"Your Majesty!"

When Li Shimin was walking around, a horse passed by and saw Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin.

The man was Liu Renyuan who went to various places to investigate the situation.

He went to a county town in Lingnan. When he came back from the investigation, he happened to meet Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin. What were these two doing?

"Liu Renyuan, you are back?" Li Shimin nodded:"How was the investigation?"

"Your Majesty, I am going to Minshun County this time....."Liu Renyuan wanted to continue talking, but the soldiers came over.

Li Shimin waved his hand and said,"Let's talk about it in detail when we get back. I'll take you to eat beef first!"

Li Kuan invited them to eat beef. Since they couldn't scold him, they should eat it. They should not only eat it but also eat it back.

After they were full, they returned to the inn with their round stomachs.

"What is the situation in Lingnan?"

Sitting on the sofa, Li Shimin's eyes became deep, looking at Liu Renyuan with puzzled eyes..

"Your Majesty, Minshun County is less than 800 miles away from Lingnan City. It is a remote town in Lingnan.���The people there live happily, although not as prosperous as Lingnan City, they have enough food and clothing, and their families have enough food!"

Liu Renyuan said with yearning in his eyes:"And I also saw a fully automatic water truck!"

""Automatic waterwheel?" Li Shimin frowned. He knew about waterwheels, but what was this fully automatic?

He had seen waterwheels before, but he didn't pay much attention to them.

But Liu Renyuan seemed to be very curious about such a waterwheel.

"Their waterwheels no longer require human labor to operate, they only need water flow and livestock to drive the waterwheels!"Liu Renyuan's eyes were still shining as he spoke.

{The waterwheel originated in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, but the model was too simple and could only be operated by manpower. It was not until the Yuan Dynasty that water-driven, ox-driven or donkey-driven waterwheels with multiple gears appeared.}

""Oh? There is such a thing?"

Li Shimin narrowed his eyes. There is such a waterwheel? This is a powerful tool that benefits the country and the people. Why hasn't it been popularized in the Tang Dynasty?

Seeing the change in Li Shimin's expression, Liu Renyuan continued:"Lingnan is now popularizing this kind of waterwheel. I'm afraid it will take some time before it can be promoted to the Tang Dynasty!"

"So that's it?"

Li Shimin nodded and closed his eyes again.

No one knew what he was thinking. After a long time, he blurted out a sentence:"What will happen if I withdraw the fiefdom of the King of Chu?"

The sudden words made Cheng Yaojin and Liu Renyuan stunned, but then Liu Renyuan shook his head again:"Lingnan already has its system. If the fiefdom of the King of Chu is withdrawn and replaced by someone else, I am afraid that these generals and farmers will be dissatisfied. At that time, I am afraid that the court will need to send out a large army to stop it!"

Liu Renyuan said solemnly.

Along the way, everyone praised the King of Chu with stars in their eyes. If the King of Chu was withdrawn and the land was turned over at this time, it would probably cause public outrage.

It can be said that Li Kuan has won the hearts of the people in Lingnan.

"Send out a large army?" Li Shimin smiled bitterly. Having seen the soldiers of the King of Chu and the red cannon, Li Shimin was confident that if he wanted to take over Lingnan, he would need at least 200,000 elite troops.

If Lingnan was taken over, these 200,000 elite troops would probably die here.

Cheng Yaojin hurriedly tried to smooth things over:"Your Majesty, I think the King of Chu just wants to be an idle prince and has no ambitions! He only cares about his own fiefdom!"

Li Shimin smiled bitterly and did not comment.

In the next few days, he waited for the soldiers he had sent out to come back. Without exception, they did almost the same thing as Liu Renyuan said.

However, when these people spoke, there was still yearning in their eyes.

Seeing the soldiers like this, Li Shimin knew that he could not stay here anymore, so he decided to go back to Chang'an.

If he stayed any longer, the soldiers might not want to go back.

""Let's go back to Chang'an!" Li Shimin made a prompt decision. Liu

Renyuan asked in surprise:"Go back to Chang'an, Your Majesty, will you go to Qianzhou and Bashu?"

""I'm not going!" Li Shimin shook his head. What he was thinking about now was how to deal with the impact that Li Kuan was going to bring to Lingnan. In addition, he also had to train soldiers and inspect the military camp.

Li Shimin's words were like an imperial decree. Everyone packed up and took the team back to Chang'an.

The weather in the south is changeable, and it rains continuously.

Just after leaving Lingnan City, it started to drizzle, and it seemed that it would not stop for a while. The convoy could only move forward in the rain.

It was pretty good on the road in Lingnan. The spacious concrete road was still flat, and there was almost no deceleration.

But after leaving Lingnan, the surrounding area became a muddy path with potholes.

This made Li Shimin, who had already adapted to the concrete road, speechless in his heart, especially when the carriage was stuck, which made Li Shimin unbearable.

"How did Li Kuan make this cement?"

He thought as he walked.

He had thought about going to the cement manufacturing site these days, but it was heavily guarded and he could not get in.

Time passed day by day. After more than half a month, they finally arrived at Chang'an City.

"Chang'an City, I am back, Cheng Yaojin!"

Looking at the gate of Chang'an City, Cheng Yaojin couldn't help but shout happily.

Li Shimin also opened the curtains, looking at the towering gate of Chang'an City in the distance, his eyes were a little melancholy.

This time I was out for a long time, and I don't know how the capital is doing.

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