Poems written by the King of Chu?

Several people were stunned. They didn't expect that such a magnificent poem was written by the King of Chu.

You know, Li Kuan went to a foreign land when he was young. Who would teach him these poems?

"Did the King of Chu copy this poem?" Kong Yingda frowned and asked after hearing this.

In his mind, anyone could take first place, but why would it be Li Kuan?

"How many of you? I have read all the poems and essays in the world, but I have never heard of this poem. Besides, the theme of snow was also the one I came up with that day!"As soon as Kong Yingda finished speaking, Yu Shinan stroked his beard and said.

While speaking, Yu Shinan's face was a little ugly.

Copying poems?

This theme was proposed by Yu Shinan. Could it be that he and Li Kuan were in the same group?

"If such a good poem had a source in the past, it would have been circulated in the Tang Dynasty long ago!"Xiao Yu also stroked his beard and nodded. Yu Shinan was right.

Li Gang also nodded, and his eyes seemed to intentionally or unintentionally glanced at Li Kuan who was drinking tea indifferently not far away.

This boy has a good character, worthy of being the child of His Majesty, but it's a pity that he was sent to the inner city when he was young.���Otherwise, he would not have developed such an outspoken character and gone against Confucianism.

It's a pity that 13 has already made a feud with Confucianism, and the consequences can be imagined.

"Brother Cui, it seems that there are many good works today. A few people are discussing on the stage!" Looking at the old men on the high platform talking in a low voice, Chang Sun Chong also smiled.

Cui Hao also nodded:"There are so many talents in our Tang Dynasty, it is normal to have a few talented people!"

Although Cui Hao was arrogant, he did not dare to be too arrogant. The people present at the scene, including Li Tai, the King of Wei, Wang Jie of the Wang family, and Chang Sun Chong of the Changsun family,...Each of them was a talented writer, and there were many young talents who were not nobles.

But he was sure that his poem should be ranked among the top three.

Wei Wang Li Tai sat in a seat of honor, with a smile on his fat face.

He had actually expected that one of the four would write about snow, so he made preparations in advance. The first place this time would definitely be his.

After discussing for a while, the old man on the stage finally made a decision.

"Everyone, please be quiet. The first round of poetry has its results!"

Yu Shinan was the one who stood up and announced the winners of the first round:"The third place winner is Cui Hao's"Snow Falling", and the second place winner is Wei Wang Li Tai's"Watching the Snow》!"

Yu Shinan paused for a moment and glanced at Li Kuan.

Li Kuan sat there drinking tea, looking bored and having no desire to win.

"The first place is"Ode to Snow" by Li Kuan, King of Chu》"

As soon as these words came out, the place suddenly became boiling.

"Chu Wang Li Kuan? How could it be him?"Cui Hao was the first to disagree. He was a little unconvinced.

If it was Wei Wang Li Tai, or if there were other disciples from noble families who surpassed him, it would be fine, but why was it Chu Wang Li Kuan?

The Chu Wang was just a visitor from a foreign land?

Even Wei Wang Li Tai looked a little unhappy. He invited Li Kuan this time mainly to embarrass Li Kuan. He didn't expect that he would win the first prize in the first poem.

It was incredible.

"Yes, Lord Yu, let us listen to the King of Chu's poem. If not, we will not accept it!" Others followed suit.

"Okay, then I will read it to you!" Yu Shinan did not use ink, but took Li Kuan's masterpiece and read aloud.

At first, everyone was disdainful. What is the twelfth month? What is the thousand waters of Lingnan? Although it seems majestic, it lacks stamina.

But when they heard the following two sentences"The wind bamboos sway and the silver phoenixes dance, the clouds and pines are towering and the jade dragons are cold", the disdain began to slowly disappear from everyone's faces.

But in the end,"I don't know who in the sky is playing the flute, blowing down the white flowers all over the world." As soon as it came out, the venue fell into silence. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These two sentences are used as the ending of this poem, showing the magnificent mountains and rivers and the snowy scenery in front of everyone, making people begin to imagine the scene of the entire north covered in silver.

This poem is simply not full of reverie, and they have nowhere to pick on it even if they want to.

"Ghostwriting? Definitely ghostwriting. How could Li Kuan write such a poem?"

"Shameless! How dare you cheat in such an occasion!"

"Isn't he afraid of being exposed?"



Li Kuan felt everyone's questioning gazes, but he was calm and composed, even drinking tea by himself, which made Yu Shinan nod secretly.

The King of Chu had such a temperament, which was indeed rare.

In fact, Li Kuan's mind was in turmoil:"Ghostwriting? Copied? Yes, I copied it, but the person I copied was not born yet. If you have the ability, you can copy it too, anyway, I don't mind!"

"The King of Chu is good at literature!" Liu Xianxian looked at Li Kuan at this time, with a little light in her charming eyes. In fact, it would be nice to be a concubine of the King of Chu.

With her beauty, she should be able to seduce this little prince.

Elsewhere, Zi Yuan was arranged by Yanyu Tower to entertain Li Tai, but her beautiful eyes kept looking at Li Kuan:"The King of Chu's talent remains undiminished, and he has made another masterpiece. From now on, this poem of his will be a threshold that cannot be avoided when snow falls!"

Wang Xuance, who came with Li Kuan, also nodded:"The prince is extraordinary in literature, and Xuance can't catch up!"

Just as everyone was discussing, 187 Kong Yingda stood up at this time:"One poem explains it. Whether the King of Chu plagiarized or ghostwrote, there was no such poem before. Let's just reveal it. Next, Kong will ask the second question!"

Kong Yingda seemed to help Li Kuan out, but there was still some distrust in his words

"Snow without plum blossoms is boring. The next poem is about plum blossoms. The time limit is one stick of incense!"As

Kong Yingda finished speaking, the second stick of incense was lit and the written test began.

"Humph, I don’t believe that the King of Chu has such good luck!"

"This time, Li Kuan will definitely be exposed!"


Some people were already writing furiously, but some had given up.

Li Kuan also smiled and took the pen. Liu Xianxian also consciously began to sharpen the pen. This time, her eyes fell on the paper where Li Kuan was writing:

"The plum blossoms and snow are fighting for spring and are unwilling to give in. The poets put down their pens and stop commenting."

"The plum is three points less white than the snow, but the snow is less fragrant than the plum."

After finishing writing, Liu Xianxian's eyes lit up. This poem just reflected Kong Yingda. Wouldn't it be boring to have snow without plum?

This time, plum and snow are fused together! It also mentioned Kong Yingda. After this poem came out, I'm afraid no one would think that the prince copied it.

Li Kuan leaned back in his chair and glanced at Liu Xianxian:"Attach it!"".

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