for his decision.

As long as Xia Ruoguang also chose to leave, they would leave together.

At this time, Xia Ruobing ran to Xia Ruoguang's side and whispered something in his ear.

Xia Ruoguang heard it, and was silent again for a moment, and finally nodded. He slowly stood up and walked to the edge of the platform, and said in a deep voice:

"Xia Changming is extremely talented and showed his talents in the clan leader competition. It is the blessing of our ancestors who revitalized our Xia family."

"I declare that although Xia Changming is young, he is qualified to inherit the position of the head of the Xia family!"

Xia Ruoguang supports Xia Changming to succeed the position of the head of the family, which means that he has chosen to stand on Xia Changming's side.

After the whole audience was silent, there was another thunderous cheer.

Xia Changming was very satisfied and politely bowed to Xia Ruoguang.

In this way, his goal was achieved.

Now that the four elders headed by Xia Ruoguang stood on his side, most of the forces of the Xia family have become his supporters.

The remaining forces of Xia Haoyuan and Xia Jun are no longer a threat and can no longer cause any trouble.

From this moment on, the offensive and defensive situation is different!

The clan competition is over, and there is only one step before Xia Changming becomes the head of the Xia family.

He needs to defeat the current head of the Xia family, his father, Xia Changlin.

Only then can he become the real head of the Xia family and enter the trial ground to obtain the Xia family inheritance.

Xia Changlin jumped onto the ring and said to Xia Changming cheerfully:

"Come on, boy!"

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