Chapter 193

Chapter 193: I’m Sorry


If this conjecture is established, there is still a very important issue to be clarified.

“The church will not allow such a terrible disaster to happen to Bellan Klin, and the church is a substitute for the gods. In other words, those high gods will not allow such a terrible disaster to happen to Bellan Klin,”

“It might even cause a surrender,”

“You can not believe in the benevolence of the gods, but you must absolutely believe in the power of the gods,”

“The Church of the Six Gods is able to suppress all the secret organizations in the dark, suppressing it out of breath, and this is enough to prove the terrible spirits of the gods.

“In that case, why does His Royal Highness William the Three Princes risk offending the wrath of the gods and cooperate with the Witch Sect, unless this Royal Highness William is an out-and-out idiot, “Three Six Zero” fools, idiots, otherwise it doesn’t make sense. .”

“And that His Royal Highness William can receive the allegiance of General McMill, surely he will not be an idiot.

“As for being controlled by the Witch Sect’, hehe, the church is not blind, and the imperial sect is not blind. If an empire’s prince is so easily controlled, the “Witch Sect” has long become the Church of Orthodox God, and it will not be reduced to it. Secret organization. ”

“If all the impossibility is eliminated…

When Azatos analyzed this, a speculation that made him think deeply, suddenly appeared in his mind.

The three princes are not idiots,

But he knew that this would offend the church and even the gods, so he still chose to do this, so there is only one possibility…

Azatos subconsciously knocked on the desktop, and an incredible flash of eyes flashed through his eyes. “In other words, the three princes knew that the gods would not come, at least not for this matter,

“Then extends to another question,

“No matter how high the gods are, it is impossible to be indifferent to the destruction of most of Bellen Klin by the witch sect. If they follow the normal logic, they will definitely carry out a god surrender. ”

“If there is no God descending, then there is only one possibility… The gods themselves have also had problems, causing them to secretly influence the world, but it is already difficult to really intervene in.

Azatos feels that his conjecture is too unbelievable. If you change your usual practice and hear others say this, you will not believe it for a thousand percent.

But now apart from this possibility, he really can’t think of other reasons.

This idea emerged in Azatos’ mind, and quickly threw it out, “The question of the gods is too far away at the moment, so let’s focus on the “Witch Sect” first.”

The Duke of Dylan once investigated the Black Swan Company and came to the conclusion that the current boss, Rollwords, is just a puppet. The real boss is His Royal Highness the three princes William, but it seems that he is not His Royal Highness William The real boss,

The real “boss is the teacher of the disaster”,

“There is also the address of the Royin factory on Cloyin Street in the Milk Industrial Zone. Jager has also investigated it, saying that it is the place where the military’s “Tianshu” project developed secret weapons. He also said that all investigations The detectives in the Luo Yin factory were all dead.

“I get it now,

“Because in the Luoyin factory area, there is hidden the most important “Skyfire Burning City Disaster” secret ceremony of the Witch Sect, so anyone who dares to peek must shut his mouth out. ”

The “Skyfire Burning City Disaster” covers the scope of the secret instrument, including the Milk Industrial Zone, Milner District, and… the Tulip Long Street.”

When the analysis came to this point, Azatos also felt a sense of fortune.

the reason is simple,

Both Jon and Alice live in Tulip Long Street,

If the “catastrophe” does happen, the fire that can burn half of Bellanklin will burn. Under the secret ceremonies of the’Witch Sect’, will they survive?

Azatos dare not bet,

The reason why he was so concerned about the Witch Sect at the beginning was that he was curious and wanted to learn more about the mystery. The second was that he was afraid of spreading to his family, so he wanted to figure out what the Witch Sect’s conspiracy was. ,

Now that he knows in advance, and with precautions, he will naturally not let Jon and Alice be harmed…

At last Azatos put his gaze on the words “Science” in the disaster, and a solemn flash of his eyes flashed, “The puzzle is about to be completed, but the most important part has not been found. I have to say that this is really disturbing. ,


In this conspiracy and power struggle, the most important piece of the puzzle has not been found.

She is “The Disaster Teacher”.

Azatos knows very well that although on the surface the three princes William, General Mcmille, Patou Sovereign Fund, and the three witches are the most active, in fact, the core figure of this conspiracy is the scourge.” This must be promoted to “Knights of Disaster Apocalypse”,

She is the most crucial person.

“But it doesn’t matter. Let the church give you a headache. The current evidence and information are enough. As long as you hand it over to Duke Dylan and ask him to transfer it to the church, I think the church will soon take action.” Soon Azatos laughed and stopped struggling with this question.

Next, wait for Duke Dylan to chant the honorable name, once again come to the original temple, and give him these materials…

At the same time, this night, in a hidden place in Bellan Klin, a few people were gathering here.

There are two people at the head, sitting at the front of the long table. One is a young man wearing luxurious clothes. The gestures are full of extravagance. Obviously, they have undergone good etiquette training.

The other is a beautiful lady with long hair and sky blue eyes. If Azatos is present, she will definitely be able to recognize her identity. It is Dora, the chief secretary of the Black Swan Company.

Below, there are different numbers of people sitting on each side. Among them are the vice president of Patou Sovereign Fund, General McMill of the Third Royal Knights, the Witch Glya, and the Witch Daly…

Quint’s gaze swept around, and his gaze suddenly gave rise to doubts, “Hey, Count Dora, why didn’t he come to this gathering?”

At this time, Miss Dai Li’s deep voice sounded.

“I think it’s better not to call him on this occasion. After all, Mr. Earl still has the suspicion of betraying us.”

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