""Sea, I am here!"

Li Kuan looked at the port that was getting farther and farther away from his sight. He couldn't help shouting and howling to the sky.

Behind the big ship were two medium-sized ships, and several small boats followed behind Li Kuan's ship.

It was quite spectacular.

The blue sky, white clouds, seagulls, and the gentle sea breeze.

Li Kuan was very comfortable standing at the bow.

"Your Majesty, why do I feel a little dizzy!" Zhao Xin rubbed his head and felt a little dizzy, as if the sea was shaking.

Li Kuan looked at Zhao Xin, whose face was a little pale, and comforted him:"It's like this every time. I remember you were dizzy for a month when you came last time, and then you were not seasick when you went back!"

Zhao Xin was so upset that he didn't know what to say.

"That's right, seasickness can only be slowly adapted to!"Li Dachuan echoed beside him. He knew that almost half of the people on the ship at sea would get seasick, but the time it takes for people to adapt is different.

Some people can adapt in a day or two, but some people need one or two months to adapt.

"Why do I feel a little dizzy too!"

Cheng Yaojin and Li Daozong who came from the mainland also felt a little dizzy, but their faces had not turned pale, and their eyes were looking at you excitedly.

There was no way, they were all landlubbers from the mainland, and basically had never been in contact with the sea, so most people would not adapt.

Li Kuan stayed here for a month last year, and took a boat to the sea, so he got used to it.

This time he did not feel dizzy while sailing.

"Your Majesty? Where are we going next?" Yang Dachuan took out a sea chart and asked Li Kuan to take a look.

This map marked the surrounding sea charts.

"How many days of food did we bring?"Li Kuan pondered and asked.

It was very important!

With food, he could plan the itinerary well.

"The budget is not much, only about ten days!"Li Kuan looked at the map and saw the approximate location of Malaysia. Next to it was the famous Strait of Malacca in his previous life!

It is an important bridge connecting Asia and Europe, and it is also the most important route to the original American continent.

Later, Zheng He's voyage to the West also followed the coastline and finally arrived at Mugudushu in Africa.

Of course...If Li Kuan could make a sextant for navigation, he could try to cross the Pacific Ocean and reach America directly.

Otherwise, he would not let his crew take the risk. Unfortunately, he had only seen a sextant once when visiting a museum and had heard the tour guide explain it.

He really didn't understand the principle of the sextant. He needed to find a geographer who could do astrology to help him study it with his tour map.

There was really no such person in Lingnan.

"There are many people coming this time, and the food will only last for ten days!" Yang Dachuan looked at the fleet, calculated it, and then said

"Ten days?"

Li Kuan looked at the simple sea chart, estimated the distance, and finally pointed on the map:

"Let's go to Linyi (southern Vietnam) first. If we find supplies there, we'll go straight here!"

Finally, Li Kuan pointed his finger at a vague island.

The Tang Dynasty map has not been marked yet, but Li Kuan knows this location. It is near Malaysia now. Now this area should be collectively called Java.

The Strait of Malacca is next to what he pointed to.

"Your Majesty, our naval fleet has only been here once or twice, and we are not familiar with the sea route yet!"

Li Kuan had just made the decision when he met a dark-faced man in blue clothes next to him.

This man was Li Kuan's naval commander, Shi Yixiao.

Although the number of naval personnel is still small, the system is complete. As long as there are enough people, we can prepare for the expansion of the army.

"It's okay, I'm sure you'll be here!"

Li Kuan looked at Shi Yixiao and patted his shoulder, signaling them to do their job with peace of mind.

"I will do my best!"Shi Yixiao was very moved by Li Kuan's words. The prince believed in him so much, he must not let Li Kuan down!

Shi Yixiao planned this trip, which should take about twelve days, more than twenty days to go back and forth.

The fleet sailed on the sea in an orderly manner.

Li Daozong and Cheng Yaojin, who were on the pirate ship, had already accepted their fate. They accidentally got on the pirate ship and now they couldn't get off. They could only go with the flow.

Lingnan City!

"What did the prince say? What is the price of soap? How much is it for wholesale to merchants?"

Liu Ming looked at the clerk who hurried back, his tone a little anxious.

A few days ago, Li Shu wrote to sell some soap from Lingnan, and Li Kuan agreed, but he went to Lingnan Port the next day.

When the soap was ready, he realized that there was no price yet, so he immediately sent someone to ask Li Kuan.

"No, the prince has gone out to sea!"The clerk shook his head bitterly. He went there at an unfortunate time. He arrived just as the prince had gone out to sea. He waited there for two days but the prince did not come back.

"What? He went to sea himself?"When Liu Ming heard this, he sat up from his chair and dropped his teacup to the ground.

His prince was really restless. He didn't know that there were millions of Lingnan people who needed him, but he actually took risks.

No, I have to go to Lingnan Port, too. He looked at the clerk and said,"Go and inform the adults to go to the meeting hall!"

They also had to go to Lingnan Port to wait for the prince's triumphant return.

Lingnan cannot be without Li Kuan.

The clerk agreed and left quickly to inform others.

"Sir, how much do you think the soap will cost?" However, the man who had been waiting for him to set the price was a little overwhelmed and asked

"30 guan, the merchant wholesales 23 guan!"

Liu Ming didn't care about that now, leaving this sentence and leaving.

Anyway, if the price is high, it can be lowered later, but if the price is set too low, Li Kuan will definitely cut him when he comes back.

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