"Father, life in Lingnan is hard..."

"I have been in Lingnan for seven years. Seven years ago, when I came to Lingnan, I saw devastation everywhere. The city was in ruins, and the people on the street were skinny and thin....Whenever I think of the people not having enough food to eat, I can't sleep at night...."

Li Kuan was writing at his desk when he suddenly didn't know what to write next.

""Your Highness, Lingnan is hot, and the people are naturally wearing thin clothes!" Zhao Xin added.

Although he didn't know why his own prince always wrote like this, if he saw anything wrong, he would remind him and tell him to lie to him.

"Oh, then change it, the clothes are tattered..."

Li Kuan did not take it seriously and continued writing:

"Lingnan is a vast land with few people. Miasma breeds and the land becomes barren. Grain production is extremely low. Whenever I see the empty granary, I burst into tears. Even in the years of food shortage, there is no grain to store. I can only distribute the remaining food in the palace....."

Seeing his prince writing furiously, Zhao Xin's eyes twitched.

Prince, is it really okay for you to deceive your father like this?

When writing here, Li Kuan seemed to think of something and looked at Zhao Xin:"Old Zhao, the summer grain of double-season rice has been harvested, how is the harvest?"

These days, he has been enjoying himself and forgot such an important thing.

Zhao Xin quickly replied:"Prince, the rice seeds have been improved several times, and the grain yield per mu is about three stones, and even some good fields have reached three and a half stones or four stones!"

"Three dan?"

Li Kuan narrowed his eyes.

One dan in the Tang Dynasty was 79.6 kilograms, about 160 catties, and three dan was 480 catties.


In the Tang Dynasty, this was not a small amount. He had looked up the data before. The rice yield per mu in the Tang Dynasty was 300 catties, and at most two dan was 320 catties. After his improvement, it could reach 480 catties, which could be said to be a qualitative leap.

"Now the granary is full, and we are building a large number of granaries to store food. But even so, it may not be enough when the second rice season comes!"

When Zhao Xin said this, a proud smile appeared on his face.

Li Kuan nodded and continued,"Father, there are still high mountains and dense forests here. We are often attacked by bandits. There are also more than a hundred chieftains of all sizes around us. They often plunder the people of Lingnan....."

Suddenly, Li Kuan thought of another question and looked at Zhao Xin again:"How are the soldiers who attacked the chieftain? Fan Qing led my 30,000 troops out, why hasn't he replied yet?"

When asking this question, there was still some worry on his face.

"Your Majesty, I just came to tell you about the news from the front line!"

Zhao Xin nodded hurriedly. He came here for two things. One was the news from the court, and the other was about the chieftains:"General Fan Qing went on this expedition and defeated the coalition of nine chieftains who united and disagreed with the change of chieftains to officials. They were willing to surrender, and offer 100,000 dan of grain, and allow their people to come out to trade with Lingnan!"

"Humph, allowing the tribesmen to leave the village and trade with Lingnan? How shameless! Since the defeat, they are no longer the chiefs of the natives!"

Li Kuan's expression was cold for a moment, and then he continued:"Also, why did Fan Qing take two months to reply to the letter, causing this king to worry for so long!"

""We encountered continuous heavy rain during the attack, which delayed us for some time!" Zhao Xin hurriedly explained.

After receiving Zhao Xin's confirmation, he was relieved and continued to write his letter.

Most of the letter was complaining about the suffering in Lingnan.

After writing the letter, Li Kuan read it carefully again. After confirming that he could empathize with the situation, he took an envelope and sealed it.

"Your Majesty, if I remember correctly, this is the seventeenth time you have written to me in the past seven years. Why do you write about Lingnan so bitterly every time?" Zhao Xin was puzzled.

If it was the first one or two years after he arrived, it would be fine. However, Lingnan has undergone such great changes in the past few years, and he is still so disappointed with the emperor. He always feels that something is going to happen.

"Old Zhao, you don't understand this!" Li Kuan sealed the envelope and threw it aside, saying triumphantly:"The harder our lives in Lingnan are, the less attention we will attract from the court. Then the better it is for us in Lingnan, and the safer this king will be!"

Zhao Xin's mouth twitched. Every time his prince faced the court, he was always so cautious despite his bold actions.

Facing Zhao Xin's doubts, Li Kuan was very satisfied. He knew what the current situation in the Central Plains was like. There were many aristocratic families and intrigues. Moreover, it was already the ninth year of Zhenguan. Li Chengqian's reputation began to change, and the princes in Chang'an were fighting for the throne.

If at this time, he, a prince without any power, asked for credit? Wouldn't he become cannon fodder? How could the

King of Lingnan be safe and unrestrained ?

"But if we deceive His Majesty like this, what if His Majesty really swims to us quickly?" Zhao Xin was still a little worried.

"It's safe!" Li Kuan gave him a reassuring look and continued,"Who is my father? He is the greatest emperor in history. Why would he care about the barren land of Lingnan? Besides, have you ever seen him write back to me?"

"Lao Zhao, don't worry, have some lychees. I specially chilled them!"

"By the way, when you send someone to deliver the letter, bring some sugar cane with you to my father.

Find some sugar cane that looks miserable.

I want my father to think of our misery when he sees the sugar cane!!

"On the official road leading to Lingnan, before reaching the border of Lingnan, there were already a few scattered teams coming and going.

Among them, a caravan with hundreds of people was slowly moving forward.

The caravan was full of strong and brave people.

Passers-by thought that they were just slaves guarding the goods.

In the Tang Dynasty, although Li Shimin emphasized agriculture but did not suppress it, business was also booming. However, those who were engaged in business were all from aristocratic families. Only a few ordinary people would rise from the cracks of aristocratic families.

In the carriage in the middle of the caravan, there was a middle-aged man sitting in it eating fruits. His face was calm, and one hand was knocking on the table in front of him, as if he was thinking about something.

A carefree man was sitting next to him, stroking his beard:"Haha... Your Majesty, we are about to reach Lingnan. Do we still want to go? I, Cheng, have been there before. It was desolate, full of miasma and poisonous snakes!"

The big man said with a hint of impatience on his face.

Lingnan is a broken place. I don't want to go there again after I've been there once.

This group of people is Li Shimin, who Li Kuan said he would never come to Lingnan. The big man next to him is Cheng Yaojin, Duke of Lu, and there is also Li Shimin's personal guard Liu Renyuan.

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