"The prince is back?"

The man on duty at the lighthouse also discovered the ship at this time, rang the gong beside him, and then began to shout excitedly.

They had been waiting for the prince for almost a month, and the prince was finally back. The news spread from one person to ten, and from ten to a hundred, and everyone knew the news on the dock.

Liu Ming and other governors who were waiting at the dock also stood up in unison and ran towards the beach.

Their prince is finally back.

They have been waiting in Lingnan for almost twenty days, praying day and night that Li Kuan will not get into trouble.

But Li Kuan has not returned for nearly a month, and their hearts sank to the bottom.

Especially after learning that Li Kuan and his men only brought ten days of food, everyone's heart was chilled, and they all thought that Li Kuan was going to die this time.

But they still had hope in their hearts and prayed that Li Kuan would come back.

Standing at the dock, looking at the big ship slowly approaching, Liu Ming and others began to sigh, is this the ship built by the prince? It's too big.

"Wait...what is on the boat behind the prince?���"Is it a small boat?"

Liu Ming looked at the big ship towing something that looked like a small boat. It looked like a small mountain, but it was not a small mountain.

""It looks like a fish, a giant fish!" At this moment, someone else exclaimed.

They had lived by the sea for a long time, had been out to sea with the fleet, and had seen giant fish.

Usually they would avoid giant fish, but they didn't expect the prince to catch a giant fish.

"Look, there seems to be something behind the other two ships!"Someone saw that the ship behind also seemed to be dragging a giant fish.

The people at the port couldn't help but exclaimed:"The prince is mighty! Mighty!"

Here, the prince is their belief.

"The prince caught the giant fish?"Liu Ming and his companions were stunned. Giant fish were awe-inspiring creatures at that time, but the prince actually killed three of them.

However, seeing the excited people around them, they did not dare to say anything. They could only wait quietly for the ship to dock.

After two quarters of an hour, Li Kuan's ship slowed down gradually, and the flagship Chang'an was the first to enter the port and stop at the dock.

Li Kuan walked down first, and the people at the dock cheered in unison. Liu Ming and his companions also gathered around.

"Your Majesty, why did you go out to sea in person? Lingnan cannot do without you. What will Lingnan do if something happens to you?"Liu Ming didn't want to say it at this time, but when he saw Li Kuan, he couldn't help but want to persuade him.

Lingnan really can't do without Li Kuan.

"Look how anxious you are. It’s not safe for me to come back!" He was also speechless in the face of Liu Ming’s words.

Liu Ming never stopped talking:"Prince, but you shouldn’t kill the giant fish. There has been a rumor that if the giant fish dies, the prince will die. You captured the giant fish....!"

Li Kuan glanced at Liu Ming and interrupted him,"What does this have to do with me?"

He didn't believe in this legend. In later generations, the West killed so many whales without any consequences.

"But you are the prince...Prince!"Liu Ming was speechless.

"cough cough...

"Li Kuan staggered, but then he recovered his original righteousness:"Liu Ming, do you know how much meat this whale can produce? How many people can it feed? If God really wants to punish me, then punish me, Li Kuan.

I am willing to exchange one person's life for the world's prosperity!

" He said it with righteousness, and strode towards the high platform in front of him, leaving Liu Ming and the officials with a desolate back.

Li Kuan himself felt so handsome, and he didn't take the death of the giant fish and the death of the princes and nobles seriously.

There are millions of whales in the sea now.

If the death of one whale means the death of a prince and nobles, it would not be enough even if Li Shimin was counted.

""It's a blessing that Lingnan has a prince!"

Liu Ming and his men were filled with tears. They felt that such a prince was worthy of their loyalty.

Li Daozon and Cheng Yaojin, who were following behind Li Kuan, also opened their mouths wide and watched Li Kuan standing there. For a moment, they didn't know what they were thinking. As the ship approached the shore, someone brought the rope with the thorns of the whale to the shore.

Everyone worked together, relying on the buoyancy of the sea water and the tide, and pulled all three whales ashore without much effort.

As the giant fish came ashore, countless people exclaimed.

Originally, they didn't feel it clearly in the water, but now he When we stood in front of the giant fish, we felt how small we were.

The fish was too big.

The largest blue whale was about 30 meters long and weighed about 150 tons, about 300,000 kilograms. {The largest blue whale on record was 33 meters long and 180 tons.} This blue whale was considered a big one.

The other two were smaller, more than 20 meters long, and weighed more than 100 tons.

According to records, the fish oil content of each whale is 30%, which is nearly 100 tons of fish oil. How many candles and soaps can be made from this?

As the giant fish came out of the water, more and more people gathered around.

"Your Majesty, what should we do next?"Shi Yixiao came over at this time. He looked at the three big fish and was a little overwhelmed.

But what should we do!

"First, refine the fish oil, and pickle the remaining fish meat to make bacon!"Li Kuan gave the command calmly and continued,"And keep the whale skin as intact as possible!"

The next step is to divide the fish and refine the fish oil.

Maybe there are too few pots for boiling oil. The shipyard has a special small steel mill for making various iron tools. Now it is just right to make dozens of large pots quickly.

Taking advantage of this time, people were sent to make hundreds of large wooden barrels to store fish oil, and one of the small workshops was used to smoke meat.

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