"Stop it! How dare you treat a weak woman like this in broad daylight!"

Zhao Xin was about to arrest a few people when Li Shimin came out from the crowd and shouted.

He couldn't stand people abandoning their wives and children.

The young man in front of him had already angered him.

"Liu Renyuan, teach these people a lesson. They are committing such a crime in broad daylight. Where is the etiquette and filial piety of the Tang Dynasty?"Li Shimin looked at Li Kuan with anger. Liu

Renyuan agreed and stepped forward to put his hand on Zhao Xin's wrist, blocking Zhao Xin from grabbing the woman's hand.

The two fought for several rounds, but Liu Renyuan was Li Shimin's first guard. He could only capture the tiger. Unless Daniu took action, Zhao Xin was not his opponent. Zhao Xin, who suffered a little loss, retreated to Li Kuan. Liu Renyuan was unyielding and wanted to rush over to teach Li Kuan a lesson.

At this time, Tie Niu took two steps forward and fought with Liu Renyuan. Although Tie Niu was stupid, his martial arts were very good, and his fists were like the wind.

Every punch was like a mountain.

Liu Renyuan couldn't bear it at all and was at a disadvantage. After a stalemate of more than ten moves, he was defeated and knocked back several steps by Tie Niu's punch. His two arms were bruised because of the collision. The big man in front of him was not a human at all, but a human-shaped beast.

"There are not three generals in Lingnan who can survive more than ten moves from Tie Niu!" Seeing that Da Niu was about to attack, Li Kuan stopped him and said in an appreciative tone:"Tell me, who are you?"

"Humph, you who see injustice, how can you do such evil in public?"Liu Renyuan rubbed his bruised arm and looked at several people, especially Li Kuan, with a bad look.

Upon hearing this, Li Kuan smiled:"Haha...Doing evil? Do you know who I am?"

Liu Renyuan shook his head.

Li Kuan looked at the people around him and asked loudly:"Do you think this person is my wife?"

What chilled Liu Renyuan was that everyone present shook their heads decisively, and some even complimented him with a smile.

"Your Majesty, you are of noble status, how could you be attracted to this woman! I have to say that I have a daughter who is 28 years old and is very pretty, but she is not as pretty as you...."

"Old Sun, Your Majesty, don't believe him. I have seen his daughter and she looks like reed catkins. My daughter, Old He, is better. Please consider this!"


"Do you know my identity? I am the second son of His Majesty, Prince of Chu Li Kuan!"Li Kuan showed a proud look on his face.

Liu Renyuan's face suddenly showed astonishment, and then he looked at Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin behind him.

The man who abandoned his wife was actually the Prince of Chu, His Majesty's biological son.

No wonder these people spoke to Li Kuan.

Li Shimin was also very surprised, and looked at Li Kuan up and down in doubt.

He remembered that Li Kuan was very cowardly when he was a child, and that was why he disliked him very much. Changsun Wuji suggested that he come to Lingnan. He knew Changsun Wuji's calculations, but the cowardly Li Kuan could not survive in Chang'an.

It would be good to let him come to Lingnan.

But now Li Kuan has become a dandy disciple, abandoning his pregnant wife? The people under his rule did not dare to speak out.

What a rebellious son....Can't the Li family afford to support a concubine? You don't like being ignored, so why do you have to abandon your wife? It's a disgrace to the royal family.

This is the first impression that Li Kuan is not trustworthy in Li Shimin's eyes. Therefore, Li Kuan has been identified as someone who loves new things and abandons his wife.

"Hey, I know I'm a noble man, so you don't have to keep following me like this!" Li Kuan saw Li Shimin staring at him, so he came up and said,"Is this your bodyguard? I like him, name a price!

"...His own son wants to buy his father's guards? And he wants to quote a price?

Since when did he have such a brave son?

Li Shimin took a deep breath. It seemed that this rebellious son didn't even recognize him. He really deserved a beating.

Li Kuan really didn't recognize that this man was Li Shimin. He was sent to Lingnan when he was eight years old. The two had only met a few times before he was eight years old. After eight years, they had changed a lot. It would be strange if they could recognize each other.

Besides, Li Shimin was just dressed like a businessman at this time. Who would think of him as the emperor?

Li Shimin resisted the urge to beat Li Kuan up and said with a chuckle:"I've followed this man for more than ten years. I'm not selling him. We are just businessmen from the capital. Are we here to take a look in Lingnan?"

While speaking, Li Shimin asked Li Kuan about his origins and told him the fake identity he had made when he left Chang'an.

Doing business in the capital?

Li Kuan narrowed his eyes and a small crescent appeared on his face.

"Do you have any invitations? Are you from aristocratic families?"He deliberately did not invite merchants from big cities, but he did not expect to meet a merchant from Beijing.

He was just trying to expand the Beijing market, so it would be good if there was a merchant who was familiar with the situation in Beijing, but he could not be from the Five Surnames or Seven Famous Clan.

"We are just small businessmen, not the Five Surnames and Seven Famous Clan, what is the invitation?"Li Shimin shook his head

"It doesn't matter if there is no invitation, I just like to make friends with businessmen!"Li Kuan nodded, it's good that it's not the Five Surnames and Seven Families:"Come on, come on, I have time, I will treat you!"

Liu Renyuan glanced at Li Shimin, waiting for Li Shimin's answer.

Cheng Yaojin smiled and looked at the little prince in front of him, very good, with the style of the old Cheng in the past

"OK, let’s go eat!" Li Shimin also wanted to see what tricks Li Kuan was playing, but he still saw the women next to him:"These people?"

""Okay, okay, let's just bypass them this time!" Li Kuan is now thinking about how to develop business in the capital. As for the few scammers, they can be dealt with next time they are encountered.

After saying that, he pulled Li Shimin to a restaurant not far away, and the onlookers dispersed one after another. The pregnant woman in the corner had an ugly look on her face:"I thought it was a big fish, but it turned out to be the King of Chu. I have hit a wall!"

I am still scared when I think about it now.

The two big men who spoke for the woman at this time were also a little scared.

However, when they looked at Li Shimin's back, they showed a light:"That middle-aged man looks very noble, and he is from another place. He is a big fish!"

The woman also nodded:"Merchants who do business are easy to cheat money, and they have no foundation!"

"Second brother, keep an eye on them and let me know when you have a chance!"


Li Shimin, who was following Li Kuan to the restaurant, felt a chill on his back and looked back unconsciously, but he found nothing............................................................................................

The new book cannot be separated from your support. Please give me flowers and comments. Xiaolu will work hard to update it!

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