"Where is Old Sun?"

As soon as he arrived at the Chuwang Medical Clinic, Li Kuan smelled a pungent smell of alcohol. It was Qian Changshan who came out to greet him, busy taking care of the patients.

Now he can treat common diseases. Sun Simiao and Li Xing are in a separate laboratory to study and prepare new medicines.

Only difficult and complicated diseases will be diagnosed by Sun Simiao.

"Doctor Sun is in the lab, I'll take you there!" Qian Changshan took Li Kuan to the locker room to put on a white coat and a mask before letting him in.

Li Kuan didn't care at that time, the more rigorous the lab is, the better.

Chang Yuan was a little confused. Isn't it just entering a room? Why do you have to put on clothes and a mask?

Going around the small courtyard where the two patients lived, there was a room at the back. In order to maintain the brightness of the studio, most of the walls had been made of glass, making the lab inside look particularly bright.


The old Taoist looked at the large glass laboratories with his mouth wide open....It was simply too luxurious and extravagant:"Is this the laboratory that the prince mentioned?"

"Come in with me!" Li Kuan nodded indifferently and walked in.

After entering the room, Chang Yuan felt that it was as bright as outside. There were shelves with glassware on them, and Li Kuan placed some strange things.

These were actually brought from Lingnan by Li Shu and others when they were asked to purchase goods.

Because of the visit of envoys from other countries to Chang'an, the goods in Wanbao Pavilion were sold faster and faster. The speed of selling glass beads, mirrors and other things was beyond the reach of even Li Kuan.

The sales volume was so good that more than a dozen four-wheeled carriages were transported to Chang'an, and the most at one time was fifty four-wheeled carriages.

The utensils were also made separately by Li Kuan at the glass factory after he had finished drawing them.

Near the glass window, an old man and a young man were looking at something under a microscope. They were so fascinated that they did not notice the arrival of the two.

""Old Sun, Li Xing!"

Li Kuan shouted, and the two men woke up from the experiment.

Li Xing hurriedly trotted over to greet Li Kuan, and Sun Simiao also came over:"Your Majesty, why are you here?"

"Let me introduce you to a Taoist priest, Taoist Priest Changyuan!" Li Kuan introduced both parties.

"Changyuan, how come you are with His Royal Highness the King of Chu?"Sun Simiao saw that Taoist Changyuan seemed very familiar, and there was some surprise on his face.

Li Kuan was also a little surprised?

What's the situation? These two people seem to know each other.

However, after Sun Simiao's introduction, he learned that Sun Simiao and Taoist Changyuan's master were friends. Sun Simiao and his master often consulted about the habits of herbs and made some beneficial herbal pills.

Changyuan's master was also very insightful and knew a lot about herbs.

If he only made some herbal pills, Changyuan's master might not have passed away so early. He also refined some heavy metal pills, which led to the death of Taoist Changyuan's master a few years ago.

He was 94 years old.

Wow....At this age, Li Kuan was sure that if Chang Yuan's master had not taken those heavy metal pills, he would have lived at least a hundred years.

According to seniority, Chang Yuan should call Sun Simiao his uncle.

"Since you two know each other, it's easy to talk. Old Sun, take Taoist Changyuan to see the microscope and explain the pharmacology of some items!"Li Kuan is also less troublesome than teaching.

Sun Simiao glanced at Changyuan and motioned him to follow him.

Then Sun Simiao asked him to see the microscope, as well as the microorganisms and some bacteria under the microscope. In just a quarter of an hour, Taoist Changyuan's cognition has undergone earth-shaking changes. Just like when Sun Simiao and others first saw the microscope, it simply destroyed all the knowledge he had learned over the years.

Since discovering the microscope, Changyuan's eyes have never left the microscope.

His mind has also completely calmed down. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Have you seen this allicin?"Li Kuan wanted Changyuan to see it, and Sun Simiao did not hide it and showed Changyuan a bottle of the latest extracted allicin.

Changyuan was stunned, but still asked curiously:"Is this liquid medicine?"

"...."Sun Simiao was very upset. These Taoists were just like the ones he had seen before. They thought everything was a pill."It can be called a liquid medicine. This liquid medicine can kill the tiny bacteria under the microscope. We have tested it and it has a miraculous effect on fever and cough caused by some diseases in the body. It even has a certain therapeutic effect on tuberculosis!"


Chang Yuan took a breath of cold air after listening to Sun Simiao's words....

Tuberculosis, like intestinal abscess, was an almost incurable disease in the past, and the incidence of tuberculosis was even higher.

Unexpectedly, not long after the King of Chu came to Chang'an, he had already cured two incurable diseases.

When Sun Simiao was shocked, he took out another bottle of green powder:"See this green mold? This powder is better than allicin in clearing bacteria. We are trying clinical diseases, but the dosage and production of this medicine is a problem! We are studying how to mass produce it!"

"Ah, this..?"Changyuan's eyes were a little dazed:"Are these all things cultivated under a microscope?"

Sun Simiao nodded again:"Yes, this microscope has opened a new door for us doctors!"

Taoist Changyuan also listened carefully.

Li Kuan came over at this time and interrupted again:"Not only that, there are some new things that we need to explore!"

Then, Li Kuan showed them a few small chemical experiments.

Even Sun Simiao was a little surprised, let alone Changyuan.

Li Kuan smiled slightly:"Do you see it clearly? The world we knew before is just a tiny part!"

Changyuan nodded woodenly. It was amazing to see that two unrelated things could react.

"How about it? Taoist Changyuan, do you want to let you and your disciples come to 1.2 to do research with me!" Li Kuan persuaded in a gentle and persuasive way:"I have quite a few microscopes and materials here! Anyone who knows how to make elixirs and write can get one string of money every month, and you three brothers can get three strings of money every month!" Gulp!

Taoist Changyuan swallowed his saliva. There were fifty people in their Taoist temple. Excluding some illiterate people, they could earn more than those who sold their labor.

They were not like those Buddhist temples that could make money. They used to rely on pilgrims to maintain their food and clothing, but as the temples became popular, they took out fireworks to attract pilgrims so that they could maintain their lives.

But now Li Kuan said that he could support them with food and drink, and also give them money?

Taoist Changyuan's eyes sparkled, but he was still a little hesitant:"Your Majesty, I still need to discuss it with my two brothers!"

"OK, I hope you can reply to me in the next two days!"


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