Chapter 181

Chapter 181: The Secret

Earl Dora?

Azatos, wearing a clown mask, immediately came up with “Black Swan Company information, and in the equity structure, the bank under the name of Earl Dora was among them.

At the black swan company’s dinner at that time, the nobleman seemed to also attend.

Unexpectedly, now the other party wanted to betray this huge interest group.

“There is no doubt that Earl Dora is one of the core members of this interest group, and the secrets he knows must also be the most central, pointing directly to the conspiracy of the “Witch Sect”.

“It is precisely because of this that this great nobleman, great banker, and great man of the empire truly felt scared and wanted to get away.

“For this reason, he even went to the Duke of Dylan, one of the representatives of the elders who was incompatible with the royal family, for help.”

“If you can let Earl Dora come to the house of destiny’,

“What is the conspiracy of the “Witch Sect”, the military’s “Tianshu Project”, and the “Black Swan Company” that undertook this project, will also clarify the truth. ”

Azatos was thoughtful, and there was already a vague idea in his mind,

In fact, he is not that kind of nosy person, signing in every day, exploring the knowledge of mystery, and passing ordinary people’s daily life by the way, he is already very satisfied.

As for saving the world,

That is the matter of God 347, and it has nothing to do with Azatos,

But this time the conspiracy of the “Witch Sect” originated from Bellan Klin, and the truth is unknown. Judging from what has been learned, the spread is likely to cover half of the city.

Jon is here, Alice is here, I’m here even more,

If disasters really happen,

Who can guarantee that they will not affect themselves and their families,

Out of a cautious character, Azatos decided to take precautions and not to stop the “Witch Sect, at least to figure out what they are going to do.”

And to cooperate with the great nobleman “Duke Dylan” is obviously a good note.

Thinking of this, Azatos no longer hesitated.” Under the clown mask, he asked in a deep voice: “Since Earl Dora has an invitation letter for the “House of Destiny” in his hand, when is he going to come over and meet us.

“I’m afraid it will be difficult… Duke Dylan shook his head, his face is very solemn.” According to the news of the last secret transmission of Earl Dora, the interest group of the royal family has already noticed his abnormality. And he was secretly monitored. Now Li, even signing his name on the invitation letter of’Destiny Occupy the House (cjbh)’, can’t do it for a while.

“Is this serious enough?” Azatos was also a little surprised.

Duke Dylan nodded, “Yes, so “Mr. Joker, if we want to see Earl Dora, we must deceive the watchers for a period of time, and we must not startle the snake, otherwise, “Earl Dora, it is in danger.”

This is indeed a problem,

Azatos, wearing a clown mask, thought for a moment,

“Mr. Duke, I will try to pray for the favor of Mr. Destiny and see if there is a way for Earl Dora to show off, but Mr. Destiny” does not necessarily take this matter to heart, you have to be psychologically prepared. ”

This is actually a way for Azatos to leave himself,

“Mr. Destiny may not take this matter to his heart, so he may not take action.

In this case, if the plan for Earl Dora to escape fails, this reason can also be used to ensure the personality of’Mr. Destiny.’

Duke Dylan glanced at the figure behind the fog and nodded solemnly, “Mr. Clown, I understand, you can do your best for this matter.

in this way,

Although the two sides did not say anything, they have reached a tacit understanding of cooperation in some aspects.

But at this time, Duke Dylan brought up a more serious topic.

“It may be a little earlier now, but I still think it is better to discuss a result first, Mr. Clown, if we really investigate the conspiracy of the “Black Swan Company” and the “Royal Family”, what should we do next? Do it,”

Azatos was also stunned for a while,

Yes, even if you really know the conspiracy of the’Black Swan Company’, what can you do, start a group physically, and stop it directly?

Not to mention the others, just the person of the Disaster Secretary, I am afraid that he will be able to annihilate himself and Duke Dylan, and he will die from various accidents and disasters.

Since neither left nor right can be stopped, what is the point of continuing to investigate?

While thinking about it, Azatos suddenly saw the expression of Duke Dylan and was startled, and then laughed.

“Master Duke, you already have plans, right?”

Duke Dylan nodded, and a smile appeared on his lips, “A small idea, but it is worth trying.”

Azatos under the clown mask also laughed.

“Ah, I would like to hear the details.”

“To say that the world’s greatest power is not an empire, nor an ancient sect, nor a royal family or interest group, but a church that holds the power of the gods and walks on the earth instead of gods,” Duke Dylan said leisurely: “As long as we collect When there is enough evidence to prove that the three princes of the royal family, William Crowen, are in collusion with an ancient sect. If they want to inflict disaster on Bellanclin, the church will never sit idly by.

“In the face of the power of the church, even the interest group headed by the three princes William Kraun is not worth mentioning.”

“So all the problems will be solved in the wind?

Azatos suddenly realized.

Yes, this world is not ruled by the emperor, let alone ruled by the witch sect, but by the six major orthodox churches. The churches protected by gods cannot be shaken by any secular force.

As long as sufficient evidence is collected and a wave is reported, the conspiracy of the “Witch Sect” may be frustrated.

In fact, Azatos had thought about the idea of ​​reporting the church before, but then the content of the book of Baierdan made him suspicious of Liushen, and even the idea was eliminated.

Now that Duke Dylan mentioned this, he immediately woke up.

“No matter what the historical truth is, what the Six Gods are concealing, but these are not in conflict with the method of reporting the church, at least the gods should not allow secret organizations to mess up.

“And as the “Duke of Dylan”, if we find definitive evidence and report it, the church will definitely take it seriously.”

“In this way, all the problems will be easily solved.”

Thinking of this, Azatos no longer hesitated, nodded and said in a deep voice: “Okay, then do it, but Mr. Duke, you also know who I am. I am not suitable to report this matter. I still have to trouble you. ”

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