Chapter 138

Chapter 138: The Secret

This evening, Duke Dylan and Allier talked for a long time. As for what was specifically discussed, perhaps only the gods would know, and when Allier left Duke Dylan’s room, his face was already full of smiles.

Duke Dylan also looked in the direction where Allier had left, and muttered to himself:

“Allier, you are a follower of my father, and you risked your death to save me. I know that you will never betray me.”

“But what are you going to do?”

Early morning, Saturday, Wednesday.

Azatos withdrew from the Old God Observation Secret], full of energy, without feeling tired, the continuous growth of spirituality gave him a vitality far beyond ordinary people.

While waking up, Azatos also fell into contemplation.

“The illusory starry sky above the original temple is very likely to be related to the star realm. Of course, this is just my guess. As for the situation, it needs to be verified.

“There is still no movement in the Milk Industrial Zone, and the Witch Sect does not know what is brewing.

“The hunt for the scarlet thief Dorno is imminent, and the Tertiary documents unearthed from the Kepan Lake in the province of Domino will also soon be transported to Bellan Klin.”

“I need to be promoted to Sequence 4 as soon as possible to be able to make a better response.


The ability acquired by “from sign-in” should be sorted out if you have time. ”

Various thoughts continued to emerge in his mind, Azatos also opened the door to the living room, but when he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes widened and he was surprised by the scene in front of him.

Alice jumped up at this time, raised her head proudly, and said, “Smelly Azatos, are you surprised, hahaha, don’t be too moved, just shed a few tears.”

At this time Jon also came out wearing an apron, showing the old father’s smile,

“Happy birthday, Azatos, hurry up and wash your hands. Your favorite grilled golden fish will be ready soon, as well as cheese pie. This is what Alice has done since three o’clock in the morning until now.

“There are also cakes made by Mrs. Sicily’s cake shop. Didn’t you like to eat it before?

“Don’t be shocked!

In front of Azatos, there is a hearty breakfast, with cakes, toast, cheese pie, and grilled golden fish.

Azatos just remembered that today, September 21, is the birthday of the original owner of the body.

At the same time, Azatos couldn’t help but complain, isn’t it all at night for birthdays? How can people celebrate birthdays during the day?

Seeing Alice’s mess in the kitchen, Azatos also hurriedly walked over and said angrily: “Little girl, I’ll help you. Seeing your clumsy look, how can you get married in the future.”

“Hmph, I’m a believer in the Scarlet Goddess. I want to serve the goddess forever. I don’t plan to marry.” Alice said “hum,” and then grinned, “Also, Azatos, if you dare Bully me, me, me, me

“What are you going to do?” Azatos smiled playfully.

Alice finally couldn’t stand the excitement, so she rushed forward, “I’m fighting with you.”

About half an hour later, the three of them came to the table. Azatos looked at the sumptuous birthday banquet in front of him, feeling moved in his heart.

Although Alice and Eun did not say anything, Azatos still learned from the black cat that the two of them had been up since 5 in the morning. It took more than an hour to prepare this sumptuous dinner, during which Alice still Almost burned, just to make cheese pie,

At this moment, Alice’s laughter voice came, “Moved, are you very moved, hahahaha, since you are moved, then I can only bully you from now on, and you are not allowed to bully me.

The emotion in Azatos’s heart instantly vanished. At the same time, watching Alice drooling at the cheese pie, she seriously suspected that she actually wanted to eat it, so she made it.

“Well, you two don’t quarrel anymore. The grilled golden jelly fish should be cold in a while, hurry up and eat.” Jon also played the role of the old father as always.

While feasting on Azatos, his heart is also very complicated.

As a traverser, in fact, he doesn’t have a strong sense of belonging to the original family, but over time, Jon’s care, Alice’s strange spirit, and the affection between the three brothers and sisters also made Azatos feel something It is home, and I cherish the existing life more and more,

And this also made Azatos determined that Alice and Jon would never be involved in the mysterious event, because it was too dangerous.

Just like now, being an ordinary person, living an ordinary life, enjoying the care of relatives,

This is already good


After breakfast, Jon took the lead to leave, “Azatos, Alice, I’m leaving first. I’m going to the Imperial Library to check the materials tonight. I will be back late. Don’t worry.”

“Okay, Jon, I see.” Alice nodded, not looking surprised.

At this time Jon had already left the house, and his figure quickly disappeared at the end of the promenade. Azatos felt very strange about this, and went to the Imperial Library to check materials at night? Jon had no such habit before, did he?

He couldn’t help but ask Alice, “Jon is going to check the information? What information, what is going on…

The younger sister showed a treacherous smile like a little devil,

“Hey, you don’t know that. Jon is preparing for the official examination and preparing to work in the imperial institution. As for the reason, of course, it is to give Teacher Niel a better life.

“It’s not that I said you, Azatos, you are far worse than Jon,”

“Jon and Teacher Niel are getting along with each other at 1.7. Every time on the day off, they will go on a date. Jon also decided to confess to Teacher Niel as long as he is admitted to the civil service of the imperial institution.

“Mr. Niel has also been asking me about Jon for a long time, and he was very pleased with it.

“So, Azatos, you and Vina have to hurry up, don’t fall too far.”

Azatos was speechless, and Alice, the little matchmaker, really took it so that Jon found the love of his life, and was angry about it, and then he shot her a brain collapse, and said angeredly: “Little girl, don’t Nonsense, my Vina and it’s not like that, okay, I have something to do, so I’ll leave first, you are responsible for cleaning up the dishes

Alice showed an aggrieved expression,

“Damn it, Damn it, bastard Azatos, knows to bully my sister, hum.”

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