"It seems that His Royal Highness the King of Chu is still very good at politics!"

Cheng Yaojin grumbled. For the chieftains, it was to change the chieftains into officials, and for the bandits, it was to grant amnesty.

As the day went by, he became more and more fond of the King of Chu. The key is that his amnesty policy for the bandits was good. You know, in the Sui Dynasty, Cheng Yaojin was said to be a rebel king, but in fact he was the biggest bandit leader.

This amnesty policy was good.

"Thirty thousand soldiers were dispatched just to attack the Tusi. How many troops are there in Lingnan?"

Compared to Cheng Yaojin's thoughts, Li Shimin thought a little differently.

Although he set up several garrisons in Lingnan, he also knew that in this remote and wild place, the garrisons had only more than 3,000 people, and they were all old, weak, sick and disabled. But this time, Li Kuan went to attack the Tusi with thirty thousand.

Not counting the other troops below, if calculated in this way, Lingnan had at least 60,000 regular troops, or even more.

"Let's go to the Prince of Chu's Mansion!"

Li Shimin did not hesitate and walked towards the Prince of Chu's Mansion.

Li Kuan also received them with a smile and signed a contract with them. Li Shimin also agreed to the requirements of the contract.

The contract was reached.

Li Kuan generously invited them to eat Hainan lychees, which were very sweet, and there was also ice that Li Kuan got from somewhere.

He, a prince, enjoyed better than him, an emperor.

"Rebellious son, he doesn't think about his father in this life, send some to Chang'an City!"Li Shimin felt unbalanced. Damn!

The more delicious the lychees, the angrier Li Shimin became.

Several people chatted with Li Kuan for a while, and decided that they would leave their address in the capital, and Li Kuan would send someone to contact them soon.

Li Shimin did not stay in the palace for long, and came out directly

"Humph, seeing how he enjoys himself, I know that he is a man who is extravagant and indulges himself, and who is willing to abandon his pregnant concubine!!"

As soon as he left the Chu Palace, Li Shimin said angrily with a gloomy face.

After the experience of this day and the conversations of the people, it seems that Li Kuan has managed Lingnan well, except for the unrighteous things such as recruiting soldiers privately, appeasing bandits, and abandoning his pregnant wife.

Cheng Yaojin knew that his own emperor was jealous of his son at this time, and he, an emperor, did not live as well as his son.

The few people walked forward without saying a word.

""Husband, I finally found you! I finally found you!"

But just as they were walking, a pregnant woman suddenly rushed forward and hugged Li Shimin's thigh.

Liu Renyuan and the other two, as well as the guards who followed them, did not react for a while, and now it was too late to pull her away.

When they saw a pregnant woman, they did not dare to move, especially when she called them the emperor's husband.

Li Shimin's heart was full of excitement. Where did this woman come from?

She called him husband?


Why does this woman look so familiar? She seems to be the one who hugged Li Kuan's thigh yesterday....Is it really that person?

"I don't know you, let me go!" Li Shimin thought as he scolded.

His face was solemn. How dare they frame him, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, in public.

The woman didn't care about Li Shimin's cold tone, and began to cry:"Woo woo...

Even if you don't want me, you should give me some money when you see the baby in my belly, and I will raise the child by myself!...It was the same words as yesterday, not a single word different.

There were quite a few people from Lingnan, and soon a lot of people gathered around, seemingly watching the excitement.

Feeling the same gazes from everyone, he wondered if two men would come out next.

Just as he thought of this, two strong men came out from the crowd:

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, let me see who is the one who would abandon his wife and children!" At this time, a strong man came over and looked at Li Shimin:

"You abandoned your pregnant wife? I see you are a respectable person, with so many people watching, either you take the woman home and treat her well, or you give her some silver and let her live on her own!"

Another big man also shouted:"Even if you take this woman home, you won't treat her well, I think you should give her some silver and let her go home on her own!"

After saying that, the big man looked at the crowd behind him very casually:"Everyone, what do you say, is this right?"

This rhetoric is exactly the same as yesterday.

Too familiar.

Li Shimin's face was already black, watching the woman imitate Li Kuan's appearance and said to Liu Renyuan behind him:"Renyuan, get this man up for me!"

"Why do you still want to take action?"

"You abandoned your pregnant wife and you still want to take action?"

As soon as Li Shimin finished speaking, the two strong men surrounded him and glared at him with a righteous look, which was very touching.

"Yes, this person is so shameless!"

"We can't let them go, we can't let them leave!"

"They actually want to attack pregnant women?"

""Surround them!"

A loud shout rang out, and the crowd surrounded Li Shimin.

Cheng Yaojin and Liu Renyuan quickly protected the emperor and surrounded Li Shimin.


Li Shimin was very upset. These people were obviously scammers, but he couldn't explain himself....How come those people who didn't say anything to Li Kuan yesterday have such a strong sense of justice now? Have fun reading books on May Day! Recharge 100 and get 500 VIP points!

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