
Li Shimin listened to the man's story about Li Kuan, and each and every one of them was moving.

To put it simply, Li Kuan was a prince who served his country and his people.

They really didn't expect that Li Kuan could do so many things for the people.

Li Shimin began to be moved.

He chatted with the man for a few more words.

The man told them where he lived.

If the officers needed to find someone to testify, they could go to him.

Li Shimin nodded, but he didn't agree with it in his heart.

In this case, he could only prove that he had cheated Li Kuan.

Other things still needed to be investigated by the government.

Li Shimin continued to move forward and said goodbye to the man.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu is a very moving person, not bad!"After talking with the man, Liu Renyuan was very moved by the Prince of Chu.

Such a prince is worthy of respect from the people, and the people will live a better life.

The prosperous scene of Lingnan City now shows this point.

"Ha ha..."This Prince of Chu is to my taste!" Cheng Yaojin also laughed.

In fact, he was conquered by the things invented by Li Kuan yesterday. He was curious about what was in the mind of the Prince of Chu to invent so many good things.

"Hmm!" Li Shimin also nodded. He also recognized Li Kuan, but suddenly his mind turned and he began to doubt:"Wait a minute!"...This person worships Li Kuan too blindly. I can't believe everything he says. I want to go and take a look!"

It's like Li Kuan wrote to me, every time he wrote about the poverty in Lingnan, but... hearing is not necessarily true, you have to see it with your own eyes.

Thinking of this, Li Shimin looked at Liu Renyuan and said solemnly:

"Liu Renyuan, you leave the city immediately and send people to various places in Lingnan to see the people's conditions in Lingnan!"

He is now deeply involved in trivial matters and cannot reveal his identity, so he can't leave for the time being. It's just right to let Liu Renyuan go to various places in Lingnan to see if it is really as that person said, that the people are no longer poor and desolate.


Liu Renyuan nodded and left quickly.

Only Li Shimin and Cheng Yaojin were left in Lingnan City.

"Your Majesty, should we go back to the inn now?" Cheng Yaojin asked tentatively. He still wanted to sleep on the soft bed for a few days.

"No..."I want to take a walk around Lingnan City!"

Li Shimin shook his head and walked forward.

Cheng Yaojin didn't dare to say anything else and could only follow Li Shimin.

Suddenly, Cheng Yaojin seemed to have noticed a problem:"Your Majesty, there seem to be no beggars in Lingnan City!"

"It seems to be true!"

Li Shimin turned around and felt that something was missing, but Cheng Yaojin reminded him.

It was the lack of beggars.

You know, even in Chang'an City, there are many wandering beggars.

But in Lingnan City, there was not a single beggar.

And while turning around, he also saw several schools, where he could hear the babbling of children.

Of course, there were also the sounds of young people reading.

You can tell at a glance that there are many students inside? Was this also designed by Li Kuan? To allow the children of the people of the Tang Dynasty to read and write?

The more he turned around, the brighter his eyes were.

If every city in the Tang Dynasty was like Lingnan City, then the Tang Dynasty would be evergreen and the royal family would last forever........

Chu Palace,

"Prince, the contract has been signed. They will leave in the next two days. Do you still want to meet them?"Liu Ming sat in the Chu Palace and looked at Li Kuan who was enjoying his life, and asked tentatively.

His prince was going to become bad. If he continued to enjoy himself like this, Lingnan would have no hope of progress. He felt that Lingnan could become more prosperous under the leadership of the prince.

"Of course I want to see you!" Li Kuan put a few lychees in his mouth and said thoughtfully,"But not now!"

"So when will we meet? I'll arrange the time!"Liu Ming couldn't quite guess what his prince was thinking, but every idea of his prince was very accurate.

They would all benefit Lingnan.

"Let them stay here for a few more days, and enjoy the customs and comfortable environment of Lingnan!"

Li Kuan said comfortably. He believed that as long as they stayed here for a few days, they would like Lingnan. He added:"In a few days, our Lingnan army will triumph. I will hold a military parade, and then I will take the chieftains and merchants to see the strength of our Lingnan!"

In this world, only when you have strength, will they believe you.

"Military parade?"

Liu Ming was shocked when he heard this. A private military parade?"Your Highness, can we have a private military parade without informing the court?"

Liu Ming still had a bad feeling in his heart.

"What? Do we need to notify the court of the military parade? I am the governor of Lingnan, and I have an overview of all the affairs of Lingnan!"

Li Kuan looked at Liu Ming, blinked his eyes and continued:"Besides, my father is far away from Lingnan, so he won't care about the affairs of Lingnan."

Liu Ming's eyelids twitched. He knew that the prince had not reported the true situation of Lingnan to the court in recent years, but the military parade of the army. I'm afraid Chang'an City has not held it many times.

Li Kuan knew that he was a little stupid to learn the rules in the capital as a chief historian, and he didn't know how to do drastic things, so he could only comfort him:

"We have put Liu Changshi down. We are not rebelling. We are just demonstrating our military strength so that the chieftains of Lingnan will no longer dare to invade and the merchants will be quiet!"

For some reason, this time Liu Ming felt his eyelids twitching more violently. He always felt that something was going to happen.

But he knew that he could not change the decision made by his own prince......................................................................................................

The new book cannot be separated from your support. Please give me flowers and comments!

Xiaobai will work hard on writing!

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