Chapter 155

Chapter 155: I’m Sorry

“The Secret Puppet Scarlet Thief Dorno said all the news he knew, without concealing the least.

Azatos was first shocked by the person of the Disaster Secretary, and the spirit body roams the spirit world.At least now, he can’t do it, nor can the Scarlet Thief Dorno. This also proves that the other person’s personality is absolutely in Sequence 4. Above,

Then I tapped the table with my finger and fell into contemplation.

Through Dorno’s description, Azatos already has a rough outline of what the Witch Sect will do in Bellanclin, but it is precisely because of this that Azatos feels very difficult.

“First of all it can be determined,

“The Witch Cultists in Bellan Klin belong to the line of the Disaster Sect, and their plot is to make the Disaster Knights among the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse return from eternal sleep.

“The path to the end of the day is the manifestation of disaster, and the ritual of the awakening of the disaster knight must also be related to it,

Scarlet “The main active area of ​​the thief Dorno is the Milky Industrial Zone, that is to say, the conspiracy range of the Witch Sect”, and it is also in the Milky Industrial Zone.

“According to the information surveyed by Yage, “Black Swan Company has only received one business since its establishment, the military’s “Tianshu” project, and this project is within the scope of the Milky Industrial Zone.

“And the Miss Dai Li who attended the party at the “Black Swan Company, and Dora, the chief secretary of the Black Swan Company, are also witches, and their status in the catastrophe” line is certainly not low.

In other words, the core of the “Witch Cultist” conspiracy lies in the Black Swan Company and the Tianshu Project. ”

“There are big problems in both,

As the deduction progressed, the context in Azatos’s mind became clearer. Although the specific details of the “Witch Sect plan” are not yet known, they have roughly been deduced.


Azatos showed a touch of helplessness,

Even if he knows, what can he do with the Witch Sect? The horror of the Disaster Secretary is no longer what he can speculate at the moment.

As for reporting to the official, he said: “Uncle Police, there are witches here, hurry up and catch them. “?”

Let’s not talk about whether you have any definitive evidence, that is, “the interest group behind the Black Swan Company can definitely not be moved by just a report. There are military, Pato Sovereign Fund, and Doral Bank. , Even the royal family is suspected of being involved,

If you pretend to report it, you are afraid that the “Witch Sect” has not been eliminated, and you will face the military’s chase.

As for reporting to the Orthodox Church,

The church with the blessing of the gods does not fear the interest groups behind the Black Swan Company, but it still involves a problem evidence, definite evidence, evidence of the crucifixion of the Black Swan Company.

Don’t forget, you are also a believer of evil gods,

Without definite evidence, why does the church believe in a believer of an evil god, and thus launch an encirclement and suppression of another believer of an evil god?

Thinking of this, Azatos didn’t have much thoughts of saving the world, but it also went out.

“Really, what do you want to do so much, saving the world is something that the gods should worry about. It’s something that concerns me, a lower-level sequencer.”

Next, “I just need to protect Jon and Alice from being affected in the next disaster, so that’s it.

“Of course, if I can find conclusive evidence, I don’t mind reporting a wave to the Orthodox Church,”

“But it cannot affect my own safety and the safety of my family in advance.”

Thoughts came to mind, and Azatos’s heart was also understood,


Saving the world is something that the gods should worry about. You, a lower-level sequencer, can take care of this. If you eat carrots and worry about it, it is better to sign in and become stronger silently.

The thinking became much clearer, and Azatos thought of another question, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, “When the Witch Cultist Greya saw me, he actually recognized me as Adam. This should be impossible. of,

“At the secret party, I wore a mask, and she had never seen my “mask” either.

“Since it is not recognized by appearance,”

“Then there is only one possibility,

Azatos took the Polkaro [Chain] on his neck, and the cold light in his eyes became colder. “She can still perceive the existence of the [String of Accidental] ability. After all, this ability was stolen from her by me, so this Probably not without. ”

In other words, “If you bump into the street in the future, no matter how I pretend, she may come out of me.”


This “Witch Cultist must die,

At this moment, Azatos had a few murderous in his heart.

Of course, for the hunt of a witch cultist, adequate and perfect preparations are needed. Because of his prudent character, Azatos does not intend to act rashly.

In the next period of time, it was still calm. Whether it was the Orthodox Church or the Witch Sect, there was not much movement.

Of course, out of caution, Azatos took the time to notify the Azure Cultists and the others, asking them to be careful not to expose their tracks, because the strange disappearance of the Scarlet Thief Dorno, an ally, is likely to attract revenge from the Witch Cultists. ,

After watching the battle of Mr. Adam’s, the Azure Cultists were very close in their hearts, and they converged their own character to do whatever they wanted.

There is also the story of [Big Thief],

Although Azatos ordered everyone in the Brave Tavern to spread only around Danube Street, this kind of thing cannot be controlled by humans. In the case of word of mouth, the story of the “Big Bandit” is also spreading widely. Ke Industrial Zone is already considered a small name,

But Azatos doesn’t care about it anymore,

The scarlet thief Dorno has been made into a secret puppet, the story of the thief has been completed, and the effect of the language alchemy has (well) ended. No matter how widely spread, it will not affect Azatos. Self-awareness has an impact.

But this also reminds Azatos, ears.

||When it is not a last resort, I must not use this method of large-scale publicity to display [Language Alchemy”, otherwise the content of the publicity has not been staged, but the scope of the spread has exceeded my own personality, then My own cognition will be contaminated, and I will lose myself, which is more terrifying than death.

In addition, while observing the illusory starry sky above the original temple, Azatos has been waiting for the guest recommended by Duke Dylan for the House of Destiny.

However, what Azatos did not expect was that the second invitation letter for the divination house did not take effect.

no way,

Azatos had to focus on this first.

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