"Lord....Can this bird's nest be eaten?"

Cheng Yaojin looked at the bird's nest that Li Kuan brought back with bird feathers on it, and said with some disdain.

"This is a great tonic!" Li Kuan opened a coconut and drank the coconut juice. As for the bird's nest, he just urged others to eat it:"Just remove the hair inside and boil it, and add some sugar!"

Although he knew it was nutritious, Li Kuan would never eat it. He was a prince who had never even tasted a woman, so why should he eat the saliva of a swallow?


Cheng Yaojin didn't know what to say, but he still did as Li Kuan told him.

He was a foodie, so of course he would eat a little of anything delicious.

"Prince, are you sure this thorny melon is edible? Why does it taste a little weird?"Zhao Xin looked at the opened durian and hesitated.

His prince had brought back a lot of strange things. He heard that this thorny melon grew on the tree.

He couldn't eat this kind of melon.

"Eat it with confidence. This thing won't kill you even if it's poisonous. Even though it doesn't smell good, it tastes delicious!"Li Kuan motioned Zhao Xin to take a bite. If it weren't for the fact that he was his guard, he wouldn't have given it to him.

Zhao Xin was still a little hesitant, but seeing the expectant look in his own prince's eyes, he took a piece and started eating.


Zhao Xin's eyes lit up instantly. The melon recommended by the prince was not bad. This thing was quite delicious.

"Your Majesty, when we came back just now, one of our teams found some aborigines. They looked short and dark!" Shi Yixiao came over and said to Li Kuan,"They wanted to attack us, but we drove them away!"

"Aboriginals?" Li Kuan frowned. He didn't expect that there were indigenous people here:"Don't provoke them now, but if they dare to attack us again, don't hold back!"

He didn't plan to conflict with these indigenous people now. When they set up a supply point here, he would send troops to incorporate this place into the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

By then, if they still don't understand the rules, don't blame him for being rude.

This place is most suitable for growing rubber trees. When his fleet brings back rubber seeds from America, he will plant rubber trees here.

That is a necessity in the industrial age.

Next, Li Kuan asked some people to store food and fruits here, and he took several ships to patrol around.

Li Kuan also determined the location of the Strait of Malacca.

But crossing the Strait of Malacca to the other side? He still gave up, but just talked to Shi Yixiao. Crossing this strait is a brand new territory. He has been wandering on the sea for long enough, and he doesn't I want to drift again.

This time he mainly went to the Strait of Malacca to test the long-distance and storm-resistant capabilities of the large ship. This time he passed all the tests, and the next step is mass production.

Three days later, Li Kuan returned to the temporary port.

After three days of recuperation, the people on the shore have also rested and prepared enough food, fruits and fresh water.

In the evening, everyone held a bonfire party on the shore, had a good sleep, and set sail early the next morning.

With the first voyage, the return journey was much smoother and faster.

It was a sunny day.

Everyone had a very comfortable time, eating coconuts, fruits, and playing cards.

Li Kuan was no exception.

Ten days later, Shi Yixiao came over and looked at the leisurely Li Kuan and said,"Your Highness, I calculate that we will be able to reach Lingnan Port in about a day!"

This is already an area he is familiar with.

"Almost there?" Li Kuan nodded, but looking at Shi Yixiao's expression, he seemed to have something to say:"Do you have anything else to say?"

Shi Yixiao hesitated, but still said shyly:"Your Majesty, you told me that you would teach us how to hunt whales!"

There are still whales nearby. If we go forward, the number of whales will be greatly reduced.

If we want to hunt them, we must take advantage of this sea area.

"Well...I asked you to tie the rope to the crossbow a few days ago. Did you do it?" Li Kuan put down the coconut in his hand and slowly stood up.

"It has been tied up long ago, but what is the crossbow with multiple barbs used for?"Li Kuan had asked them to prepare this kind of crossbow in the past, but what is it used for? He didn't know.

Li Kuan smiled mysteriously:"You will know later!"

While speaking, Li Kuan stood at the bow, and a lookout had already stood at the highest point, observing the movements around.

Shi Yixiao also signaled to other teams with flags and drums.

""Your Highness, there are fish ahead!"

Half an hour after the flag signal was sent, the lookout on the watchtower pointed in a direction and shouted excitedly.

Li Kuan and his men also looked in that direction, and saw a huge fish about 20 to 30 meters long swimming towards them leisurely on the sea surface hundreds of meters away.

The fish was blue-gray in color, and as it swam, a stream of water continued to spray upwards from its head.

"Blue whale?"

Li Kuan narrowed his eyes when he saw the blue whale. From a distance, the whale was even bigger than the boat following them.

"" Your Highness...are we really going to hunt this thing?"

Cheng Yaojin also knew what Li Kuan was going to do, but he was still a little scared when he saw such a big fish.

He flinched a little.

This fish was so big that it felt like it could swallow several of him in one bite.

Can Li Kuan really hunt this behemoth?........................................................................................

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