"The King of Chu again? Why is he everywhere?"

Li Shimin didn't expect that the one who came up with this thing was the King of Chu, Li Kuan.

Where did he learn such a strange and lewd skill?

"No, why do you put the toilet in the house? Can't you put it outside?"After washing his hands, he still complained about the fragrance on his hands.

If the waiter hadn't come in time, he would have drunk the water in the toilet.

"You don't understand. This is what our Royal Highness the King of Chu researched. It's called a toilet!"

The waiter still pointed proudly to the washbasin next to him:"Now after you wash your hands, pull out the wooden plug at the bottom and the water will flow out. Pull the rope above and water will come out of the pipe!"

Then he walked to the toilet and practiced it himself:"If you want to go to the bathroom, pull down the wooden ring above and you can sit on it!"


This series of operations left Cheng Yaojin and Li Shimin dumbfounded.

"Look... After you have finished your toilet, pull this rope and the dirt will be washed away!" The waiter demonstrated. He had explained it countless times recently, and every time he saw it, his expression was the same. He was stunned.

He was also full of pride. This was all given to them by His Royal Highness the King of Chu.

"etc....Don't you have toilet tokens here?"Li Shimin seemed to have discovered a loophole. Even as an emperor, he couldn't use silk cloth to wipe his buttocks, but used toilet tokens.

However, he was a little more advanced than others. He changed the toilet tokens after using them once.

"Toilet chips? We don’t use them anymore, we use toilet paper!"

The waiter pointed to the soft toilet paper next to him and said,"That’s it. After you wipe your face, just flush it down the toilet!""

"Toilet paper? You all use this?" Li Shimin's eyes widened when he took the soft toilet paper. This is too much of a luxury.

Such soft paper is actually used to wipe the butt?

It's a waste of natural resources. It

's really extravagant.

"Of course not, we all use inferior soft yellow paper, only people in your upper-class private room use this kind of paper!" the waiter explained


After hearing this explanation, Li Shimin felt a little better.

"By the way, what is this iron lotus? It's in the way. Cheng Yaojin looked at the iron lotus and asked curiously.

This thing is in the way. I wonder what it is used for.

"The prince said this is a shower head, for showering!"

The waiter invited Li Shimin and the others to the side first, and pulled the rope next to it, and the shower head sprayed water:"Now it's hot, you can wash directly. When it gets cold, we have a guy on the roof who specializes in boiling water, so you need to wash at a fixed time!"

This is just a bathroom, and the brains of an emperor and a duke are already a little confused.

There are too many new things received today!

"What about the water below you?" Li Shimin was puzzled at first.

"Your Majesty has already thought of it. There are empty drainage canals under our city. There is also a sedimentation tank under each building. The water flows along the canal. The sediment is cleaned regularly. It is a top-quality fertilizer for growing vegetables and grains!"

Listening to the waiter talking, the two felt a little bit of a rhetorical question, and hurriedly stopped him from continuing.

However, at this time, the waiter mentioned His Royal Highness the King of Chu in every sentence. Could it be that he had found a way to make all these things?

""Okay, I know everything here. You go down first. I'll find you if there's anything!"

Li Shimin's attitude towards Li Kuan was very strange at this time. What kind of freak did he give birth to? He could actually tinker with so many things.

He returned to the living room, drinking the brewed tea, wondering what he was thinking.

Cheng Yaojin kept tinkering in the toilet, pulling this rope, pulling that rope, and finally taking a bath.

The sound of running water interrupted Li Shimin's thoughts.

After a while, Cheng Yaojin, wearing big shorts, came out with wet hair. He would smell himself from time to time, looking very intoxicated.

"Your Majesty's soap is so useful. After taking a bath, I feel comfortable all over and my body is full of fragrance!"

Cheng Yaojin sat in front of Li Shimin carelessly, and wanted Li Shimin to smell it.

"How can a duke like you dress like this? There is a glass outside so you can see it!" Li Shimin smelled a fragrance, but he still scolded seriously.

Cheng Yaojin didn't care:"What am I afraid of as a grown man!"

Then he continued to drink tea, boring.

Cheng Yaojin's voice praising the soap did ring in his ears. It was the first time he saw Cheng Yaojin obsessed with a certain item.

He was also a little moved.

So, because he drank too much tea, he went to the toilet once and saw the soap.



A quarter of an hour later.

Li Shimin also came out in his shorts, sniffed the fragrance on his body, and then lay comfortably on the sofa.

The soap was really useful. After washing his body, his body was extremely smooth and comfortable.

Even his hair, which was usually itchy, was very smooth at this time, without any itching.

The soap smelled really good!

Not bad!

However, when he thought about the fact that he had been enjoying it for years after leaving that kid, and that he, as an emperor, only knew about this thing, Li Shimin was very upset.

If he hadn't come to Lingnan, he might have never known about it in his life.

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