
Li Kuan was too young.

The most important thing to be an emperor is benevolence. A man like Li Kuan actually built roads and cities, and the people suffered.

In the end, the people had already revolted before he rebelled.

Li Kuan was the kind of person who was extravagant like Emperor Yang of Sui. Even if he rebelled, it would be difficult for him to achieve great things.

"When I came here, the city wasn't this big. It's only been a few years, and the changes are so great!" Cheng Yaojin was still sighing, forgetting the delicious food just now, and then shook his head again:

"No... This is not Lingnan!"

He still remembered that when he first came to Lingnan, there were barbarians and bandits everywhere, not the vibrant scene now.

Is it an illusion?

Liu Renyuan also nodded. Is this still Lingnan?

"Humph, that guy probably spent all the money of the entire Lingnan Road on the city!"Li Shimin snorted coldly and signaled the carriage to hurry into the city:"Let's go, follow me into the city!"

He wanted to see the Lingnan City built by Li Kuan.

The caravan continued to move forward, but when entering the city���They were stopped by a group of soldiers.

This made Li Shimin's troops alert, because the soldiers who surrounded them all had tough faces. The leader had a long sword on his waist and was strong and muscular, while the soldiers behind him held long spears and looked at them vigilantly.

It can be said that this group of people is a group of elite soldiers.

"Are you a merchant caravan?" The leading man looked at their team and his voice was like a gong.

"Yes, we are a caravan from Chang'an!" One of the managers came forward and said

"To discuss business, you who are in charge can go into the city, and the others can rest outside the city. There are rooms for you to rest over there!"The big Han soldier pointed to a row of rooms on one side of the road, and there was a cement road leading directly over there.

At this time, there were already many merchant teams parked there, and there was also a special place to park carriages.

"Don't you allow merchants to enter here?"At this time, Li Shimin also came out and asked the soldiers.

He is very dissatisfied with Li Kuan now. The huge Lingnan City still does not allow merchants to enter the city?

"Your guards are all armed. My prince is here to protect the safety of the people in the city. Only the people in charge can enter!" The big man saw Li Shimin and saw that he was very imposing. He also knew that he was the owner of this caravan, so he explained more.

"For safety?"

Li Shimin frowned and thought for a while, but still agreed:"Okay, then I will take two people in."

"Si...Master!" Liu Renyuan was a little unhappy, so he and a few others followed the emperor in. What if something unexpected happened?

"You don't need to say anything, you and Yaojin come with me!"

Li Shimin waved his hand and made a decision directly.

Liu Renyuan wanted to dissuade him, but at this time Cheng Yaojin said carelessly:"Haha...It would be nice if the three of us went in to take a look!"

"Let's go!"

After arranging all the people who came with the team outside the city, the three of them strode into Lingnan City. As they entered the city gate, they saw the common people coming and going. Although they were not wearing silk and satin, they were covered with coarse cloth and had smiles on their faces, which was a sign of prosperity.

This was very different from the naked clothes mentioned in the letter by the stinky boy.

"Is this really Lingnan?"

Li Shimin still couldn't react.

When he had been patrolling the surrounding areas, all the cities he saw were gloomy and even the pedestrians on the streets were walking leisurely, like hollowed-out puppets.

But...In this Lingnan city, the people are full of vigor and look like they have hope for the future.

Even the wealthy Chang'an City does not have such a lively atmosphere. He seems to see the future of the Tang Dynasty here.

"Oh my this really Lingnan?"

Cheng Yaojin walked into the city, stepped on the cement road, observed the dynamics around him, and also showed a trace of confusion in his eyes:"Zizizi...What is this road made of? It's as hard as a stone slab."

How strange.

When he came here, if there was such a scene in Lingnan, he would not have gone back to rebel, but would have lived in Lingnan directly, freely.

Liu Renyuan stepped forward and reminded:"Your Majesty, there is something strange here. Do you want to let the King of Chu come to pick you up first?"

He didn't want Li Shimin to enter the city alone, it was not safe, so it would be better to let the King of Chu Li Kuan come to pick him up

"To welcome the emperor?"

Li Shimin shook his head:"This time we are visiting incognito, so don't alarm the officials here. Let's go forward and see if this Lingnan City is just for show or is it really prosperous!"

Anyway, the area near the city gate is quite prosperous, but I don't know what it's like inside the city.

He walked forward along the cement road.

But as he walked forward, the Lord of the Tang Dynasty was a little stunned. The city was even more prosperous, with pedestrians and vendors on the street in an orderly manner, especially the houses on both sides of the road, which were all made of red bricks and roofed with green tiles. They were arranged in an orderly manner and were extremely beautiful.

Li Shimin couldn't help but sigh in his heart: Even Chang'an City is not so orderly, right?

"Your Majesty, why don't the windows of those houses have hemp paper or straw curtains to seal them? They are just open like this?" Cheng Yaojin was sharp-eyed and noticed something strange. Liu Renyuan frowned and looked at them, and suddenly found something strange:"It's not that there is nothing, their windows are transparent, could it be that...Could it be glass?"

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