Chapter 117

Chapter 117: I’m Sorry

Azatos tapped the table with his index finger and fell into contemplation, but did not find a good way to understand the secrets of Sequence Four.

The preaching priest of the Lifa Priory must know the relevant mysticism knowledge, but Azatos is always wary of this hidden organization that believes in the “ruler of the stars” and is suspected of being hostile to the Orthodox Church, and naturally will not let himself be too deeply involved.

Needless to say, the boss of the detective firm, Jager, doesn’t even have a sequence of three, and his personality is too low, let alone a knowledge of the mysticism of the sequence four.

The fire thief Michael, this azure blue cultist has already said everything he knows,

Star engraving, she should only have a rank two person, and there is little hope of possessing a rank four occult knowledge, but the truth tower council she said can try to understand it.

“Perhaps, I can try [Astrology]. It may be revealed by fate that I can see the direction of the road ahead.” Azatos muttered.

The ability to divination this panacea is very powerful. It shows the future and sees through fate. It was once one of the abilities that Azatos relied on most.

But as his understanding of occult knowledge deepened, he also gradually realized the drawbacks of [Astrology]. It may be interfered, resulting in errors, or anti-tracking by unknown existence,

Therefore, Azatos is becoming more and more cautious about using [Astrology] to divvy up his own destiny.

But this time, Azatos feels that there is the blessing of the original “temple”, and this time it is mainly about how to find the relevant mystical knowledge of Sequence 4 as soon as possible. It’s not too big,

Then Azatos took out the (divination stick), walked backwards three steps and walked five steps, accepting the enlightenment of the stars,

About two minutes or so.

Azatos wrote the next poem on paper with a quill pen, and an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes, “At Duke Dylan, I can find the answer I want,

“Duke Dylan?

“It seems there is a chance, to get the clown mask” back. ”

At this time, Milner District, in the residence of Duke Dylan,

A burly-looking butler was walking in the garden. The passing maids, gardeners, and guards all greeted him with a smile, and the butler was also full of enthusiastic smiles,-responded,

Looking at the back of the housekeeper’s departure, a maid couldn’t help but become an idiot.

“Butler Allier is not only handsome, he has a salary of 15 gold pounds a week, and he is also the personal butler of Lord Dylan. His wife, the goddess is on top, this must be the happiest thing in the world.”

Another companion took a police look and said, “Don’t be dreaming. The position of Steward Allier is not worthy of our maids. They have followed the old duke and are one of the people that Dylan believes most. One, how can I look at you.”

“Think about it.” The maid showed an unconvinced expression.

The other gardener smiled, “The Scarlet Goddess is also the guardian of sleep. Maybe you can pray and let yourself have a good dream.”


The maid and the gardener are in a group, not to mention it for now,

At this time, Butler Allier had returned to his room, but when the door closed, his original warm smile was gone, and his face became very gloomy.

He pushed aside the bookshelf, revealing a compartment, and this is a secret space that even the owner of the residence of Duke Dylan does not know.

In the compartment, visit a secret ceremony circle engraved with dark gold lines. Candles made of dream magic grass are placed in three directions, and there is also a perfume extracted from sunflower and sacred grass. At the center of the ritual formation is a majestic sculpture. The face of the statue can no longer be seen. The only thing that can be distinguished is a shield with a tulip flower and a large sword.

Butler Allier, who walked into the cubicle, his expression suddenly became serious, and there was a vague sense of fear in his eyes.

But after thinking about it, he chanted in a low voice:

“The messenger of the spirit world, the chaotic lost spirit, please guide the person who signed the contract with you and let him appear in front of me.”

·Seeking flowers

Then Butler Allier picked up the perfume from the ground and dropped it on the center of the secret instrument. At this moment, a green flame surged, and then it changed into a twisted figure.

The deep and majestic voice also resounded, “My ally, you call me to appear, so what is the matter?

“The Duke has recently changed his attitude toward Wei Ya’s affairs, and suddenly became very free and easy. On the surface, I have been washed away by the moon watcher, and I don’t know the relevant things, so I can’t rush to try.”

“I suspect that he had another contact with the fortuneteller called “Joker”.”

“This mysterious clown that popped up suddenly’, what kind of person it is, none of us knows, you’d better get rid of him quickly, if the Duke finds any clues, not only will I suffer, but you will also In big trouble!

The twisted figure formed by the green flame suddenly flickered, as if there was a lot of fluctuation in his heart. After a few seconds, the voice full of majesty appeared again.

“The time has not arrived, and we can’t make too many moves, otherwise the Church of Orthodox God will find our existence, even if there is no surrender, it will be a very high personal blow.

“But you can rest assured that there will be at most another five years. When our plan is completed, it will also be when the false gods fall from the altar.

“As for that clown?”

“Your last temptation was a wrong decision. It made it hard for us to track him down,” he said.

“Pay attention to your Lord Duke, maybe you can find relevant clues!”

Butler Allier was silent for a long time, then raised his head and looked directly at the majestic twisted figure made of green flames. His voice was full of coldness, “In order to make the righteous god pay the price, I can help you to a certain extent, but if you dare Hurt the Duke, I swear, I will use all means, all connections, all strengths, and you will never die,

“I am indeed just a lower-level sequencer of Sequence Three, which is not worth mentioning in your eyes, but don’t forget,”

“Behind me is the Soul Alchemy Club.”

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