The next day

Cheng Yaojin struggled to open his eyes from the bed and rubbed his swollen head. What was going on? He remembered that he had drunk with Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong yesterday.

The three of them only drank two jars. Could they be drunk?

"You're awake!"

Madam Cui brought a bowl of sobering tea and handed it to him:"You were drunk yesterday, so I asked Chumo and the others to bring you back. Let's see if you will drink again in the future!"

She did this to plead for Cheng Chumo and the other two.

But Cheng Yaojin didn't appreciate it at all, but snorted coldly:"Don't mention those brats to me!"

If he hadn't drunk yesterday, he would have said it, but after drinking yesterday, he realized that this was simply a top-grade wine, and these guys had wasted several jars.

This wine is much better than the one bestowed by His Majesty.

"Mr. Cheng, you shine just because you are given a little sunshine. What happened to Mo'er and the others? They just drank two jars of your wine. Look, everyone in the city knows about it. Look how scared those three people are."When Mrs. Cui saw that Cheng Yaojin didn't listen to her kind advice, she got angry and said,"I told you that this matter is over!"

"I know, where are they?" Cheng Yaojin covered his head and didn't want to argue with Mrs. Cui:"Let those bad boys come over!"

He also thought about it, five less jars is fine, fortunately these three boys brought back two jars when they came yesterday, reducing the loss to a minimum

"We've been waiting outside, just to apologize to you, I didn't expect you to wake up just now!" Cui glanced at Cheng Yaojin and shouted at the door:"Come in, your father won't beat you!"


The three brothers rushed in excitedly when they heard this, but saw Cheng Yaojin with a sullen face and knelt down in unison:"Dad, we were wrong!"

Cheng Yaojin looked at his prodigal sons, took a deep breath, and secretly thought in his heart that these were his own children, his own children.

After a long time, he calmed down and asked:"Have the two jars brought back yesterday been put back into the warehouse?"


The three of them were speechless for a moment, not knowing what to say

"You won't drink those two jars, right?" Cheng Yaojin looked at the three of them, his face darkened, and he was about to stand up and beat them up.

Cheng Chumo said,"Dad, it was the Emperor who took the other two jars of wine. As soon as we left the Duke of Yiguo's mansion yesterday,....!"

Cheng Chumo recounted what happened yesterday....

It seems that His Majesty knew about my high-profile visit to these guys yesterday, and also knew that His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu gave me something good, so he wanted to try it too?

Unexpectedly, I happened to meet Cheng Chumo, and I still couldn't keep the other two jars of wine.

""Master, someone is coming from the palace!" Cheng Fu ran in when Cheng Yaojin was teaching his son.

"The palace?"

Cheng Yaojin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't dare to neglect it. He straightened his clothes and walked to the main hall. The person who came to the palace this time was Li Shimin's personal eunuch, Wang Bao.

"Eunuch Wang, what brings you here?" Seeing the eunuch beside the emperor, Cheng Yaojin also seemed very polite:"Your Majesty, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"It’s nothing. Your Majesty {In the Tang Dynasty, eunuchs generally called the emperor"Da Da", but for the sake of the smooth flow of the plot, he is also called Your Majesty} let me inform you that he wants half of the wine delivered by the caravan yesterday!"Eunuch Wang had a smile on his face when he spoke.

Yesterday, he saw Li Shimin slowly savoring a jar of wine.

His Majesty hasn't savored something like this for a long time, which shows his love for this wine.

For this reason, Li Shimin personally asked him to come to Cheng Yaojin's house to ask for wine, otherwise, with Cheng Yaojin's temper, I'm afraid these jars of wine would be gone in a few days.

Cheng Yaojin's eyes kept shaking, but he hated his three prodigal sons in his heart. If it weren't for these three prodigals, the emperor wouldn't care about this wine.

But he would also be shameless, and in the end he only let Eunuch Wang take back 5 jars.

Originally there were 20 jars, but in a blink of an eye, there were only eight jars left.

In the afternoon, Qin Qiong and Yuchi Gong also came, and each of them took back two jars.

Cheng Yaojin wanted to cry but had no tears, and the more he thought about it, the angrier he got. That night he hung up the three prodigal sons and beat them.

That's it....Another day has passed!

Cheng Yaojin's shop was finally vacated, and Li Shuye carefully decorated it to make the shop look more noble.

This is the prince's advice to him. We are doing high-end business, so the shop must be exquisite and beautiful.

A brand new plaque was also replaced on the facade of the shop: Wanbao Pavilion.

After everything was ready, he put the goods on the shelves.

The whole shop was very large, separated by wooden shelves, and different goods were placed..

Each gap was a separate commodity.

Glass mirrors, tea, refined salt, white sugar, glass beads and glass cups were on the same booth, and there was an empty wooden shelf, which was ready to be placed for wine.

However, they did not bring too much wine from Lingnan. According to the prince, Lingnan had just solved the problem of food and clothing, and it was too much of a loss to use grain to make wine, so he asked the craftsmen to make two sets of winemaking tools.

Here they can directly buy the lowest-grade turbid wine and distill it.

You must know that now, even the worst wine is brewed with grain, and the distilled wine is better than the alcohol blended in later generations.

Of course, this steaming process can only be done temporarily by the special forces from Lingnan.

Starting today, the first Wanbao Pavilion in Chang'an City is open.

Happy reading every day during the Spring Festival of the Year of the Rabbit! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

Recharge now (Activity time: January 21 to February 5)

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