Chapter 120

Chapter 120: I’m Sorry

Fair? Haha, this is really fair.

If this contract is also fair, then from the judge of justice, the sun god among the six gods, in a sense, can be regarded as an evil god.

However, there are only two choices in front of the three Azure Cultists at this moment.

The first one is to sign this contract, just like Michael the Blazing Thief, to become the running dog of this mysterious man who calls himself “Adam”, and the second option is to die directly.

Moreover, they are also very clear that in the occult, death is not the end in a sense, but just the beginning. Even if he is tough to the end, this mysterious person may not have the means to control them.

“I sign!”

The first to give in was the rose bandit Danni, but at the moment she was in a state of poisoning, she did not have the strength to lift the quill at all, showing an innocent expression, “But sir, I am in a poisoned state, and even picked up the quill. Without the strength, how can I sign the name?”

Azatos clicked on the desktop with his finger and made an announcement:

“Now your right hand can move. The premise is that you have to believe that your right hand can move.”

These words made the rose bandit Danni look wrong, almost thinking that the other party was trying to play with herself.This poison is very powerful and can make people powerless.Although Sequence Three has embarked on the path and gained the ability, it has a certain meaning. In the above, it is still in the category of humans. Unless there is an antidote, the poison will not disappear at all.

However, the next moment that shocked Danni, the rose gangster, happened. The moment she believed that her right hand could move, her right hand could really move.

Danni can clearly feel that the poison in her body has not disappeared, and her body is still weak and weak.

But the right hand is active,

The rose bandit Danni couldn’t believe it and asked subconsciously: “What kind of ability is this!”

“This is my ability” Azatos gave a mysterious smile. This is naturally [the ability of language alchemy, he preached, and when someone believes, the things that he preached will become reality, “Now madam, you can sign The name is given. When the contract is established, I will let Michael give you the cure, “…”

Dany didn’t want to die, so after a little hesitation, she signed her name…

Red Dead Redemption Herzog and Big Pirate Dorn also followed closely. When the right hand was restored to freedom, they also signed their names on the contract.

The fire robber Michael saw this scene in his eyes, not only did he have no guilt in his heart, he returned to a bit of gloating pleasure,

Everyone is a member of the Azure Order. Why should I sign this conscientious contract alone? Everyone has to die together. That’s right, this is Michael’s mind.

When all three of them signed, Azatos withdrew the contract, showing a smile.

“Your spirituality, you should have already sensed the constraints of the vows at the spiritual level. Then I will trouble you. Use the same method to gather the remaining Azure Cultists as soon as possible, and Erno will find

“I look forward to your performance.

Several Azure Cultists glanced at each other, sighed in their hearts, and then replied respectfully: “Sir, I will follow your instructions.”

The smile on the corner of Azatos’s mouth has become thicker, and he is still satisfied with the harvest this time.At present, he has controlled four Azure Cultists in his hand, and it is only a matter of time before the remaining seven Azure Cultists are arrested.

It may not take long to face the Scarlet Thief directly.

“Michael, these three people will be handed over to you first, and you will be responsible for the unified action. I don’t ask about the process, only the results. At the latest two months, I will see the remaining seven Azure Cultists standing here.”

Hearing this, Fiery Robber Michael was ecstatic in his heart and quickly replied: “Sir, please rest assured and promise to complete the task.”

Azatos nodded, thought for a moment, and left when he saw that there was nothing left. The moment he pushed the door, his figure disappeared in the brave bar.

Dani the Rose Bandit, Red Dead Redemption Herzog, and the great pirate Donne, the three also glared at Michael the Blazing Robber.

If it weren’t for the contract, life and death are involuntary, and now Michael is still his nominal leader, and they must now swallow him alive for the partnership.

The fire robber Michael didn’t care at all, shrugging his shoulders,

“Three, this is the end of the matter, so don’t look at me like that. Now that some of us are people who work for the same boss, we should first discuss how to trick the remaining few people into here, you guys. I don’t want the boss to get angry and execute us all, right.”

These words made the three of them restrain their anger, and nodded at the same time.

For those of them who believe in absolute freedom, what kind of friendship, what kind of partner, is not worth a penny, although they are angry at Michael’s betrayal, but when they really did this, they did not feel half ashamed.

The rose girl Danni bandit also said with joy: “Michael, your method is good, and you use the same routine to poison it!”

“Well, I also agree. There is Scarlet Thief Dorno pressing on it. The remaining few people will never think that we will betray. The guard should not be too high. The probability of success is very high, and the risk is very high. Low, it’s worth a try… Herzog, dressed as Red Dead Redemption, also nodded, but there was a bit of bitterness in his heart.

They just thought this was the way they thought that there was Scarlet Robber Dorno pressing on it, and the Fire Robber Michael should not dare to commit insidious tricks, and they were caught in the trap.

Michael smiled when he saw it

“Very well, everyone, then we will have to work hard together next time.

In the middle of the night, after eating the grilled Jinji fish made by Jon, Azatos shut himself back into the (good) room. In the corner of the room, candles were lit, chanting unknown spells, and used (Old God Observation) Miyi), let your spirit fall into the sleepy place of the old god

This unknown time and space still remains unchanged, there is no concept of up, down, left and right, there is no information, even the spiritual world does not exist, like a cage exiled by eternity.

And the old god is still falling asleep, and there is no sign of awakening,

As Azatos perceives spirituality to breed, he also fell into contemplation, subconsciously muttering to himself:

“The net has been cast down. The next step is to figure out what the secret of Sequence Four is. Otherwise, if you don’t understand it anymore, you will rashly attack the Scarlet Thief Dorno, and you will most likely be capsized in the gutter. ,punishment

“[Astrology] gives enlightenment, in the residence of Duke Dylan, I can find the answer,

“I hope I won’t be disappointed.”

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