"Liu Xu, nothing happened in the palace yesterday, right? Is anyone sick?"

Li Kuan looked at Liu Xu who came to use the microscope and asked casually.

There were so many canned foods at home, and he wanted to make sure they were edible.

Li Dao Zong didn't seem to be moving. For some reason, Cheng Yaojin chased his son and beat him all night yesterday.

Now he could only take advantage of Liu Xu's absence to find out the news in the palace.

I don't know what's going on in the palace.

"Sick? Two young eunuchs had stomach upsets last night, but the others were fine!"Liu Xu didn't know why Li Kuan asked this, but he answered anyway.

Stomach upset?

Li Kuan was also shocked when he heard this. Could it be that there was something wrong with the canned food?

""Stomach upset?" Li Kuan frowned, feeling a little regretful. So many cans were just thrown away? He was still reluctant to do so.

When Li Kuan was still depressed, Liu Xu added:"I don't know where the cans were obtained. Two people ate six large jars, which led to indigestion. It would be strange if they didn't get an upset stomach!"

Indigestion? Is it because of eating too much, not because the food has spoiled?

When Li Kuan thought of this, his eyes lit up again. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with the cans.

"Xiao Liu, if anyone in the palace has a stomachache these days, please tell me what happened!"Li Kuan nodded and continued to pretend that nothing had happened and added.


Liu Xu looked at Li Kuan with some curiosity:"Teacher, what are you asking about?"

"Ahem...Teacher, I'm currently researching some gastrointestinal issues. The cases you provided may be helpful to me!" Li Kuan coughed twice and made up an excuse to shirk the responsibility.

"So that's how it is. I, your disciple, will definitely work hard to provide new cases for you!" Liu Xu's eyes were full of admiration. His teacher has started to study new cases again?

The people of the Tang Dynasty are blessed.

He wondered what disease his teacher was studying this time? Since he became Li Kuan's apprentice, he realized that the medical skills he had learned before were just a drop in the bucket.

He still had to continue to work hard with his teacher.

Li Kuan encouraged Liu Xu for a few more words, then returned to the hall to enjoy his life leisurely. The New Year was coming soon, and after the New Year he could go back to Lingnan.

"Zhao Xin, hurry up and pack up the Prince of Chu's mansion, I will move in before the New Year!"

Enjoy the New Year, after the New Year it will be time to go back to Lingnan."

Time passed, and in the blink of an eye it was evening.

Li Kuan and Wang Xuance were playing chess, Cheng Yaojin (bdfe) came with Cheng Jingwen, saying,"Your Highness the Prince of Chu, let's play chess, my daughter is also good at chess!"

As soon as Cheng Yaojin said this, Cheng Jingwen blushed and lowered her head, and pulled her father's sleeve.

I don't know what happened today, my father actually brought me to say that he was going to watch the stars.

"Miss Jingwen also knows how to play chess? Then we can play a few games together someday when we have time!" Li Kuan smiled slightly.

"Tomorrow, my daughter will have time tomorrow!" Cheng Yaojin is now anxious to recommend his daughter to Li Kuan. To be honest, only the King of Chu, a favored son of heaven, is worthy of such an outstanding daughter of his.

Since his daughter is too embarrassed to do so, only his old father can help her.

As long as she follows Li Kuan, his daughter will enjoy a happy life. The environment in Lingnan is so good. If he was not Duke Lu, he would take his whole family to Lingnan for retirement.

According to His Majesty's current attitude towards Li Kuan, it would not be surprising even if Li Kuan sat in the highest position.

Li Kuan was stunned by what Cheng Yaojin said, and then laughed:"Haha, then I will wait for Miss Jingwen tomorrow!"

Cheng Yaojin came at mealtime. After a few words, the food was already on the table.

"Your Highness, King Chu, why is there no canned fruit here? That thing is refreshing and relieves greasiness!"Looking at the freshly cooked meat dishes, Cheng Yaojin smacked his lips.

"Duke Lu, how does my can taste?" Li Kuan raised his eyebrows, his eyes full of interest, and motioned Liu Xin to get the canned fruit. Cheng Yaojin nodded with satisfaction:"It tastes good, but there is a little less can. Your Highness the King of Chu, why don't you give up some!"

"......."Li Kuan didn't reply, but just divided a few cans and ate them together.

Didn't he know what Cheng Yaojin was thinking? He just wanted the cans.

But Cheng Yaojin didn't give up. While eating, he asked: (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Your Majesty, how did you make this canned food? It’s so delicious!~"

"Are these all Lingnan specialties?"

"How many were delivered this time? Are there other types of canned goods?"

"Can I buy it?"

"King Chu, come....You should eat some too, this can seems sweeter!"

Cheng Yaojin tried his best to get more cans, but Li Kuan ignored him. Cheng

Jingwen kept her head down while eating, digging her toes into the bottom of the floor, and wanted to crawl into a crack if there was one.

Her father was too shameless.

In the evening, when Cheng Jingwen was looking at the stars, her father kept asking Li Kuan for cans, which made Cheng Jingwen lose the mood to look.

However, Cheng Yaojin's persistence paid off, and Li Kuan agreed to give her 50 more cans of each, for a total of 300 cans.

The next day, Cheng Jingwen came very early, and the two played a few games of chess and talked about the stars, literature, mathematics, physics, and medicine.

But It can be said that Li Kuan knows everything.

This attracted Cheng Jingwen even more. She felt that she could learn a lot of knowledge that she didn't know before from Li Kuan, and she even saw a microscope.

Time passed day by day!

In the blink of an eye, it was already the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, and tomorrow was New Year's Eve.

The King of Chu also moved to the King of Chu's Mansion as he wished. His former villa became a medical clinic, and Li Xing, Sun Simiao and others stayed there.

Cheng Jingwen arrived as scheduled on this day. After talking for a few days, the two became more familiar with each other.

Li Kuan invited her to have dinner, but when Cheng Jingwen left, Li Kuan stopped her:"Will you come tomorrow on New Year's Eve? There will be a fireworks feast here at midnight on New Year's Eve, and we can watch it together!"

"Very beautiful!"


Li Kuan felt something was wrong after he said that. The Tang Dynasty was not the 21st century. How could one stay overnight at someone else's house? He quickly added,"Duke Lu and several of his brothers can also come. There aren't many people here. The more people there are, the more lively it will be!"


Cheng Jingwen also smiled and nodded;"I will tell my dad!"

After saying that, the two smiled at each other.

Cheng Jingwen and her maid got on the sedan chair and disappeared on Zhuque Street.

"Your Majesty, Miss Jingwen is actually quite good, she is beautiful and well-mannered!" Zhao Xin looked at Li Kuan and said that his Majesty was already quite old, and it was time for him to find a princess.

Cheng Jingwen was actually quite good as a princess, she was modest and easy-going.

In Lingnan, she would also be a good mistress in the future.

"Go..Go aside..."

Say goodbye: Thien Đạo Vô Tâm

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