Chapter 198

Chapter 198: Reliance

Ayelena “Our contract is that when I need help, you have to help.” A cunning flashed through Azatos’ eyes.

Sign a contract and get a gift?

Azatos’ ambition is not that small. What he wants is this big guy to become his own beater.Although there is a possibility of being slapped to death, it does not matter. The big deal is to lose a secret puppet, but if it succeeds, That can make a lot of money.

This ratio of pay to return, even if Azatos is cautious, can’t help but fight it.

Atajelena frowned, “Is this a contract?”

“Ah… Azatos feels cold, this attitude? Is the other person very resistant? Ayelena”, if you don’t like this kind of contract, forget it. After all, as a man, you can’t embarrass a girl too much, can you? ”

Although you girl is already “three six zero”, you don’t know how old you are.

Thinking of the mural with a long history, Azatos secretly added…

Alojelena frowned,

“It’s not like that, it’s okay to help you, but there is a little trouble in it. How should I put it? I always feel that I shouldn’t be here now, let alone come into this world. It seems that I should be sleeping and avoiding Pursuit of certain will.”

“If you help you too frequently and are noticed by those wills, bad things will happen.

Azatos thought of the picture on the relief, and he had a guess in his heart.It is obvious that the star-born Aloelena also has a huge secret, and it is very likely to play a role in the buried history. Important role,

If this is the case,

At the same time she is in her hand, it will indeed bring a terrifying effect of extremely high personality, and even the gods may end up.

“But if Ayelena is regarded as a trump card that can come back, it can indeed play an unexpected role at a critical moment.” The conspiracy of the Witch Sect is approaching, and there is a sense of urgency in Azatos’s heart.

But seeing Amajelena’s innocent expression that day, for no reason, a touch of evil was born in her heart.


To trick such an innocent girl and use her as a tool person, my heart is really bad.

Although thinking like this in my heart, Azatos spoke without hesitation or guilt, Ayelena “You look down on me too much, I am very strong, I won’t ask you for help in everything, or not at all. I will ask you for help, but the contract must be completed. Hey, yes, it looks like this, so you don’t have to worry about it.”

“Well…Amajelena looked dazed, after hesitating for a moment, she suddenly raised her finger and tapped Azatos’s body.

The pattern of “a star” also emerged on Azatos’ palm.

Alojelena hesitated for a few seconds, and then said: “As long as you call my name in your heart, I will be able to hear your voice, and I will help you, but you will be paid for every shot. A promise.”

“Every time you shoot, in exchange for a promise?

Azatos didn’t dare to agree immediately. After all, this so-called “promise” could be a penny, or it could be his own life.

Who knows if the mysterious power will come into effect after he promises to make him have to abide by the agreement.

“Puff,” Atajelena suddenly laughed, and even the entire galaxy seemed to be much brighter. “Look at making you nervous, don’t worry, this promise is not what you think, it will not involve you in danger, and it will not be a behavior that adversely affects you, um,

Soon Ayelena’s face revealed doubts again,

“In fact, I don’t know why this condition must be set for you. I just feel that this matter is very important and must be done.”

All right,

I thought there was something to calculate before, but now it seems that I am too high to see the IQ of this silly girl.

Ayelena “In other words, as long as I call your name in my heart, you can hear my voice, right?” Azatos raised the star pattern on his palm.

Amayalena nodded, affirmed, and said helplessly:

“I can always hear the sounds of prayers, there are too many, so I have to leave a special mark on you, separate from other prayers, otherwise it won’t be so troublesome.”

In other words, as long as the name Atajelena is chanted, you can hear it no matter how far away it is?

Azatos feels a little confused,

The big guy is the big guy. Although there are problems and become cute, they are still big guys…

At the same time, Ah-Jiang Yelena also slowly backed away, her figure gradually hidden to the depths of the spirit world, and before disappearing, she suddenly said playfully, “Right, um, sir, those spirit world creatures are all I rushed. Run, don’t know why, watching them appear next to you, I feel very angry, please don’t be offended.

Then Atajelena disappeared completely,

Sure enough, those hundreds of thousands of lives in the spirit world were all driven away by you, Ayelena, you return my wings.

“Also, why don’t you ask my name, but call my husband, I have a name.” Azatos rubbed his head, feeling very helpless.

But soon a smile appeared in his eyes.

Originally, I just wanted to sign a contract with spirit creatures. It was also counted in the conspiracy against the witch sect. There were more methods. I didn’t expect to wait for such a big man to come and sign a contract with a thug.

“In this case, even if the teacher of the disaster really comes to the door, he won’t be afraid. This big man can pinch to death a knight of the apocalypse in minutes and crush the teacher to death. It shouldn’t take too much effort.”

But soon Azatos’s expression became serious again.

In fact, he did not completely trust Amayelena. Although the other party behaved like silly and sweet, it seemed that he did have a problem, but who would know if it was acting.

Rather than believing in this mysterious woman, he believes in the original temple more.

When reading the literature of the Tertiary Period (by 1.7 The Book of Erdan, and encountering the harm of history itself, Azatos had seen the power of the suspected gods and wanted to obliterate himself, but in the end he couldn’t find the original temple. Had to dissipate,

At that time Azatos understood that the personality of the original temple may be much higher than he thought.

Amayelena may be strong, but it is never stronger than the gods.

Therefore, if it is really dangerous, he can completely abandon this Secret Puppet and revive it in the body of the original temple through the power of the “Spirit Worm”.

This is one of the reasons Azatos dare to play tricks in front of Ayelena…

“I just don’t know what the true identity of this Ayelena is, whether it is related to the “star dominator, and what role it plays in the buried history.” ”

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