"How can sugar and salt be so pure!"

Li Shimin took the two bottles in his hands and couldn't let them go.

He couldn't let go of the two things. Food is the first thing for the people. Rich people want to eat better, and such pure salt and sugar should be healthier.

"Does this need to be refined? Even crude salt and sea salt can be turned into refined salt by me!"Li Kuan laughed, very confident.

Sea salt turned into refined salt?

This is something that Li Shimin and others could hardly think of.

But this is definitely something that can be mass-produced, so is the Tang Dynasty still short of salt?

"Can I see where salt and glass are produced?" Li Shimin continued to ask

"Sorry, outsiders are not allowed to enter the production factory!"Li Kuan shook his head, what a joke, the factory built by him, Li Kuan, was the foundation of his Tang Dynasty, outsiders must not infiltrate.

Some confidential factories even have soldiers to protect them.

"Oh, that's it!" Li Shimin nodded, and then looked at the third tray.

The third tray was opened, and the top was still glass, but the bottom seemed to be covered with a layer of silver film.

It was nothing special.

But when someone picked up the glass, the faces of several people were reflected in the glass.

Every detail was clear.

Even if there was a spot on the face, the sweat pores were clearly visible.


The sound of sucking air came, and Li Shimin and others were stunned again. This......this...Is it really manufactured?

Is it not a gift from heaven?

"Oh my god, that's so clear, boy...cough cough.、、"Prince, can you give this thing to me, Old Cheng?" Cheng Yaojin shamelessly asked for it. This mirror was so attractive.

It was the first time he had seen such a clear reflection of a person. He could show it off when he returned to the capital.

"If you want it, take it. This little thing is not something that I care about!"Li Kuan waved his hand, very generously.

Of course, for him, this really didn't matter.

An ordinary mirror, as many as you want,

"Did you make this too? It's not natural!" Li Shimin's eyes almost went straight, looking at Li Kuan, his heart was racing, what on earth can't this kid make.

You know, glass, something so clear, can be made, let alone other things.

"Of course it was made by a craftsman!" Li Kuan nodded:"This is called a glass mirror. It reflects people clearly. I think the nobles in the big cities of Chang'an will like it very much!"

"I will like it very much!" Li Shimin nodded, and then said:"This kind of thing is not even available in the imperial palace!"

Li Kuan's face darkened, and he looked at Li Shimin and admonished:"Don't talk nonsense, father is rich, there is nothing he doesn't have!"

"......."Li Shimin and his companions were silent.

"Haha, you haven't had our Lingnan tea yet!"Li Kuan didn't talk about this, but clapped his hands.

A little girl came in with a beautiful ceramic teapot and a few teacups.

She put the teacups down and poured tea for everyone.

Li Shimin and his companions were shocked by the exquisite patterns on the ceramics. This kind of exquisite ceramics might not be found in the imperial palace.,.,,No, it was different from the ceramics in the palace.

It was too exquisite.

The tea in the teacup was indeed very different from the tea they drank before. It was just like water, but the tea had a tea fragrance. In the Tang Dynasty, people paid attention to brewing tea. Tea leaves were ground into powder and boiled. Ginger, salt and other things were also added. Li Kuan was not used to it, so he directly made the later fried tea.

""Please taste it!" Li Kuan gestured to the others to drink, and then he drank a few mouthfuls happily. He had eaten too much meat just now, so drinking some tea was just the right way to relieve the greasiness.

Seeing Li Kuan drink, Li Shimin also picked up the teacup and took a sip.

When the tea fragrance entered his mouth, his eyes widened instantly.

The fragrance was refreshing, and the tea fragrance lingered in his mouth, with a light and elegant sweetness.

This...It was much better than the tea he had drunk before.

He simply said that after drinking this tea, he didn't want to drink the previous tea anymore.

"Are you satisfied with the specialties of Lingnan?"The glassware, mirrors, ceramics, tea, salt and sugar that Li Kuan brought out this time are all luxury items....

Ahem , at least that's how Li Kuan defines it now.

"Is this tea also a specialty of Lingnan?" Li Shimin asked. Seeing Li Kuan nod, he couldn't help but sigh:"Lingnan is a good place!"

Rather than saying that Lingnan is a good place, it is better to say that the things produced in Lingnan are good.

"Let's talk about business!" Li Kuan looked at the faces of the people and said leisurely.

"I will use these things to enter Chang'an City, and you can provide shops, and I will give you 10% of the profits every month!" Li Kuan showed his businessman's face at this time, and stretched out a finger.

"I can provide a shop, but 10% profit is too low!"Li Shimin frowned

"It’s not low, don’t you see what we sell? High-value items, if the sales are good, can make hundreds of thousands or even millions of taels of silver a year!"

Li Kuan said calmly:"And you only provide identities and shops, the king needs to do the rest!"

"If you agree, then sign this!"

Li Kuan took out a few pieces of paper from his arms and handed them to several people:"And show me your fish tokens!"

The fish token was the Tang Dynasty's ID card.

Li Shimin and the others looked at each other and handed over their fish tokens.

Li Ermin, Cheng Yijin, Liu Yuan!

In order to keep a low profile for this tour, the names on their spare fish tokens were also relatively simple.

"Huh...Why do you still have a confidentiality agreement here? Don't disclose Lingnan's situation?"

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