Chapter 123

Chapter 123: Secrets

The Emperor Crowen III of the Arifa Empire has the highest power in name, but in fact it is a separation of three powers.

These provincial governors are nominally loyal to Crown III, but in fact they have great autonomy. They are lords of one party. Although they will not be upright and antagonistic to Emperor Crown III, but for the institutions of the capital of Belanclin, But not too much in the eyes,

The governor of the province of Domino’s took a fancy to the Tertiary literature unearthed in Kepan Lake, the historical and relics investigation agency “want to collect it, it really takes a little effort.


The exact details here, as well as the means used by the historical and relics investigation agency, and how the governor of the province of Domino will respond, it is not the Azatos “three-three” that can know.

“Yes, two months later, if you confirm that the documents will be shipped to Polkafi to the manor, I will give you another 180 gold pounds.

A touch of joy flashed in Xing Ke’s eyes,

In the hidden world, occult knowledge is too expensive. In order to collect relevant information and channels for promotion to Sequence Three, she not only emptied all of her assets, but also had a lot of debt.

Now this 360 gold pound transaction can be said to have greatly relieved him.

The star carvings were hidden well, and they quickly narrowed their eyes. After a moment of contemplation, they suddenly looked at Azatos, “Yellow clothes, I want to issue a request to you.”

“Happy to work, Azatos shrugged his shoulders, and there was a sense of interest in his heart, “Of course, provided that you have to pay enough.

These words made Xing Ke hesitate for a few seconds, but he quickly made up his mind.

“I don’t have a golden pound at the moment, so, as long as you complete this commission, I can provide you with all the information about historical and relic investigation agencies in the future,”

Azatos was a little surprised. This reward is not unreasonable. Any news about the “History and Relics Investigation Agency” is worth hundreds of gold pounds. If this commission can be completed, the future gains will be immeasurable.

Azatos pondered for a moment, and then asked in a slightly hoarse voice: “What is the content?

A touch of joy flashed under Xing Ke’s eyes.

“I have heard, um, I learned some news from some channels, saying that it was in the third era or even earlier history itself, that there is a huge harm hidden, and the commission I want to release is to figure out what the harm is. What is it?”

There was a little vibration in Azatos’s heart,

He has long heard from Duke Dylan that there is a huge danger hidden in the history before the Quaternary. The old Duke died in the process of exploring. Later, Azatos used (astrology to divination history itself, but it was covered by fog, He can’t see clearly at all, which makes him always think that there is an unknown existence with a high personality, hiding this information,

And the Corsat Empire and the White Emperor Crolet I in the Third Age made him think that this handwriting was arranged by the Six Gods.

It now appears that things may not be as simple as previously guessed.

“History itself is potentially a huge hazard? Perhaps this is why the history and heritage investigation agency must confirm that it is harmless before transporting relevant historical documents into the headquarters.

While various thoughts surfaced in his mind, Azatos also gave a reply, “Xingqi, your commission, I agreed…

A touch of joy flashed in Xing Ke’s eyes, but on the surface he was still calm.

Yellow “, then I will trouble you.”

The secret transaction is considered to be over here. Although the two belonged to the “Li Fa Priory” and had conducted transactions more than once, there was really not much friendship between them, and naturally they did not have the idea of ​​chatting.

Xing Ke quickly proposed to leave and walked out of the classroom in the abandoned teaching building.

Azatos looked in the direction where she was leaving, but a thought suddenly appeared in her heart.

“The guest of the Fate Divination House is currently only Duke Dylan. It is really too few. Although the star engraving is not high in sequence, it is the younger sister of Wei Wei’an, a member of the History and Relics Investigation Agency, and has a strong secret channel.

“If she were to be one of the guests of the House of Fortune-telling, maybe it would be a good choice.

“At that time, you can also post a mission to let Xingqi explore the secrets of the Lifa monastery, as a reward for paying for divination, so that you can get away safely, and you can also achieve the effect of temptation.

“Maybe you can try it!”

Azatos didn’t use (the ability to open the door, return to the original temple.” Instead, he left Arifa Royal University first, and then went to a shopping mall. Just returned to the original temple…

Sitting at the head of the long table, Azatos took out a piece of paper and a quill pen, and started writing!

“Two months later, the Polkafi Estate, the Tertiary historical documents unearthed in Shell Lake in the province of Domino will be transported there,”

“Accept the commission to explore the dangers of history itself,

“You can try to develop the Star Carving into a guest of the House of Destiny Divination…

Remembering what to do next, Azatos’s mind is working again,

In fact, he originally wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to meet with the stars to figure out the truth “tower council” information by the way, but the preaching priest is suspected to be peeping in secret. If he expresses his interest in other secret organizations too straightforwardly, maybe It will attract doubts, so after thinking about it, Azatos gave up.

As for this secret organization called the “Tower of Truth Council”, we can only find other channels.

Then Azatos thought of another question in 1.7 “House of Destiny Divination”. “If a guest comes to the House of Destiny Divination every time,” he would send an invitation letter again. As a medium for the next visit, let alone trouble or trouble, but This is too much of Mr. Destiny’s personality, let’s think of a different way!”

“By the way, in this world, gods have their own honorable names. The Church of Orthodox God once proclaimed that when they chant their true names, they can connect with the gods.

“If this is true or not, let’s not make a conclusion.

“If I create an honorable name that points to the House of Destiny Divination and Destiny” itself, when the guests pray, can they be directly perceived by Mr. Destiny’s vest or the House of Destiny Divination?”

“Hmm, maybe it’s worth a try!”

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