After a cup of tea!

Zhao Xin and Da Niu led the searched Cheng Yaojin and Li Dao Zong to the carriage. Li Dao Zong also saw Li Kuan.

He had seen this kid off when he first came to Lingnan. After not seeing him for several years, his nephew had changed a lot.

He had a handsome face, a gentle smile, and luxurious clothes, but his behavior seemed a little lazy. He also had a smile on his face when facing the merchants.

"Cheng Yijin? Sit, sit!"

Li Kuan asked the two to sit down, and signaled the maid to serve them tea. Then he narrowed his eyes and asked,"Brother Yijin, is there a problem with the store in Chang'an? Why did you come to see me!"

Brother Yijin?

Li Daozong's eyelids twitched slightly. What happened to his nephew? He, a prince, actually called a merchant brother. How shameful!

You have to know that although Li Shimin opened up business, merchants still ranked last among the four classes of scholars, farmers, merchants and artisans.

"There is nothing wrong with the shop!" Cheng Yaojin shook his head.

"Is it the share of the shop shares? I tell you, the contract has been signed, even if Duke Lu comes in person, it will not increase!"Li Kuan rolled his eyes and gave Cheng Yaojin a shot of prevention. He would never give in to money.

"It's not about that!" Cheng Yaojin's face darkened. He didn't expect that His Royal Highness the King of Chu still loves money so much.

"Then tell me, what do you want from me?"Li Kuan narrowed his eyes and looked at Cheng Yaojin.

Then he looked at Li Daozong next to him....This man's face looked familiar, as if I had seen him before somewhere. I remembered that he looked a bit like Li Ermin who came to Lingnan a month ago.

Cheng Yaojin laughed and pointed at Li Daozong and introduced him,"Your Majesty, Old Cheng, let me introduce you to this man. His name is Li Sanzong, the younger brother of Li Ermin. He is also an imperial merchant in Chang'an City!" As soon as the word"imperial merchant" came out, Zhao Xin drew out the long sword behind him. As long as Li Kuan gave the order, he would take action.

"Brother Cheng, it seems that there is a clause in our contract that we cannot talk about Lingnan!" Li Kuan's tone also became cold, and his eyes looked at Li Daozon who was sitting beside him.

It has to be said!

Li Daozon has some aura of a great general, and at this time he still sits there calmly and calmly.

Li Kuan nodded secretly. He is worthy of being an imperial merchant and has seen the world.

Should he kill him? Or kill him?

Li Daozon never thought that his nephew was thinking about how to kill him for the great cause of Lingnan.

If Li Daozon knew what Li Kuan was thinking, he would probably jump up and curse....Bah... I called him a bastard.

"Your Highness, the King of Chu, please don't be angry. I only brought him here this time. The others don't know the news. He has something to ask for!"

Seeing Li Kuan's face change, Cheng Yaojin quickly added:

"Oh? He is the only one who knows about Lingnan? The court doesn't know yet?"Li Kuan breathed a sigh of relief. This is good. This king doesn't have to commit murder.

Put him in jail. When the news of Lingnan can no longer be blocked, he will be released.

Li Daozong, who was sitting next to him, didn't know what Li Kuan was thinking. His right eye was twitching and he was a little flustered.

But he remained calm.

"He doesn't know!" Cheng Yaojin shook his head.

Li Kuan then took a sip of tea, looked at Li Dao Zong and asked:"Li San Zong, right? This king doesn't like tedious things, so I will call you Brother Li from now on. What do you need from me?""

Puff~~ Brother Li!

Li Dao Zong was no longer calm, and he spit out the tea he had just drunk, looking at Li Kuan.

He was the uncle of this kid, and now he and Li Kuan have become brothers.

"I told you, don't drink delicious tea too fast, you must be choking now!"Cheng Yaojin stroked Li Daozon's back, and then gave him a reassuring look.

His father Li Shimin was here, and he also called him brother, so what's wrong with calling you brother now?

At the hint of his eyes, Li Daozon finally calmed down.

""Speak up, what's the matter?" Li Kuan asked again."

Speak up, I'll lock you up after I find out the reason."

"Your Highness, the King of Chu, this is it......"When Li Dao Zong talked about serious issues, he also became serious:

"Now the Five Surnames and Seven Families are powerful, relying on their control of books to control the court! Your Majesty has been enduring these aristocratic families for a long time, and wants to train children from poor families to compete with the aristocratic families, but paper is expensive in Chang'an. When I was drinking and chatting with Brother Cheng, I accidentally told this matter!"

"Brother Cheng said he knew a place where paper might be cheaper, so he brought me to Lingnan!"

Although Li Daozon was the Minister of Clan Affairs, he was also in charge of the Ministry of Rites. He spoke very clearly and without any mistakes.

Li Kuan nodded after hearing this. Indeed, if one wants to resolve the monopoly of the aristocratic families on books, one must cultivate poor students.

Li Daozon saw Li Kuan nod, and then he continued tentatively:"After coming to Lingnan, I saw the prosperity of Lingnan and the exquisite paper. I wonder if the prince can give up the secret method of papermaking...your.."

He couldn't say anything more. Li Kuan wouldn't give up such an important secret of papermaking so easily.

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