Chapter 188

Chapter 188: The Demon King

If I were an ordinary person, I would have been blinded by the ability to hear such circumstance.

However, Azatos has the ability of extraordinary wisdom, but he quickly understood the use of this “guarding and adjudicating ability.”

It is not that complicated in practical terms. First, it is based on the laws of the Empire of Erifa. For example, in the laws of the Empire, there is a prohibition against harming others. Then Dora can extract this law to protect himself. To avoid being attacked.

There is also the ability to judge. For example, the enemy has violated the laws of the empire, such as stealing, such as robbery, and finding definite evidence, then Earl Dora can give the other party a ruling.

But this also made Azatos a doubt in his heart.

“Why is Earl Dora’s ability based on the laws of the Arifa Empire before it can be implemented? Could it be said that the laws of the emperor’s “three, four, seven” countries also have mysterious powers?”

Earl Dora saw Mr. Clown in front of him being silent and a little willing in his heart, and asked: “Sir, can you understand what I said just now, and what should I do so that you can steal my abilities? .”

“Ah, yeah, understand, of course understand,

Azatos woke up, patted Count Dora on the shoulder, and a smile appeared in his eyes, “No need to do anything, the stealing is complete, oh, now you should be able to feel that you have lost the [Guardian and Judgment] ability.”


Azatos looked at the ruby ​​necklace on his neck, and the smile on his lips became thicker.

[Polkaro Chain: Three abilities can be stolen. The conditions for stealing are first, the other party needs to personally name the ability, second, the other party needs to introduce the details of the ability, and third, there is direct contact with the other party, and when the stealing is successful At that time, unless the owner of the chain of Polkaro actively returns the ability, the stolen one will lose this ability forever. )

Count Dora was shocked, using spirituality as a traction, and found that he really lost the ability to guard and judge.

“Is it a magical item? Or a gift from the’Mister Destiny’? Maybe I need to be more serious about my attitude towards the house of destiny.”

Afterwards Azatos asked some questions, such as Earl Dora’s usual performance, behavior habits, attitude towards Witch Cultist Dai Li, etc. Naturally, this is to avoid any flaws in the next relationship with Dai Li.

Earl Dora also understood the importance of things, and explained them one by one. It took more than ten minutes.

Azatos was thoughtful and confident, so he gave a final explanation, “Mr. Earl, in the fortune-telling room, he has prepared pen and paper. You can write down everything you know. Remember, you only have An hour’s time comes from the enlightenment of “destiny”. You must come back when you are a child, otherwise it will have unimaginable consequences.”

“An hour?” Count Dora nodded solemnly, “I see, don’t worry, there is an hour, I have enough time to write all the conspiracies of the Witch Sect.”

Azatos watched Count Dora leave behind, and then heard the footsteps returning, showing a smile that was indistinguishable from the deity, sitting in the main seat, and watching the opera this time intently…

“This is also the third time I have confronted the Witch Cultist.”

When Earl Dora stepped through the door of the VIP room, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

“This is the Fate Divination House? This is too grand.”

Even with the status of Earl Dora, I couldn’t help but wonder at this moment.

Then he looked forward, and saw a figure headed by the long table, covered by the mist, so noble, noble, not to be peeped,

It must be Mr. Destiny in Dylan’s mouth.

Count Dora secretly said in his heart, and at the same time bowed solemnly. Mr. Destiny, it is an honor to meet you.

“Well, let’s get started.”

After a deep and profound voice came, Mr. Destiny didn’t have much expression.

More like a god than a person!

Count Dora thought about it and came to the long table, and saw the quill and white paper that had been prepared. He solemnly performed aristocratic etiquette, then sat down and wrote the conspiracy of the “sect” of the witch.

In another VIP room,

Lilia was still reading “The Book of Celtics” with gusto, but she had forgotten it, and it was still working hours. What was even more strange was that no one came to disturb her during this period.

“The man behind the scenes of fate has finally appeared, in the image and posture of the earl,

“The fake earl replaced the real earl, and the real earl took the opportunity to leave the room and went to an absolutely safe place. With a respite, he wanted to write about the crimes of the witches.”

At this time, the witch who had changed clothes also returned.

“She didn’t realize that the earl she was monitoring was just a fake exhibit.”

“Still the usual surveillance as usual,

“The rain is getting heavier, and the pitch-black birds are circling outside, hitting the windows to come in and avoid the rain, but no one knows that this is about to happen a riot.”

“On the stage, the story of the hero Luo Erjia is still going on,

“In the story, justice finally defeated evil, and the devil fell under the holy sword.

“How will this make the witch react?

“Maybe very annoying.”

Dai Jiili changed into a new set of clothes, which is not difficult for her.

Azatos did not look back, and did not even look back at Dai Li, because according to Earl Dora’s description, he would devote himself to the opera when he watched the opera, concentrate terribly, and would not be disturbed by anything in 1.7.


The premise is that Dai Li will not speak.

“Hey, this time, I used my acting talent to the fullest, and she definitely couldn’t see it.” Azatos felt a nasty taste in his heart, which was very interesting.


on the stage,

The hero Luo Erjiazheng chanted poetry, roared at the demon king, and swung the holy sword to chop off, and the demon king fell to the ground in endless astonishment and fear.

It is at this time,

Dai Li, who had been silent, suddenly sneered. “The brave killed the demon king. This is really a big joke. In fact, the demon king finally unified the world and became a god, and those brave men who resisted the demon king eventually became the devil king.

“Mr. Earl, are you right?”

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