"Reason? He forced the city to be built, wasting money, isn't that okay?"

Li Shimin pondered for a moment, and thought about the cities and roads he had seen along the way. These were expensive.

When he thought of this, he thought of Yang Guang.

"But the people of Lingnan are simple and honest, and they all have happy faces!" Cheng Yaojin added.


After they came to Lingnan, they did not see the scene of people living in poverty.

You must know that during the reign of Yang Guang, the Grand Canal was renovated and he was ambitious, which led to many people being in dire straits.

But when they came to Lingnan City, the people of Lingnan had smiles on their faces and were very satisfied.

The people were rich and had smiles on their faces. Isn't this the prosperous age that Li Shimin wanted to pursue?

"That's because he poured all the power of Lingnan into maintaining a city!" Li Shimin was a little indignant.

If he was allowed to use all the power of the country to build Chang'an, then Chang'an would be extremely magnificent.

Cheng Yaojin argued:"Your Majesty, please don't say that. We haven't been to other places, but along the way here, there are many cultivated lands and the people's lives are thriving. At least a dozen years ago, this place was extremely desolate!"

"Then he established a chamber of commerce, disregarded the law, and attempted to conceal the truth about Lingnan!" Li Shimin continued.

Cheng Yaojin also fought for his share:"Your Majesty, the court did not prohibit the establishment of a chamber of commerce and concealing the truth. If Prince Li Kuan really governed Lingnan so well, he is not only innocent but also meritorious!"


Thinking of this, Li Shimin's eyes narrowed.

No, he wanted to send people to inspect Lingnan to see the real situation in Lingnan.

"Humph, then he openly abandoned his pregnant wife in public, which was a disgrace to the royal family!"Li Shimin had already made up his mind to withdraw Li Kuan's fiefdom.

"Abandoning his wife? But the people around him have testified that she was not the King of Chu's wife, and... I feel that the King of Chu also despises that woman!"Cheng Yaojin also expressed his own opinion

"Humph, this is Lingnan City, who dares to speak frankly!"

Li Shimin snorted coldly and walked forward.

I don't know why, seeing Lingnan so prosperous, Li Shimin decided to remove Li Kuan's fiefdom.

At this time, Li Kuan's power was comparable to that of a noble family....No... the whole Lingnan belongs to Li Kuan, and Lingnan has so many specialties. Lingnan will be extremely rich in the future.

This will be a threat to Chang'an in the future.

Li Yuan's voice echoed in his mind. In this case, it would be better for Li Kuan to go to Chang'an and be a happy prince.

Walking into an inn, he was attracted by the decoration of the inn. The surrounding windows were blocked by glass, which looked particularly bright.

The floor tiles under his feet were white and smooth.

He felt sour again.

"Are you two staying at the hotel or eating?" Before the two of them had time to sigh, a waiter came in and looked at Cheng Yaojin and Li Shimin with a respectful tone.

"Stay in the hotel, two superior rooms!" Li Shimin said directly.

The waiter smiled and said,"Since you want to stay in the hotel, please show your fish tokens!"

Fish token?

Do you need to show a fish token to stay in the hotel?

The waiter saw the two people's confusion and said with a smile,"You two are foreign businessmen, right!"

Li Shimin did not speak, but just nodded.

The waiter then said,"What you don't know is that Lingnan has developed too fast in recent years under the leadership of the prince, and many people from the south have poured into Lingnan, so our prince stipulates that those with fish tokens can stay in the hotel!"

Li Shimin frowned when he heard this, and continued to ask,"What if there is no fish token? Can't you stay in the inn? You know, in the Tang Dynasty, only noble people or their traveling merchants have fish tokens, and poor people don't have them!"

"hehe...That's your northern region. In Lingnan, everyone has their own fish token. Moreover, people from other places who want to stay in Lingnan must also register at the government office and receive the fish token!"

The waiter said this with pride in his eyes:"Of course, those without fish tokens are not prohibited from staying in the inn, but you must write down your place of origin, name, and handprint on paper. You have three days!"

Since the prince came to Lingnan, Lingnan has changed a lot.

Everyone respects the prince very much.

"Have all the people in Lingnan received the fish tokens?" This move once again exceeded Li Shimin's expectations.

Li Shimin thought it was unnecessary.

But since it was the custom in Lingnan, several people took out their fish tokens.

The clerk handed them to the shopkeeper at the counter for registration, and said:"An ordinary room is 10 wen, a medium room is 100 wen per night, and a high-end luxury room is one tael of silver per night, but the luxury room can accommodate two people!"

"One tael of silver?" Li Shimin's eyelids twitched. The difference was so big. Was he trying to cheat me?

"You get what you pay for. The price is clearly marked, but our luxury private room will definitely satisfy you!" The waiter was very proud and confident about the luxury private room of his inn.

"In that case, give me a luxurious private room!" Li Shimin said. He wanted to see what this room worth one or two taels of silver was like.

However, he took the silver and looked at Cheng Yaojin.

Cheng Yaojin grinned and took out one or two taels of silver with some pain, and gave it all to the waiter.

The waiter took the silver, bowed and led Li Shimin forward:"Everyone, please go upstairs!"

They stopped on the third floor.

There were still corridors upstairs, and the solid wooden doors were marked with characters they couldn't understand, 301, 302:"You two, your room is 307! This one!"

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