"What? You said that Wanbao Pavilion's revenue yesterday reached 9,500 guan!"

In Ganlu Palace, Li Shimin listened to Wang Fangyi's report, his eyes almost popped out.

In fact, after the caravan from Lingnan arrived, he had already ordered people to monitor the caravan's movements. When he heard that the caravan had no business for several days, he was a little happy.

Unexpectedly, Li Kuan would also be negligent.

But this time, when he heard that Wanbao Pavilion was actually open, and the sales in one day were as high as 9,500 guan, he was a little uneasy.

When did money become so easy to make?

He knew that these wealthy and prominent families were very stingy, so why were they so generous.

At this time, Liu Renyuan, who had returned from vacation, was also muttering in his heart....Is this selling something? It's faster than robbing money.


In the contract he signed with Li Kuan, he, His Majesty, and Cheng Yaojin promised under a pseudonym that if they could provide convenience to Li Kuan in the capital, they would get 10% of the profit. Later, Cheng Yaojin said that the Duke of Lu's Mansion could come forward, and Li Kuan reluctantly offered to take half of the city....One tenth of the ten thousand strings of cash is divided into three parts...That's more than 300 guan. As for the capital... Li Kuan said it can be ignored....

It's much higher than the salary.

"Yes!" Wang Fangyi nodded and continued:

"Their big mirror is 300 strings of cash, a double-layer glass cup is 300 strings of cash, a jar of tea is 50 strings of cash, a jar of sugar is 15 strings of cash, a jar of salt is 5 strings of cash, and a glazed colorful bead is 1 string of cash. These are all normal prices in the Tang Dynasty!"

This is more than a normal price. Even he feels that the price is too cheap.

In fact, the price of more than 9,000 strings of cash is due to the purchase restriction. Otherwise... he estimates that it would cost 15,000 strings of cash!

""Okay... I got it!"

Li Shimin waved his hand for the last time and let Wang Fangyi leave.

After Wang Fangyi left, Li Shimin looked at Liu Renyuan:"Renyuan... the contract we signed in Lingnan before..."

Liu Renyuan, who was originally happy, suddenly had a bad feeling.....

Duke of E’s Mansion!

"You said Wanbao Pavilion also sells wine now?"

Yuchi Jingde rubbed his sleepy eyes. He had finished the wine he had begged from Cheng Yaojin in the past two days, and now he can't forget about it.

He didn't expect there would be news?

The one who spoke was Mrs. Yuchi. She was still showing off to Yuchi Gong what she bought today, and said disapprovingly:"Yes...but the wine is too expensive, a jar costs 35 strings of cash, and the best wine you usually buy is only 10 strings of cash!"

""Woman, what do you know!"

Yuchi Gong cursed with disdain and stood up and walked outside.

He didn't care whether it was expensive or not, he wanted to go and see if it was the wine he had been thinking about.

Imperial College!

This is the place where the Tang Dynasty trained people. Since the Sui Dynasty, the name of the Imperial College has been used to train talents for the court.

At this time, in an elegant study.

An old man was holding a teacup and sipping tea, with a look of enjoyment on his face.

"Fresh and elegant, it cultivates the body and mind, this is what scholars of our generation drink!"Putting down the teacup, the old man stroked his beard, his eyes full of satisfaction.

Now thinking about it, the tea he drank before was simply incomparable to this one.

The old man was the Imperial College's chief priest, Kong Yingda

"This tea is specially prepared for those of us who love literature. After reading a book and feeling tired, a sip of it can not only refresh your mind but also cultivate your character. The tea leaves also have a refreshing fragrance...."Good!" At this time, another old man nodded.

He was also a great writer in the Tang Dynasty, Yu Shinan! He was also a great calligrapher in the Imperial Academy.

With these two people speaking, the other people in the library also expressed their admiration.

"Shangguan Yi, where did you buy this tea and how much is it?"At this moment, Kong Yingda suddenly remembered something and looked at a middle-aged man in a remote location in the study.

This man was also the tutor of the Imperial College, Shangguan Yi!

"Inexpensive...One jar costs 50 taels! {It’s still the same exchange rate, one tael of silver for one guan of money!}" Shangguan Yi replied calmly.

"50 coins? No...Pfft? How much did you say?" Kong Yingda took a sip of tea, but then he realized something was wrong and the tea in his mouth sprayed out. Did Shangguan Yi say 50 coins? Or 50 taels?

Not only him, but all the scholars in the study room focused their attention.

They all thought they had heard it wrong.

"50 taels of silver!" Shangguan Yi said it again, but looking at the incredible expressions of the crowd:"I have calculated that this jar is about three catties. If one person drinks it sparingly, he can drink it for more than half a year!"


The scholars were relieved.

Such good tea is not expensive to sell for 50 taels, and it will be more face-saving to receive guests.

The scholars' eyes began to turn, and they wanted to buy a jar when they went back.

After some people knew the price of tea, they drank a few more sips. This is all money. It's really fragrant

"cough cough....Shangguan Yi, where did you buy this tea?"

"Suzaku Street, Wanbao Pavilion!"

"Wanbao Pavilion? Is there such a store on Zhuque Street in Chang'an City?"

"Newly opened!"

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