Snow fluttered as Li Kuan walked on the road in his coat, making the sound of stepping on the snow.

There were hardly any pedestrians around, and even if there were any, they were in a hurry.

""It's been a long time since I saw snow!" Li Kuan looked at the flying snowflakes with a hint of melancholy in his eyes, and he couldn't help but quicken his pace when he saw the vast expanse of white in front of him.

Following behind him were Zhao Xin, Daniu and Wang Xuance.

When they arrived at Pingkangfang, it became lively.

Many literati and young men were entrenched in the attic, and from time to time, one could hear the sweet laughter of young girls and the coarse and elegant poems of some young men.

The snow curtain all over the sky seemed to have no effect on this place, but instead added some different feelings.

Yes, this place was originally a place for literati and nobles, and it had nothing to do with those common people.

This is the gap between the enjoyable life of princes and nobles and the ordinary people. The people are working hard to make a living every day, but these people are looking for fun in their boring lives.

Many people were attracted by Li Kuan's strange clothes, and the women in the attic couldn't help but look at him a few more times.

Someone even blinked at Li Kuan:"Young Master, come upstairs and play, I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

"cluck...I won’t charge you for such a handsome young man!"

""Come, come, come!"

Li Kuan got goosebumps when he heard the greeting, it was too corny.

He remembered that he didn't feel these women were so enthusiastic the last time he came.

Li Kuan didn't think about what he was wearing last time, a ragged dress with patches on it, how could it attract the attention of these women.

Although Li Kuan's clothes are a bit strange now, the silk fabrics are all top-grade, and there is a saying that the weirder the clothes, the easier it is to cheat people.

In the eyes of these people, Li Kuan is now a big shot and a money-giving boy.

And from Li Kuan's performance, it is obvious that he is a virgin, which aroused the interest of these women. There are not many innocent young men who come to Pingkangfang.

Li Kuan doesn't want to deal with these women, He quickened his pace again.

Soon they arrived in front of the Misty Rain Tower, which was built along the river. Even in the daytime, the red lanterns outside the Misty Rain Tower were still lit, which was very festive.

Someone greeted the guests to come in. This time, the scene was much more grand than the last poetry meeting held by the Misty Rain Tower alone.

Li Tai was a prince of the royal family. Those who could come here were the princes of the royal family, scholars with outstanding literary talent, and noble sons of the noble family.

It can be said that there were many famous people.

Li Kuan couldn't help but smile. He saw that this poetry meeting was very lively.

He led a few people to the door of the Misty Rain Tower and was stopped by a woman:"My lord, today is the banquet of the King of Wei. No one without an invitation is allowed to enter!"

The woman was very polite and spoke softly.

But before Li Kuan took out the invitation, the old procuress next to him recognized Li Kuan and hurried forward:"Your Highness the King of Chu, the King of Wei specifically told you that you are a distinguished guest, please come in!"

She had met Li Kuan twice. Once, Li Kuan came to the Misty Rain Tower in ragged clothes to attend a poetry meeting. The second time was when she gave Li Kuan money to advertise the hot air balloon.

Both times, Li Kuan left a deep impression on her. Although Li Kuan was dressed a little strangely, she recognized him at a glance.

Li Kuan walked in without hesitation.

Once entering the Misty Rain Tower, the lively atmosphere became even stronger. From time to time, you could hear the giggles of the beautiful women and the teasing of the noble scholars.

""Oh, it's quite lively!" Li Kuan couldn't help but tease.

These people are the future pillars of the Tang Dynasty. They are having a lot of fun.

""Your Majesty, the Prince of Wei is holding a poetry meeting today. I heard that he invited all the courtesans from every brothel in Pingkangfang!" Wang Xuance said in Li Kuan's ear.

He also occasionally heard some scholars sigh. (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ha ha...It fits the atmosphere here very well, a talented man matches a beautiful woman, my brother is quite romantic!" Li Kuan didn't care at that time, anyway, inviting the courtesans was not spending his money.

Besides, those courtesans might be eager to participate in this poetry meeting, because this time, there were many talented men, and it would be good if they were redeemed by a nobleman to be his concubine, so they wouldn't have to sell their smiles in a brothel.

As he spoke, Li Kuan's eyes swept over these courtesans.

Most of them were very beautiful, some were pure and lovely, some were charming, and some were cold, comparable to the female stars walking on the red carpet in later generations.

Moreover, the courtesans of each brothel could be said to be the pillars of the stage. A large part of these women were not satisfied with selling their art, because as long as you sell your body, your status will immediately drop by half or even more.

Only when your fame fades will you be auctioned off by the brothel.

Of course, some small brothels don't care about that, as long as the money is enough, they can do anything.

""Your Highness, the King of Chu, the King of Wei has specially arranged a special seat for you!" When Li Kuan was about to find a corner seat to sit down, the madam took Li Kuan and others to one of the high platforms at the front.

This can be called an elegant seat, or a superior seat.

Because here you can clearly see the high platform at the front, and it is higher than the chairs of other guests.

There are only six such seats in the entire lobby of the Misty Rain Tower, and Li Kuan occupied one.

Li Kuan was not polite and strode up to sit down.

".I wonder who is wearing such a special outfit, haha...It turned out to be His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu!"As soon as Li Kuan sat down, an inopportune voice sounded, with a mocking tone.

Li Kuan frowned and looked over.

He saw Chang Sun Chong sitting on a high platform next to him, looking at him, with a trace of resentment in his eyes.

Now the better Li Kuan's coal mine sells, the more resentful the Chang Sun family is towards Li Kuan.

In Chang Sun Chong's view, the money Li Kuan earns now is all from their Chang Sun family.

"It's my cousin. How have you been these days? Thank you for selling me the land in Xishan. Only then can I have the money to wear this set of clothes. Otherwise, I would still have to wear that tattered clothes!" Li Kuan sat down, took off his cotton coat and put it aside:"This coat cost me a lot of money. It's all thanks to my cousin's love and support!"

Li Kuan was talking about something irrelevant. Since Chang Sun Chong wanted to make trouble for him, he would fight back.

Chang Sun Chong's face was a little livid. Looking at Li Kuan's fading appearance, he was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood. Li Kuan should be spending his Chang Sun family's money now.

""Brother Changsun, is this His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu?" Just when Changsun Chong was about to speak, a young man next to him interrupted him. The boy was about the same age as Changsun Chong, but his face was gloomy. When Li Kuan was wondering who he was, the young man clasped his fists and said,"I am Du He , paying my respects to His Royal Highness the Prince of Chu!".

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