Chapter 170

Chapter 170: I’m Sorry

Azatos was not anxious to check the historical documents of the Tertiary era at this time, but was very curious about the secret organization behind this young man.

It is possible to reproduce the occult knowledge through a certain medium…

This ability is also quite interesting.

“Boss, as a gentleman, before asking who I am, shouldn’t you tell me who you are?” Azatos smiled.

These words caused a chill in Xia Weiyin’s heart.

Because of this sentence, it has basically shown that the Roll in front of him is indeed not the original Roll.

His identity has been stolen.

As for the question made by the person in front of the roerpi, Xia Weiyin chose to remain silent and looked at the window, thinking about how to escape.

Although it didn’t take long to fight against each other, Xia Weiyin already understood that facing this person in front of him, he had no chance of winning.

However, through the (observer) ability, Azatos saw through the opponent’s plan at a glance, and at the same time used the spirit line) ability to control the opponent’s actions, “Want to run? This is not good, because my Your curiosity has been completely hooked up by you. Today I have to figure out who you are and which secret organization you come from.”

Xia Weiyin’s face became ugly,

He clearly felt that his whole body joints suddenly became stiff, as if being pulled by an invisible thread, becoming a puppet with a thread.

Xia Weiyin wanted to get a glass bottle, use perfume as a medium to show his abilities, and solve the current dilemma, but found that he could no longer do something as simple as a finger movement.

Although terrified, Xia Weiyin still stubbornly did not answer this question…

“Ah, sir, I admire your spine, so how about this, I don’t know if you can’t hold on.” Azatos came to Xia Weiyin, raised his finger, and lightly nodded on the opponent’s brow. .

[Dream weaving technique; it can weave a dream deep in the heart, thereby replacing the memory in the subconscious. When the host’s ability reaches a certain level, the original memory can be covered with the weaving fantasy dream]

I saw that Xia Weiyin’s face suddenly became distorted, struggling hard, as if she had had a terrible nightmare, and it took a long time to wake up, her face was full of cold sweat, and she was gasping for breath, gritted her teeth and said: “You , This devil, “?

The devil “? Not so, I just asked you to have a slightly nasty dream. In fact, you call me the master of pranks, I am a little happier,” Azatos smiled slightly, “So, sir, you Will you answer my question now?”

Xia Weiyin recalled the terrible nightmare just now, and a palpitation flashed in his eyes. He really didn’t want to bear the horrible experience just now, so he gritted his teeth and nodded.


“My name is Wies and I come from the Knowledge Council. I have no other purpose when I came here. I am just curious. This time, the history and heritage investigation agency has spent a lot of time and even asked the church for help in the third documentary record.”

“As for the information on the Knowledge Council, I’m sorry, I’m just a peripheral member and don’t know much about it. No matter how much you tortured me, I can’t give you an answer.

Azatos raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, and has the ability to “lie corrections”.The thing he is least afraid of is fraud.

When Xia Weiyin’s words were introduced into his ears, they were automatically transformed into the following sentence, “My name is Swain, from the Truth “Tower Council”. There is a rule within the Council, and it is absolutely not allowed to explore the secrets of history. , I don’t understand why this is, in order to find the answer, I will take action against the history “and the relic investigation agency without hiding the instructor.”

“As for the internal situation of the Tower of Truth Council, I have not yet accepted the inheritance of the teacher, so I am not too clear about the secrets that are too detailed.

“So, no matter how much you tortured me, I can’t give you an answer.

After laughing, Azatos fell into contemplation again.

He did not expect that this boss turned out to be a member of the “Tower of Truth Council”. He had heard about this secret organization from Jager.

Azatos doesn’t know much about the Tower of Truth Council, only that it is the only secret organization that the Church of Orthodox God has acquiesced to exist.

Azatos did not expect to meet a member of the Tower of Truth Council here,

The rules of the “Tower of Truth Council” absolutely do not allow to explore the secrets of history, there will be mysterious reasons in it. ”

“Also, the Truth Tower Council” will be tacitly approved by the Six Gods Church to exist, and what is the reason?

“Also, what kind of secrets are hidden in history, so that the only secret organization that has been acquiesced to exist by the Six Gods Church prohibits its members from exploring.

Thinking like this in my heart, although Azatos has sighed many times, he still couldn’t help sighing again.

“The water in this world is so deep.

Of course, Azatos did not reveal anything strange on the surface. He still had a calm expression. In his tone of voice, he asked with curiosity: “What is your “Knowledge Council” approach? The ability to transform mystical knowledge into reality through a certain medium is such an ability. It’s very interesting.”

“The way that the knowledge parliament’s grasp is the law and law, that is, it can transform all the law and law into reality,” Xia Weiyin replied without hesitation.

Look at those sincere eyes, it’s kind of like that,

If it weren’t for the ability to [lie correction], Azatos might have been deceived,

And the ability to “correct the lie” in this sentence has also become. The “Tower of Truth Council” masters the knowledge pathway, which is to reproduce the relevant abilities based on its own understanding of occult knowledge. The more occult elements it contains, the stronger the ability to use.

Knowledge pathway?

If Azatos (okay Zhao) is thoughtful, I didn’t expect that even such an abstract concept would have related pathways. I don’t know how many pathways there are in this world, and what are they all.

Thinking like this, a smile appeared on Azatos’s face and said: “Boss, thank you for your notice!

Seeing the expression of “Roll” in front of him, Xia Weiyin couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that his lie would be exposed. Now it seems that he has successfully passed the blunder.

Then Xia Weiyin asked subconsciously:

“Sir, can you let me go now?”

“Of course, you can… Azatos smiled slightly, and then used the “Sleep’s Lullaby” ability, “Sleep, everything will pass when you wake up.”

This time the reply Vine didn’t get through, and fell asleep directly on the ground. The last thought when he was awake was…

“You fake Roll””Don’t pay attention to it.

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