Chapter 190

Chapter 190: I’m Sorry

Azatos’s nervous mood relaxed slightly,

“Fortunately, although Dai Li perceives the sense of violation, he does not perceive where the anomaly originated. In other words, he has not broken away from the frame of the “Book of Celtics” story and is still in the plot. middle.”

Next, “just follow the direction of the story, complete the last step, and exchange it with Earl Dora,

“This time the action is complete.”

At the same time, in another VIP room,

Lilia originally just wanted to look at it and pass the time, but the more she watched it, the more she became fascinated, as if the plot in the book had magical powers, she was unconsciously attracted to her, and she continued to read down.

“Suddenly, the pitch-black bird smashed through the window, and poured heavy rain into the theater.

“A riot has occurred,

“The fake nobleman was caught in the rain, and even the witch cannot be spared,”

“Ah, this is really a bad day.”

“The witch sighed.

“The hand that moved the wheel of fortune at this time has also come to an end, and the grand chapter is about to come to an end.”

“At the moment you stepped out, the false earl and the real earl were swapped back, just like a magician’s trick, amazed people who don’t know the truth.

“The witch did not find any abnormalities,

In the original temple, Earl Dora stretched out suddenly, looked at the thick paper in front of him, couldn’t help but smile at the corner of his mouth, and on it, it was already written with the “truth of the conspiracy of the witch sect” and ” The role played by the “Royal Faction” in this incident.

If this evidence is given to the church, those believers who serve the gods will never sit back and watch.

In front of the church, even the royal faction headed by Crowen III must make concessions so that they can escape from this conspiracy.

But soon Earl Dora’s face became serious again, and he murmured:

“Dawn has not yet arrived. On the contrary, it is at the darkest hour of the night. I must be careful not to let the “Witch Sect and the “Royal Family” find any abnormalities, otherwise I will definitely not survive the next day.” ”

“After this period of time, I am truly safe.”

Suddenly Earl Dora let out another sigh,

“His Royal Highness, I know that you want to crack down on the aristocratic faction, and the empire will truly unify the royal power, but why do you want to cooperate with a secret organization like the “Witch Sect”?

“After all, the biggest power in the world is not the royal family, no aristocracy, nor a local governor.

“It’s the church,

“When the church finds that the royal family is colluding with a hidden organization, and is gestating a huge disaster, it will definitely not sit back and watch.

“Don’t blame me, I don’t want to be executed by the church, and I don’t want to let the family fall into a situation where it is impossible to recover, so I can only provide evidence to let the conspiracy of the “Witch Sect” be crushed by the church before it succeeds.”

“The crimson goddess, the sun god, the god of dusk,

“I hope you can bless me.”

Broken pieces.

At this time, the sound of knocking on the table suddenly came from behind the fog, causing Count Dora to subconsciously cast his gaze over it.

Then Mr. Destiny’s mysterious, sublime, and unpredictable voice resounded, “The time is almost here, get ready, you should go back.”

Has an hour passed so quickly?

It is really unpleasant to think of continuing to get along with that witch cultist.

Count Dora thought so, and at the same time solemnly performed a noble courtesy, with awe and gratitude in his eyes. “Mr. Destiny, thank you for your favor and look forward to seeing you next time.”

Hey hey hey hey hey.

At this time, the dark birds gathered outside the theater more and more densely, attacking the windows, instinctively wanting to hide in the theater to avoid the rain.

The pitch black bird is a kind of bird in this world. According to legend, it is the pet of the crimson goddess. Its body is pitch black with crimson eyes, and its vision is only black and white.

This also caused a problem.The pitch black bird couldn’t see the glass on the window, thinking that it was just a frame, so it instinctively wanted to fly in and hit the glass window severely.

At the beginning, the guests at the Gera Grand Theater hadn’t noticed anything until the “Squeaking” sound became more and more louder and louder, only to realize that the outside was submerged by pitch black birds.

“There are too many black birds.”

“Are they going to come in to hide from the rain? Wait, there are too many, right? Can the windows stop it?”

“The glass is cracked.

“Do not……


Accompanied by the sound of broken glass, the birds swarmed into the Gela Grand Theater. The place they passed was in a mess. More than that, the heavy rain entered the theater and rained on a lot of people, turning them into chickens.

Although the VIP room has a high location and a good view, it is also inevitable. Even because it is too close to the window on the roof, it gets more wet.


Dai Li couldn’t keep calm either, she let out a scream, and even her face became slightly ugly. “Why are there so many black birds, why is there heavy rain, why do you come to this ghost place, Damn it, Damn it, Damn it…

The sequencer of the sequencer four has stepped into the extraordinary realm, and the spirituality can blend with the various images of the spiritual world, thereby greatly improving the ability of their own way.

But this does not mean that they can be isolated from the rain.

Unless you have the ability to “shield the water” and “shelter the rain”, otherwise, when the heavy rain comes, you will inevitably become a rookie.

Azatos is certainly not surprised by this scene, because this was originally the story he wrote,

But on the surface, he still had to look surprised.

“The characteristics of the pitch-black bird, when it rains, it will take shelter in the highest building. There is no way, Miss Dai Li, I want to change my clothes, how about you?”

“I’ll change too,” Dai Li’s expression is cold (okay Zhao), but she is very depressed. After all, it hasn’t been long before she finished changing her clothes.

At this moment,

Dai Li looked at the earl in front of him, and said coldly: “Let’s go, I’ll go with you first, after watching you change, I will go again?”

Even if this is the case, don’t you forget to monitor it?

Azatos shrugged and looked indifferent.


As one of the three major theaters in Bellanclin, the Gera Theatre has no shortage of places to change clothes. Soon Azatos walked into a room.

At the same time, Earl Dora left the original temple’, when he returned to reality, he found himself in a room.

And his shadow also changed at this time, and a line of text appeared.

“This is how things happened, and what you need to pay attention to. Also, this witch cultist has not concealed your suspicion. You have to be more careful not to be caught by the slightest flaw.

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