Chapter 136

Chapter 136: The Secret

Allier’s face became ugly,

Yes, you don’t even know who the clown is, what identity, or where he lives. You haven’t even seen his appearance. Even if you want revenge, where can you find him.

Moreover, if there is no corresponding anti-divination concealment method, the difficulty of tracing a sequence of the “path of fate” can be imagined.

the most important is.…

The Soul Alchemy Association didn’t know that he was cooperating with the man behind the scenes.

Without hesitation, Allier planned to return the spirit body to the ocean of consciousness again. Here is the assembly of all the subconscious minds.

“Yeah, this occult knowledge witch Greya also said, but it didn’t explain that the divine symbol is the symbol of Sequence Four.”

“The most obvious performance of the Extraordinary of Sequence Four is.

They “can rely on divine symbols to blend their own spirituality with the spiritual world, so that their abilities can exert an influence on the spiritual world level, and they can easily crush the existence of a person lower than themselves,”

“For example, Allier, if he is a Sequence Extraordinary, he can use divine symbols to exert influence on the level of the spiritual world, relying on his own personality to impose various weakenings and interferences on my abilities, so that my abilities Weaken more than one level,

“This is just the simplest and crudest method of application, suppressing the personality with personality,

“If you are a bit more intelligent, directly use the part where the divine symbol blends with the spiritual world, and the image part of the spiritual domain, then he can use the power of a little image to form a complete sequence for those who cannot blend the image. Crushed. ”

“This is a saying often said in occultism,

“Mystery will succumb to a higher mystery.

Azatos combined the knowledge of mysticism that he learned before, and he has a detailed understanding of Sequence Four.

In fact, to put it bluntly, after reaching the Extraordinary in Sequence Four, the battle between sequences is more about the degree of integration with the spiritual world image, one’s own personality, and the influence that can be exerted at the spiritual world level…

Then Azatos knocked his eyebrows, unfolded his spirituality, looked at the plural divine symbols above, and suddenly a bad taste was born in his heart.

When I reach Sequence Four, relying on the divine symbols condensed in plural ways, blending with the image, and exerting influence on the spiritual level, what kind of scenery will it be!

“Perhaps even the gods will be surprised.

But soon Azatos narrowed his smile again, frowned slightly, and thought of another question, “The method for the birth of the divine symbol turned out to be the authority and symbol corresponding to the observation of the star realm, and every way to observe the star realm The secret rituals are all different, and most of them are controlled by their respective sects.

“For example, the Mind Alchemy Society has a secret instrument for observing the symbols of the stars corresponding to the spiritual path.

“But my divinity symbols are too many and too complicated,

“It is difficult to collect all the secret instruments.”

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